The Society’s Archives
William Hodgson's Book (Thoresby Society MS Box X.6): Transcription
William Hodgson’s Book: this battered foolscap notebook (MS Box X.6 in the Society’s archives) is headed: Memoranda of various events, commencing with gleanings of my dear father and mother's ancestors and relatives etc”. It contains notes by William Hodgson, coachsmith (born 1813), written between 1868 and 1875. Hodgson's ancestors were farmers and maltsters from the East Keswick area, but William's father, Benjamin, was a footman and then a coachman who was in service with several distinguished Leeds families. The text runs to 100 pages and is a mixture of genealogical material on the Hodgson family's origins and related families; reminiscences and memories of Benjamin's time in service in the first half of the 19C, recounted to William by Benjamin in his old age; and a diary cum calendar of events and people in William's own lifetime, 1813-75.
There is plenty of material here of interest to family historians, and to those interested in Methodism in Leeds (William was a devout Methodist), but it will also have a wider interest for people interested generally in local and social history. Benjamin’s memories provide a rare personal account from a servant’s perspective of life ‘below stairs’ in the first half of the 19th century, and William’s later commentary gives a particular slant on significant events in Leeds and the people involved, many of them of his own class.
The Society is grateful to Ann Alexander for undertaking this transcription, and to Carole Dalton and Freda Matthews who have also been involved in the project.
William Hodgson's Book (Thoresby Society MS Box X.6): Transcription © 2020 The Thoresby Society
{ } for words and phrases interpolated above the line of the main text
Bold or italics used for words underlined in the text
Text still to be finally checked for any omissions/queries.
Wm Hodgson's Book
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A Memorandum of Various Events Commencing with Gleanings of My Dear Father & Mothers Ancestors and Relatives &c
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I Wm Hodgson {Coach Smith} have often heard my late dear Father say that my Grandfather {John} Hodgson often told him that our Ancestors on my Fathers side had lived at East Keswick in the parish of Harewood between two and three hundred years, And that several Generations of them were born in the Old thatched House with mud walls, or partly so, at the end of which was a Malt Kiln (for they were Farmers & Maltsters.) Both were situated at the top of the Old Orchard (many of the Trees I can recollect but now (1866) entirely removed years ago) which joined to the house & Kiln and they were next to the road. The Farm (in my time) consisted only of Two Grass fields which 'xtended down to {the} Beck. John Parker who succeeded my Aunt Martha (the wife of Uncle Wm Hodgson) in 1841 made the two fields into four, & so they remain, altogether containing about Nine Acres. The small Paddock or field on the West side & on which the New Church now stands formerly belonged to the Farm. The farm was at one time much larger but the other portions was at some distance and therefore was gradually allotted to other farms.
From a paper in my possession and wrote for me by my late dear Father {about 1858} it appears that my Great Great Grandfather's name was John Hodgs{on}. My Father says he never knew his Grandfather or his Grandmother, but her maiden name was Bickerdyke of East Keswick. My Father says (in the paper refer'd to) that his Grandfather {John} Hodgson had nine children. I have in my possession two probates of Wills, one being the probate of my Great Grandfather's will; which he signed on the fourth day of August 1774,
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And witnessed by John Scatchard Senr & John Scatchard Junr both of East Keswick. It was proved the 8th October 1775. The other is probate of the Will of my late Great Uncle Henry Hodgson, Farmer, of Rigton near Bardsey (and son of the above J. Hn) he signed his Will 1794 and died in 1802 childless His Wife Catharine died only five days before him. The probate of my Great Grandfather's Will contains the names of eight of his children so that one of them must have died before the Will was made. The Names there recorded are as follows, Viz.
Henry Hodgson, as before named, who died in the yr 1802.
John Hodgson, my Grand Father, born 1734, who died {aged 89 yrs} 1823 Dec 31.
Thos Hodgson, who died Jany 8th 1837 aged 93 yrs. My Father said he was the youngest of the 9, I knew him well.
Margaret, who was married to Wm Marston, Farmer, whose {old} farm premises was on the contrary side of the road and nearly opposite to our old place.
Elizabeth, who was married to Martin Reynolds, Blacksmith, of East Keswick.
Jane, who was married to one Easby but {she} was a Widow when her father made his Will.
Susannah, married to one Madders or Mathers.
Robert, who must have died before his brother Henry Made his will, otherwise Robt's name would have been Mentioned therein.
In looking over my papers since Writing the above I have found another, dated March 18th 1848, which contains a longer and more particular account of the Children of my Great grandfather, with the Missing link as Mentioned above. The whole of which I got from late dear Father, who had an excellent Memory. He says my Great Grandmother's {maiden} name was Ann Bickerdike but probably from Harewood. Their Children's names were as follows, Viz Henry, John, Margaret, Jane, Robert [Elizth]
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Elizabeth, William, Susannah and Thomas.
