1. Steven Burt and Kevin Grady, An Illustrated History of Leeds (Derby, 1994) pp. 10-29.
2. Susan Neave, Medieval Parks of East Yorkshire (Beverley, 1991) pp.5-10.
3. W.T.Lancaster and W.P.Baildon, ed., Coucher Book of Kirkstall Abbey, Thoresby Soc., Vlll (Leeds, 1904) pp.50-51.
4. This section of exposed ditch is just west of Roundhay Grange Farm but is on private land.
5. John W. Morkill, The Manor and Park of Roundhay, Thoresby Soc. (Leeds, 1893) (hereafter, Morkill) p.20. Note that this was a reprint of the same article which originally appeared in Thoresby Soc ll, Miscellany l (Leeds, 1891) and the page numbers in brackets refer to the original volume.
6. West Yorkshire Metropolitan County Council, West Yorkshire: An Archaeological Survey to A.D.1500 (Wakefield, 1981) p.646.
7. John Cummins, The Hound and The Hawk - The Art of Medieval Hunting (1988).
8. Morkill p.20. (p.230)
9. W(est) Y(orkshire) A(rchive) S(ervice) DB/M242.
10. K. Harrison, trans., Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1983) pp.57-67.
11. William Wheater, Old Yorkshire, 2nd Series (Leeds, 1885) p.187.
12. Morkill p.20. (p.230) *He mistakenly transcribed thackstone as chakstone (? chalkstone).
13. Ibid p.22. (p.232)
14. Ibid p.23.(p.233)
15. John Le Patourel, ed., The Manor and Borough of Leeds, 1066-1400, Thoresby Soc., XLV (Leeds, 1957) p.76.
16. Morkill pp.21-24. (pp.231-234)
17. Joan W. Kirby, ed., The Manor and Borough of Leeds, 1425-1662, Thoresby Soc., LVll (Leeds, 1983) p.30 and p.36.
18. G.D.Barnes, Kirkstall Abbey, 1147-1539: An Historical Study, Thoresby Soc., LVlll (Leeds, 1984) pp.6-16.
19. W.T.Lancaster and W.P.Baildon, ed., Coucher Book of Kirkstall Abbey, Thoresby Soc., Vlll (Leeds, 1904) pp.50-7.
20. Verna, Les Mines et les forges des Cisterciens (France,1995).
21. W.Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, V (1846) pp.535-6.
22. R.A.Mott, Kirkstall Forge and Monkish Iron-making, Thoresby Soc., Vol. 53 (Leeds, 1972) p.157.
23. Stephen Moorhouse, Medieval Iron Production (Bolton Percy, 1980) and WYAS DB/M242.
24. E.K.Clark, ed., The Foundation of Kirkstall Abbey, Thoresby Soc. lV (Leeds, 1895) pp 204-205.
25. Barnes p.43-44.
26. Public Record Office - Ministers' Accounts for 1295-6 - Bundle 1, No.1.
27. F.S.Colman, A History of the Parish ofBarwick-in-Elmet, Thoresby Soc., XVll (Leeds, 1908) p.263.
28. Morkill p.25. (p.235)
29. W.T.Lancaster, Fifteenth Century Rentals of Barwick and Scholes, Thoresby Soc., XXVlll (Leeds, 1928) pp.239-40.
30. Information supplied by Stephen Moorhouse.
31. Morkill pp.29-30. (pp.239-240)
32. WYAS Acc.1874: Copy of the 1628 Corporation of London Survey.
33. Kirby p.276.
34. Morkill pp.23-4. (pp.233-234)
35. Kirby p.278.
36. Ibid p.33-34.
37. Burt and Grady, p.34.
38. WYAS Acc. 1874 p.58.
39. Morkill p.33. (p.233)
40. Colman p.264.
41. Yorkshire Archaeological Society Archive MD279: Armitage Manuscripts
42. WYAS DB/M242.
43. Norma C. Neill, The Elam Family: Quaker Merchants of England and America (Doncaster, 1995) pp.75-7.
44. Ibid pp.96-7.
45. R.G.Wilson, Gentlemen Merchants: The Merchant Community in Leeds 1700-1830 (Manchester, 1971) p. 205.
46. Joan Newiss, The Mysteries of Roundhay Park, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Local History Study Section Bulletin No.39 (Leeds, 1998) pp.11-15.
47. Leeds Family and Local History Library ML1810.
48. Norma C. Neill, The Elam Family: Quaker Merchants of England and America (Doncaster, 1995) pp.97-98.
49. Joan Newiss, Goodman House, Roundhay: A Detective Story, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Local History Study Section Bulletin No. 36 (Leeds, 1995) pp.25-29.
50. R.G.Wilson, Gentlemen Merchants: The Merchant Community in Leeds 1700-1830 (Manchester, 1971) p. 205; Edward Baines, History, Directory and Gazetteer of the County of York (Leeds, 1822) p.584.
51. Neville Hurworth, Thomas Nicholson of Roundhay Park, unpublished article.
52. Doreen Newlyn, This Goodly House - Its People and Its Times (Leeds, 1998) pp. 98-99.
53. West Riding Register of Deeds GD 642.727.
54. Kelly's Directory of Leeds and its Neighbourhood (Leeds, 1899) p.25.
55. Yorkshire Post, 27 Feb. 1941.
56. Land Use Consultants, Roundhay Park: A Landscape Restoration Management Plan (Leeds, 1999) p.5.
57. WYAS DB/M523 Plan 1871
58. Leeds Intelligencer, 23 and 30 Nov. 1812.
59. Frank Beckwith, Thomas Taylor: Regency Architect, Leeds, Thoresby Society Monograph 1. (Leeds, 1949) pp.30-1.
60. W.C.E.Hartley, Banking in Yorkshire (1975) and R.V.Taylor, Biographia Leodiensis (Leeds, 1865) p.461.
61. WYAS DB/M523 Plan1871.
62. WYAS DB/39/18.
63. Beckwith p.65.
64. Leeds Intelligencer, 23 Sept.1824.
65. Leeds Intelligencer, 19 June 1826.
66. W.H.Scott, St.John's Roundhay, Centenary 1826-1926 (Leeds, 1927); Jack Dickinson and Gilbert D.Webster, A History of St. John's Church, Roundhay (Leeds, 1967).
