I wish to thank Dr. Tony Moyes for his help with the medieval section and in particular for sharing over forty years of practical experience in methods of iron production, for translating the Latin documents in the Coucher Book of Kirkstall Abbey and for his companionship on our field-walking excursions. Special thanks go to Joan Newiss, who shared a wealth of information on Roundhay with me and who kindly commented on an early draft of the booklet. I am extremely grateful to June Underwood, who provided a range of original source material on the Nicholson family, Pauline Robson for work on their family tree and to Neville Hurworth, who gave me access to a copy of his unpublished article on 'Thomas Nicholson of Roundhay Park'.
I am particularly indebted to the Staff of Leeds Local and Family History Library, Leeds Museums and Galleries and West Yorkshire District Archive Service, Leeds. I also received most valuable assistance at other libraries and record offices including the Thoresby Society, the Leeds Library, the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Leeds Civic Hall, the Royal Armouries, the West Yorkshire County Record Office and the West Yorkshire Archaeology Service, Wakefield.
The quality of this booklet was greatly enhanced by the superb photographic work of Dave Sheard and the imaginative graphic design by Mike Peace and Martin Searle of the Graphics and Communications Agency, Department of Planning, Leeds City Council.
Special thanks to Don Cole and Jean Mortimer for their positive comments and meticulous attention to detail. I greatly valued the constructive comments made by Kevin Grady, who actually took the final draft on holiday with him!
Dedicated, to my wife, Lynda, whose love, patience and encouragement ensured that I actually finished this booklet.
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