Henry lived and died at East Rigton as before mentioned John, my Grandfather, married to Elizabeth Stead the widow of John Stead, late of Wike nr Harewood, her maiden name was Chambers, but more of both of them hereafter.
Margaret was twice Married her first husband's name was Henry Shires of E. Keswick She had three children to him, viz Henry, Francis and Sarah. The two brothers were strong built and powerful men I have often heard my Father say that in their younger days a blow from either of them upon an antagonist would well nigh be fatal At one time they brought {fish} from Goole {to Leeds}and did not object to do a little buisness [this spelling invariably used] in the Smuggling line at the same time. And for a change did not object to poaching I rem [crossed out] remembered Francis very well. he was upwards of 80 years {old} when he died. And when turn'd 80 his house was broken into, he arm'd himself with a hay fork & wounded one of the robbers - they were glad to flee.
Sarah was married to one named T. Styan of Bardsey, they had several children.
Margaret's 2nd husband was Wm Marston, also of E. Keswick as before mentioned, and by him she had 3 children also, Viz Mary, Wm and Ann. Mary married John Midgely, also of E. Keswick. Wm married Margaret, sister of the above John Midgely, Ann was married to Thos Hartley of Holbeck, Inn keepr (I think the Volunteer), Wm Marston junr came to a tragical end on Janry 24th 1833. He had been to Leeds Market, got drunk and instead of
[Added by the writer to the foot of the page] The above Mrs Ann Hartley died in 1832 aged 67 yrs, inter'd at Adel, her husband died soon {after}.
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turning on Collingham Road direct from Leeds he went along Chapeltown Road on (horseback), turned down Harehills Lane, turn'd up a lane that led to a Quarry thinking doubtless he had got upon Collingham Road. His poor lifeless body was found in the morning at the bottom of the Quarry and his horse was grazing in the adjoining field next morning. Strange tales was circulated in the neighbourhood that he haunted that quarter where his body was found for some time after. My late Father's old friend (& now mine) Mr Ewd Bilton many years coach in the Beckett family told me very lately that Wm Marston went on the Collingham Road turn'd up Harehills Lane to get on the SuChapeltown Road . But which ever road he started on first his end was the same.
Jane was married to one named - [Richard in pencil] Easby of E. Keswick And had by him four children, viz Sarah, John, Martha & Hannah. John & Martha I remember. John was deaf and dumb Martha could not talk very plain. (Added) Martha died June 29th 1842 aged 30 yrs
Robert married but he died childless. His widow married John Labron of E Keswick She also died and John married one Eliz[abe]th or Betty …. She was at My late Aunt Martha funeral (1841) was then 82 yrs old and been a long time a Widow. When she died the property or land which had belonged to her late husban{d} was sold & bought by (or for) the late Lord Harewood.
Elizabeth was married to Martin Reynolds (or Rennard) Blacksmith * and had by him five Children Viz John, Martin, Mary, Betty and William [*of East Keswick]
William was never married. He was drowned when crossing the river Wharf, my father though{t} or understood he was with Pack Horses.
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Susannah supposed to have married a person named Mathers who lived at Halton near Leeds, but my father could not learn anything more of them.
Thomas married Jane, sister of Thos Baily of E. Keswick. They had 9 [correction] children viz Mary, Thomas, Robert, Henry, Sarah, John, Jane and Isaac {also one named Barnabas, a pig Jobber}. Sarah was married to Wm Allenby of E. Keswick, Mason, they had a family, one of their sons, {Charles}, was killed when returning from Leeds in a state of intoxication, he was married. Sarah had the care & management of her Father in his declining years, till his death. The old man lived next door to his daughter. Jane had an illegitimate Son named Wm Hodgson, he was a tailor and often came to my father's house when we were all lads at dear old home, and stayed a week or more to make, alter, & repair our clothes which was a great benefit benefit to us all, but especially to our dear Mother, he died 1848.
His mother was married to a person named Margerrison of Collingham. Isaac married and went to reside at York.
Thos Hodgson (the above) my Great Uncle died at East Keswick on Jany 8th 1837, aged 93 years.
[Three deaths apparently added by W.H.]
The above Wm Hodgson (father's cousin) died Jany 31st 1837 at Collingham aged …
The above Wm Hodgson, Tailor, (Son of the {above} Jane) died May 1848 aged 40 yrs.
Sarah Styan (Father's cousin) (see fourth page) died Aug 2nd 1836 aged 76 at East Keswick.