67. Public Record Office: Warrant Book HO 38/26.
68. James Rusby, Pedigrees and Arms of Leeds Families, Manuscript -Leeds Local and Family History Library.
69. Yorkshire Evening Post, 19 Sept.1972.
70. Leeds Intelligencer, 23 May 1840.
71. Leeds Mercury, 23 May 1840.
72. Ibid.
73. Yorkshire Evening Post, 19 Sept 1972.
74. Ibid.
75. Yorkshire Evening Post , 20 Sept. 1972.
76. Public Record Office: War Office 31/924 and 989.
77. 1851 Census: Leeds Local and Family History Library Bundle No.2316 1st Reel Fol.147-163.
78. WYAS, Leeds, St.John's Parish Register: Marriages 1837-1902, p.93/2/2.
79. Yorkshire Evening Post, 20 Sept. 1972.
80. Ibid.
81. Will of William Nicholson Nicholson, Probate: PR 21 Nov. 1868.
82. Public Record Office: Chancery Proceedings - Pleadings 1861-75/ C16/591/N46 also C33/1157.
83. WYAS DB/M523 Plan 1871 and AM Sale Particulars ( Series 1) 6624.
84. Hepper Plans 28 Sept.1870 at Leeds Local and Family History Library LF 333.333 H411.
85. Ibid.
86. Yorkshire Evening Post Special Supplement, 19 Sept.1972.
87. Janet Douglas, Chris Hammond and Ken Powell, Leeds: Three Suburban Walks - No.6, (Leeds, n.d.) p.27.
88. Leeds Mercury, 30 Sept. 1871.
89. Leeds Intelligencer, 5 Oct. 1871.
90. Brian Barber, Municipal Government in Leeds, 1835-1914, in Municipal Reform and the Industrial City ed., Derek Fraser (Leicester, 1982) pp.83-5.
91. Douglas, Hammond and Powell p.27.
92. Derek Linstrum, West Yorkshire Architects and Architecture (1978) p.121.
93. Alexander Robertson, Atkinson Grimshaw (Oxford, 1988) pp.35-6.
94. Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement, 8 June 1872.
95. Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement, 20 June 1872.
96. Charles Goodall, Illustrated Royal Handbook (Leeds, 1872) pp. 4-5.
97. Dorothy Payne, The Queen's Visit to Leeds, 1858 (Leeds, n.d.).
98. Illustrated London News, 28 Sept,1872 p.307.
99. John Middlebrook, Bramley Almanac for 1872 (Leeds, 1872)
100. Douglas Taylor, West Riding Amusement Parks and Gardens, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, Vol. 58 (Leeds, 1986) pp.179-184.
101. George Corson, Roundhay Park as proposed to be laid out and adapted - an illustrated plan, Leeds Local and Family History Library - QLR 76 (712).
102. WYAS, Leeds, AM Sale Particulars (Series 1) 665.
103. Barber pp.78-80.
104. Thoresby Society Sale Particulars:1911 - Parcmont.
105. Charles Goodall, The Big White Elephant (Leeds, 1879).
106. Eli Pitchin, Leeds Made Uglier (Leeds, 1882).
107. Ibid p.22.
108. Yorkshire Post, 4 April 1882.
109. J.Soper, Leeds Transport Vol.1. 1830 -1902 (Leeds, 1985) p.78.
110. Yorkshire Post, 10 Aug. 1875; Leeds Acts of Parliament Vol. 4 8 June 1874 and 17 May 1877.
111. Soper p.80.
112. Derek Linstrum, West Yorkshire Architects and Architecture (1978) pp.121-3.
113. J. Clark Jefferson and J.T. Pullan, A Description of the Proposed Elevated Single Rail Railway to Roundhay Park (Leeds, 1887).
114. Soper pp.87-8.
115. Ibid p.90.
116. Yorkshire Post, 30 Oct. 1891.
117. Soper pp.127-8.
118. Arthur Elton, Leeds Cyclists and Cycle Makers, 1880-1901, Thoresby Soc. Second Series Vol. 5 (Leeds, 1995) pp.110-140.
119. The Gardeners Chronicle, Jan. 1904 pp.68-9.
120. W.S.Maney, Roundhay and Chapel Allerton Residential Handbooks (Leeds 1911-5).
121. Yorkshire Evening Post, 11 Nov.1972.
122. Yorkshire Post, 20 July 1907.
123. Quoted in Yorkshire Evening Post Special Supplement, 19 Sept. 1972.
124. Yorkshire Evening News, 6 July 1906.
125. Yorkshire Post, 26 June 1910.
126. Yorkshire Post, 11 July 1926.
127. Yorkshire Post, 18,19 and 20 July 1919.
128. Susan Green, Leeds Children's Day (Leeds, 1995).
129. Roundhay Park Centenary 1872-1972: Souvenir Brochure (Leeds, 1972) p.6.
130. Ibid pp.3-5.
131. Yorkshire Evening Post, 6 Nov. 1977.
132. For details regarding these concerts see Leeds Local and Family History Library Newspaper Cuttings Index.
133. North Leeds Weekly Post, 30 Oct.1998.
134. Leeds Mercury, 14 Oct. 1871.
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