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The following are the particulars, so far as I can learn of the family of my dear Grandmother, Elizabeth Hodgson. Her maiden name was Elizth Chambers. My father told me her father's name was Benjn, his children as under Viz Wm, Benjn, Mary, Grace & Elizabeth. All born at Dun Keswick nr Harewood in an old thatched house still standing (1867) {& standing 1875} well whitewashed on the outside and beautifully clean within.
Wm married and lived in the house at Dun Keswick. His children so far as I can learn were as follows, Viz Wm, John, Benjn, Joshua, David, Tabitha & Mary.
Benjn married and lived at Tibshelf nr Chesterfie{ld} and died there. He had two sons Benjn & John, also three daughters, he lived to be upwards of 90 yrs old, he died at the latter end of 1834 *or in the beginning of 1835. He left £1000 among his nephews & nieces 14 in numb{er}. (My Father & his two brothers were of the number), his two sons were well to do, one of them was steward to the Duke of Devonshire. John died a short time before his father and on the decease of the son, he altered his will and left the above money as stated.
The old gentleman caused {or wrote} a letter to be sent to the Overseers of East Keswick dated Jany 2nd 1834 (now in my possession) to learn of my grandparents or any of their Children. The letter was given to me by my Uncle Wm, the only one living there of the family. He brought it to Leeds, to my father, (who was then living with John Hebblethwaite Esqr), they both went together by coach on the 8th of Jany to Tibshelf and had a warm reception from their Uncle, a fine hale old man; he made much of them, showed them about his farm, the trees or plantation he had planted; he had made coal pits and by
(* the late Mr Benjn Chambers died Decr 4th 1834 see his son John's letter to father in my pos[essio]n
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by such means had made a large fortune. God had indeed prospered him, he was now wishful to give up his farm to one of his sister Elizth sons or one of their descendants, but there was not one, that could undertake it, he had expressed {a wish} to his father to take bror George then twixt 12 & 13 yrs old (but a letter came a few months after (Octr) from a granddaughter to say that her grandfather's health was failing and on that account Geo[rg]e had to stay at home.) When Father & Uncle returned their Uncle gave them a Five pound {note} to pay their 'xpenses, which amounted to £2.9.8 ½ for both (see a note of the xpenses in my possession.) My Uncle Wm had never been either in, or on the top of a Stage {coach} before.
Mary was married to one Joseph Thackery of Barwick in Elmete and had children as follows Viz John, William, Benjamin & Elizabeth. Benjn married one of his Uncle BenjnChambers of Tibshelf daughters (he ran away with her).
Grace was married to a John Pullen of Kearby, near Kirby Overblow, and had two children viz John & Sarah. (Here I would remark that I & my bror Benjn paid a visit to our half cousin Mr Benjn Chambers (who lives in the old thatched house at Dun Keswick) on Good Friday 1867 and his son Wm told me he had understood that my Great Grandfather Chamber's Christian name was John & not Benjn, and at the latter end of his days he went to reside with his daughter Grace Pullen, & died with her but I am inclined to believe my father's account Viz that his name was Benjn & not John.)
My Father's Cousin Benjn succeeded his father Wm Chambers to the old homestead at Dunkeswick. The farm is only small, being grassland and about 12 acres. I well remember going there to see him, & the place, with
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my father when with him at the Harewood Bridge Inn at the club feast of which he was a member for 38 years & never declared on its funds. Mr Benjn Chambers (father's cousin) died Sept 16 1853 {aged 85 yrs}. Mrs Ann Chambers his wife died before him, viz July 3rd 1849 aged 75 yrs, both inter'd at Harewood. John Chambers bror to the above died at Eccup a short time before his brother, he was well known in all the surrounding villages and in Leeds also, to which place he used to ride on a donkey. He was an old Methodist and would travel many miles to love feasts all round about where he was well known as a speaker on such occasions.
Elizabeth (my grandmother) married first John Stead of Wike near Harewood {to whom} she had two children viz John and Mary. {Uncle} John died at Brighouse on July 12th 1823 aged 61 years, he left one daughter (I remember seeing him once.) Aunt Mary became a servant in the Scatcherd family of East Keswick and whilst there she had the misfortune to become a mother, she had a son called Robt, his father's name was Robt Scatcherd & his son was called by his name his proper name being Stead, his father was uncle to the late John Scatcherd of E. Keswick, surgeon, who died Decr 3rd 1844, on his tomb {stone} is the following, but not at all exemplified in his life I fear, viz 'Steer across the Sea of Life So {as} not {to} miss the port of Heaven." Aunt Mary was married to Thos Allenby of E. Keswick, a stone mason, to whom she had three children viz Elizth and two Wms. Robt's father came to reside with his mother in his declining years & died with her & left his son Robt some property at York. Robt became a stone mason, I should suppose with his father in law, and became a very clever man in his buisness but died young on June 15th 1822 aged 38 yrs after a very short illness. In about 5 days ['or a fortnight', crossed out] after his decease his bro Wm was also taken ill and in a very short {time} he also died. Two such blooming & healthy young [men]
[Added beneath the bottom line of the above text] Wm Allenby {died} June 20 1822 aged 24 years so that it was only 5 days after his bror Robt)
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dying so soon together & out of the same house created quite a sensation in E. Keswick and many strongly suspected Dr Scatcherd of foul play. Robt died possessed of property both real & personal but left no will and it was said his property went to Government (?) but it was generally believed that it {went} no further than the Scatcherd family. What an opening out will there not be on that day; for which all other days were made. Had Robt made a Will my father would not have been forgotten by him, for there subsisted the most brotherly affection between them. Aunt Mary died Feby 11th 1819 aged 55 years of dropsy, she was tapped three times. She died as she had lived for many years a sincere Christian. The hymn on the 56 page beginning with 'Give glory to Jesus our Head' was sung at her funeral and from that time known to us as Aunt Mary's hymn.
Elizabeth (my Grandmother) first husband John Stead was killed going down the steep hilll in Wike; he was crushed between the cart and a gate post. She afterwards became the wife of John Hodgson (my grandfather) she was born in the year 1742 and would be about 31 yrs old when her son Wm was born in the yr 1773. She had three sons to my grandfather viz Wm who was born in the year 1773, John who was {born} in the yr 1775. And Benjn my father who was born Septr 11th 1783. Our father often used to laugh and tell us that when Grandmother found she was in the family way of him after a lapse of seven yrs at least from the birth of her son John she kept G- father in the dark for several months, well knowing that if he got to know soon every one in the Village would know also, and so it proved. My Father for the first seven yrs of his life was so delicate and puny, that it was thought he would never live; as he used to say "he was in the leading strings till he was 7 yrs old." But from that age he began to gain strength and continued to enjoy the blessings {of health} throughout a Long life, with only two exceptions, the first was an attack of scarlet fever, when he was at Bradford with John Hardy {Esqr} the other was an attack of quinsey when with Mr C Teale.
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of Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. But to return to my Grandmother. It would appear from what my father was wont to tell us that when Methodism first obtained a footing in Harewood, & East Keswick our Grandmother soon became a member and was indeed a bright & shining light. The house of the late Mr Thos Wright (the father of our late dear friends Mr Jno & Wm Wright) of East Keswick became the first legal preaching house for the Methodists in 1779, a licence being obtained for that purpose. When G - Mother became a member she suffered much persecution from our G -f ather, especially for going to her class meetings; on one occasion he told her if she went he would do something terrible to her when she came back. Being fully convinced in her own mind of the rectitude of her conduct and the duty of persevering in the "race" she had entered upon, she presented her case before her Heavenly Father and left the result with Him without whose notice a sparrow cannot fall to the ground and went to her class. Whilst there G - father was in the old house alone, when suddenly he became terribly affrighted by what he saw & heard (or fancied he did) about the fire place, believing that some one from the lower regions had paid him a visit on account of his conduct to his persecuted wife , but whatever it was, from above or below, real or otherwise, my father said it had a good effect upon the old man, for instead of carrying out his unmanly threat upon my G - mother the tiger had become a lamb, And was anxious for return. And when she came he soon told her what had occurr'd and with tears I believe told her he would never try to prevent {her} from attending her meetings. And so it proved, for while he continued to neglect the "better part", which she had "chosen", their house wad open both to travelling & local preachers. Keswick was then included in the Leeds circuit, when Benson, & Bramwell and others of the old worthies stationed in Leeds preached also there. Our dear Grandmother was a most useful member of the Society. And often I have seen our father overcome when talking about her even to his old age, when she had
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been dead for more than forty years, such was his love for his sainted Mother She was an excellent singer, and often has our father given us both hymns & tunes which was great favourites with her and of course with him also, Hymns which are not in our large hymn book nor yet in the Supplement. In Father's early days there was several revivals in & about Keswick, preaching was also common at Rigton and often the people would sing in a body from Keswick to Rigton or vice-versa, and from Keswick to what was then Keswick Moor, to hold prayer meetings. Such was the estimation in which she was held by all around her that if any were in any trouble of any kind they went or were recommended to go to Betty Hodgson for advise & council. And if the case were one of distress[ed] mind to her more than anyone else, they would go. And many a soul has been set at liberty through her instrumentality in that old house. On one occasion she had commenced brewing when a person went to unbosom her mind to Grandmother. Application was made to the grand physician, for help & cure, the brewing was forgotten, and seemingly left to its fate. Other buisness of far more importance was at stake; they ceased not to plead till He who spake a world from naught spoke peace to the sorrowing {one} then all was calm, and joy, and peace: which did not take place till late on in the day. The old lady then began to look at her brewing expecting it would be spoiled, but not so, for it proved to be the best beer they ever had. For so said our dear father many a time when relating the event. Such then was the character for sound judgment, and for sincere and ardent piety. It was not our (now sainted) father alone, who thus spoke of his dear Mother. I have made it a point many a time in years now long gone by to enquire of her old neighbours and acquaintances (most of whom are now gone home.) And their testimony was uniformly the same, whether they were Saints or Sinners. All bore testimony to her work. It was in many an instance their pleasure to speak to me
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of her without my asking about her. Such then was she of whose memory ought ever to be dear to her surviving grandsons. Our father thus wrote about her death in the following words viz 'My dear {mother} Elizabeth Hodgsdon departed this life July 25th 1818, aged 76 yrs An Israelite indeed. Instrumental in the hands of God of turning many to the Knowledge of the Truth. Bless the Lord for such a Mother ."
John Hodgson (my Grandfather) Died Decr 31st 1823 In the 90th year of his age being born in the 90th year of his age being {born} in the year 1734. He died not in the old house (it being then pulled down) But in one of the two houses which stand on the opposite side of the road, but exactly facing to where the old house stood.
Uncle Wm Hodgson succeeded his father on the farm, he was by trade a shoemaker. He married in 1821 Martha the youngest daughter of the late Saml & Mary Knowles of Clifford. Previous to her marriage she was housekeeper to her Uncle the late Saml Abbott of Bardsey (the house he owned & died in is now a public house called the Bingley Arms). My Uncle & Aunt were members of the Methodist Society for many years. He died Novr 26th 1837 {childless}. Aunt Martha died June 30th 1841 aged 69 years Uncle Wm was 64 yrs old. Either my father or myself would have been allowed to enter upon the the farm but after due consideration we came to the conclusion to give it up, which was done accordingly in August of 1846.
Uncle John Hodgson married Ann daughter of John and … Clough of East Keswick. They had chilkdren as follows Viz Wm, Mary, John, Charles & Elizabeth and two {other} which died in their infancy. The former all lived to arrive at men & woman's estate. Charles & Elizabeth were both & dumb. They were both very clever & intelligent Elizth was a dressmaker {with her sister Mary} & Charles a stuff presser. All lived then, and died at Bradford. The first setting out {in} life of Uncle John & Aunt Ann was upon farm occupied by their late Uncle Henry Hodgson of Rigton before named, being supplied with money by Grandfather
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which previously belonged to the Henry Hn aforesaid. Uncle John had a good prospect before him of doing well but alas! like many more his intemperance blighted all their prospects and he ultimately became a bankrupt, but paid 12s in the pound. My father was his farm servant at the time & lost what was due to him for wages he not claiming his dividend. He afterwards came to Leeds to be an hostler at an Inn {called the Golden Cock in Vicar lane and afterwards at the Black Swan}, his family resided in the Black Swan yard and afterwards removed to Bradford. Where he died Sepr 10th 1837 aged 62 years. Aunt Ann died …
[The following information appears to be added by WH]
Cousin Wm Hodgson died June 1st 1836 aged 28 years
Cousin Charles Hodgson died June 10th 1848 aged …
Cousin Elizabeth Hodgson died Septr 30th 1844 aged 37 years
Cousin Mary Hodgson died August 26th 1831 aged ….
Cousin John Hodgson died Octr 15th 1841 aged ….
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The following are some of the particulars of my dear Mothers ancestors & relatives on her Father's side who were born at Horbury or Ossett Her Grandfather's name was Saml Crawshay he had a brother named Benjn who signed his Will Decr 2nd 1792 it was proved ……. Benjn left a son named Mark who became Master of the Horbury Workhouse he died … but left no lawful issue. He left his property to a woman who was born in the Workhouse It was generally {believed} he was her father for they had her educated and brought up has his daughter. Had he died without will Uncle George Crawshay would have come in heir at law. The above Saml Crawshay died June 25th 1797 aged 62 yrs
He had four Sons & and two daughters viz George (the eldest was my Grandfather) Thomas, Edward, Edmund, Sarah and Betty.
Great Aunt Betty Crawshay was married {to} Wm Handley {(Oct 6 1841)} Joiner & Cabinet Maker. By care & industry {on her part} they built two houses near the top of Hope St, on the righthand side going down. The kitching of the lowest house was the workshop, the Sitting Room over it was Show Room. Aunt took in gentlemen lodgers & therefore required all the bedrooms of both houses They also had indoor apprentices. It was through Aunt Betty my Mother left her loom & came to Leeds. Aunt got her a good situation with Col Dixon of Gledhow {Hall} {my mother was Nurse}. Aunt died {aged 67 yrs}Octr 5th 1832 childless [Date appears to be added by WH]. Uncle married again and left Leeds and died out of it leaving his property to his second wife or her relatives. Aunt Sarah Crawshay was married to a person named Wilby of Ossett. They had three children viz. Mary, Luke, & Betty. Mary was never married, was many years afflicted with dropsy, was an out patient of Leeds Infirmary, & and by perseverance & God's blessing was restor{d} to health. And lived many years after. Luke died by his own hands aged 35 yrs. Betty married a Gardener and {went}
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went into Scotland.
Edmund Crawshay (the fourth son) married the daughter of Benjn Hallas, who brought him five children viz Harriet, Patience, Edmund, Bessie & Mary Ann. Patience in her early days came to live with her Uncle & Aunt Handley, also became servant to the late John Hebblethwaite Esqr, while there was taken ill. Father took her home in the carriage. She afterwards came to live with the late Geoe Banks Esqr then of Hunslet Lane. She married the groom named Briggs whose brother (who was formerly coachman to the late Wm Smith Esqr of Burley Leeds) put them into an Inn or Lodging House at Harrowgate. Edmund was a Millwright. Bessie & Mary Ann married and went to live in, or near Dewsbury.
Edward Crawshay (the third Son) had two wifes [sic] The first's maiden name was Ash, she had two children viz Priscilla & John. The second wife's maiden name was Roberts, she bore him 5 children viz Wm Mary, Betty, Sarah and Abraham. Sarah became the wife of a shopkeeper at Horbury Hill. Abraham was a shopkeeper at Wakefield.
Thomas Crawshay (the 2nd son) had three wifes. The first wife maiden name was Pickersgill. She bore him one child Christiana His second wife's maiden name was … . She had five children by him viz Fanny, Mary, Wm, Hannah and Charlotte. His third wife was a widow when he married her, she kept a pawnshop near Richmond hill Leeds. Chris[tian]a in her early days lived with her Uncle & Aunt Handley. {13 yrs at ? per week?}. After wards she went to live as housekeeper with a person named Mr Richardson late a superviser who then lived in Trafalgar St Leeds. {They were married at York}. She bore him two daughters. He built two houses in Brunswick St, she lives in one of them, and has now survived him many years. Fanny was married to one named Scarth, Cloth Weaver, lived & died in Leeds. Mary married a person named Sykes. They lived at Horbury. Wm, [ 'also' crossed out] Hannah & Char[lott]e lived in Leeds. Char[lo]te
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got married but did not long survive. Mrs Richardson was my Godmother. Thos Crawshay died April 15th 1836.
George Crawshaw [sic] (The first born and our Grandfather) had three wifes The first whose name was Ann Dickinson of Flockton Moor bore him four children viz Betty (my dear Mother) who was born May 14th 1790, at 7 min past 3 oclock P.M. Martha born July 20th 1792 at 4 o'clock P.M. She died June 30th 1794. Uncle Geoe born Nov 29th 1794 at 2 min before 5 o'clock P.M. Jessie born Sept 25th 1796 at ½ past 12 A.M.
Ann Crawshay our Grandmother died Nov 4th 1796 aged 26 years. Jessie died shortly after his mother.
His second wife's maiden name was Ann Jones of {Newcastle} who bore him two children viz Jessie born Nov 24th 1802 at 5 o'clock AM. He arrived at Man's estate and died suddenly upon a Stage Coach at or near Wakefield aged 25 yrs
Ann born May 25th 1805 and died at Newcastle July 16th 1807 aged one year & nine months.
Ann Crawshay the mother of the above died June 11th 1805 also aged 26 years.
George Crawshay (our Grandfather) died at York Feb 14th 1819 aged 52 yrs. His third wife maiden {name} was Isabella Morton of … .
{Added] Mrs Richardson will be 75 yrs on Xmas day 1869 should she live till then. She died Jan 5th 1876 aged 82 yrs. She became childish & dirty in her old age. O what a change in her poor {thing}.
My Godmothers Husband Mr R Richardson died Feby 11th 1839 aged 72 years.
Some account of the relations of our dear Mother on her Mother's side. Her Grandfather's name was John Dickenson of Flockton Moor. Her Grandmother's maiden {name} was … Hampshire also of Flockton. She bore him children as follows viz Ann (our Grandmother) John, Mary, Robt and Martha. His second wife's name was Martha Lockwood. (She was great Aunt to our late dear Aunt Mary the belov'd wife of Uncle George Crawshay) She bore him (J. Dn) ['one' crossed out] {two} childn named William, also Joseph.
John Dickensonour Great grand Father {Died} 1808, aged 66 yrs. His son John (our Great Uncle) succeeded him on the farm who with his wife {Her maiden name was Ann Lockwood} died upon it, leaving a family as follows viz Joseph, Sarah, Mary, Martha, Charles, Grace, John, Robert, Richard & Wm. John his son succeed to the farm after him his youngest bror Wm.
A person now (1878) occupies the farm named Jagger but no relative.
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My Father Benjn Hodgson was born Septr 11th 1783 and would be 29 years old when he married my Mother in 1812 [date an addition].
My Mother was born May 14th 1790 at 7 min past 3 oclock PM and was 22 years old when she united to my father.
We their children were born as follows viz
William Born March 28th 1813 20 min before 10 oclock AM
Elizth Born July 18th 1815 8 mins before 5 o'clock AM
Benjn Born Septr 1st 1817 19 min before 8 oclock AM
John Born Jany 16th 1820 20 min past 4 oclock AM
George Born April 29th 1822 10 min past 4 oclock PM
Robert Stead Born Octr 4th 1824 15 min before 6 oclock PM
Henry Born Novr 9th 1827 10 min before 5 oclock PM
Thomas Born Feby 12th 1831 15 min before 5 oclock PM
1825 Feby 3rd Died My Young Brother Robt Stead aged four Months. This was the first inroad made by death in our family and caused great sorrow of heart to our dear parents.
1845 July 15th Died my bror John aged 25 years. Disease of the heart, he was for several months laid aside but died a happy death.
1854 Decr 4th Died my only Sister Elizabeth aged 39 years. She was confined to her bed for19 weeks also disease of the heart.
1869 March 28th (my birthday) aged 79 yrs Martha the Widow of our late dear Father.
1869 June 12th Aged 38 years My poor prodigal bror Mr Thos Hodgson. I hope he found {mercy} Last comment apparently an addition]
1848 Jany 2nd My dear Mother Betty Hodgson died on Sunday 20 min to 12 at noon aged 57 yrs
1852 Feby 24th My Bessie died at ½ past 6 A.M. aged 44 yrs of precious Memory.
1854 My only Sister Elizth died aged 39 yrs.
1864March 8th My Dear Father Benjn Hodgson died at ½ past 12 at Noon aged 80 yrs
1877 June 19th Mary Ann the wife of bro Benjn died at 12 min past 9 am aged 58 yrs
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My Uncle George Crawshay's first wife's parents names were as follows viz John Lockwood of Linfit Lane Kirk Burton. His wife's maiden name was Elizabeth Mellor who came from Oaks, a small village near to Linfit Lane. Their children were as follows viz Mary (our late dear Aunt) Benjn, Richard, John, James, Susannah* & David. All were in the Fancy Weaving Business
Uncle George Crawshay Born Novr 29th 1794. Died May 30th 1873 aged 78 yrs [Died etc probably an addition]
Aunt Mary Crawshay Born August 23rd 1798 Her Mother died Decr 1841 73 {yrs old}. [Her Mother etc probably an addition]
The names of their children are as follows viz
Edmund, Born Jany 29th 1819
Mark, Born August 3rd 1821
Ann, Born June 26th 1823
Mary, Born April 30th 1825
Martha, Born April 30th 1825 [Bracketed with Mary, above] Lovely Twins
Seth Born May 18th 1828
Adam Born July 10th 1831
Harriet Born Septr 17th 1837
George Born Novr 29th 1841
My Dear Aunt Mary Crawshay Died July 19th 1842. She died of Consumption. In her My Uncle lost an help Mate in every sense of the word, his children a loving and affectionate Mother And we a dear relative. Never shall I forget her kindness to me in 1834 in 'The Trinity' so called it being their 'feast'.
Edmund Crawshay Died May 17th 1831 Aged 12 Years
Adam " Died Jany 2nd 1836 aged 4 Years
Ann " Died Sept 17th 1840 Aged 19 Years
Mark " Died March 15th 1843 Aged 22 Years
Martha " Died March 11th 1845 Aged 19 Years
Mary " Died May 6th 1847 aged 22 Years
George " Died June 10th 1842 Aged 6 Months
Harriet " Died March 29th 1866 aged 28 Years
Our much lov'd Harriet was married to Joseph Smith a near neighbour. She bore him a little girl (Mary Elizth) and then died. Alas! Consumption, what havoc hast thou not made. What an harvest hast thou not reaped out of many - many a (previous) happy home. And so in our dear & ones named above whose names are enshrined in our memories.
Uncle George Crawshay's 2nd wife our dear Aunt Judy was 70 yrs old on Jan 3rd 1872.
* Susannah married a drunken stone mason * She died Dec 27th 1845 leaving 4 children
{last 2 lines added]
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Our dear Father told me his first situation as Gentleman's servant was with Mr Naylor, Cloth Merchant, resident at Moortown near Leeds, went there when he was about 18 years old and lived there two years. But if only 18 when he went there he must have gone back to East Kewick to farming or else he must have been older when he went to live with Mr Naylor there being at least four years to account for {[Added above the line] NB the 4 yrs he was with his bror John must be hadded to the 18 above making him 22 yrs when he went to Naylors.} (He gave me the account when in a very poor state of health viz on entering his 81st year and told me how long he had been in each of his situations, his statement I took down in writing and got him to sign it, it then being his birthday viz Sept 11th 1863.)
In the year 1807 or 1808 He went to live with Coll Dixon of Gledhow Hall near Leeds as footman for 5 years, married my Mother in 1812, and, on Coll Dixon & family leaving to go to reside at their seat in Cheshire {or Norfolk}. In the latter end of 1813 or the beginning of 1814, Father got a situation as Coachman with the then Coll Hardy of Bradford {who} was afterwards & for many years the Recorder of Leeds.
John Hardy Esq & his family came to reside at Denison Hall, Leeds in the latter end of the year 1817 or the commencement of 1818. O what a beautiful Mansion it was, and the large grounds well laid out with a plantation nearly all round it, we lived at the Lodge in {Park Lane} what a range had I for birds nesting in those plantations with their pleasant walks in those happy days of childhood. The Hall had previously been the residence of … Wormald Esqr a son of the original owner of Gotts Mill & with whom the late respected Benjn Gott Esqr was apprenticed and afterwards became a partner.
In the year 1819 Leeds was illuminated as well as other towns, on account of the Princess of Wales being acquitted of the charge of adultery brought against her by her detestable husband the late George the 4th of vile memory. Mr Hardy would not allow his mansion to be illuminated, but he had a number of men there to prevent any attempt to break the windows but their services were not required I remember them all coming away down the coach road, but late in the evening My Father took me into Park Square to see the houses lighted up. There {was} very little Gass in Leeds in Leeds then.
Mrs Hardy was kind to my Mother in giveing her the children's cast of[f] clothes. It was when father was with Mr Hardy that dear Mother's hands began to fail her, she washed for Mrs Hardy and by washing & wringing so injured her hands & wrists, and to restore them they were repeatedly * blistered but all to no purpose. She suffered much throughout the remainder of her valued life. Such was
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her will and determination to do her part (aye and far more than she ought to have done) in assisting to ma{i}ntain her family. Father's wages was but small, l I believe only £18 per year, of course he had house, coals & livery found, also his meat. Mr Hardy's left Denison Hall in the summer of 1823 selling all their furniture by auction. They went to reside at Heath Hall (ready furnished) Heath Common near Wakefield which they took on lease.
After Mr Hardy's left, Denison Hall and all the park like ground was bought by George Rawson Esqr for upwards of £11,000, he divided the mansion into two dwellings and the park was laid out for building purposes. A few large houses were built, but was too large, & too near the increasing but smoky west end of Leeds, therefore could not have been a profitable speculation. Previous to leaving Leeds Mr Hardy said to our father he thought with his increasing family it would be better for him if he could obtain a situation in, or near Leeds, so that trades could be obtained for us, his sons. It was on this account that father {left} Mr Hardy's service, but father went to Heath Hall till he got suited which they did on Nov 23rd 1823. Mrs Hardy had for her housekeeper a person named Mrs Hill, she liv'd with them for some time at Leeds and went also to Heath Hall perhaps was in that capacity some 8 or 10 yrs. By her overbearing & tyrannical conduct she was the means of many good servants leaving there. At last her own dishonourable and dishonest conduct was found out by Mr Hardy himself, she was turned out of the house at once and narrowly escaped being sent to Gaol. Mrs Hardy cried and said how many good servants she {had} discharged on her account. My father soon heard of another situation. Mr Stead then resident in Upperhead Row informed him that Mr Hebblethwate hin(?) Woodhouse Bar wanted a coachman, he went and soon got engaged, but they had to wait until father was at liberty and went on the day he left Mr Hardy's even before he came home, for we were still residing at the Lodge. I well remember that our dear Mother was sadly perplexed because father did not come home first & wondered & feared when he did not come thinking when he did not come thinking something serious had occurr'd, but night brought him home when he had finished the work he found required his attention. And thus? he commenced in his new situation on the 23rd of Nov 1823.
Before he entered Mr Hebblethwaites service he was told that Mrs Hebte was a very bad one to live with, intermeddling even with the coachmans {duties} in the Stable and elsewhere. But he determined to see & hear for himself. Soon one instance presented itself. Father had to brew monthly {in or 11 'strokes'}. It had been the practice of Mrs Hebte to interfere seriously with the brewing process. And began to interfere with father's work also. Father told her respectfully but firmly, that where he had been, he had the entire management to himself & had always given satisfaction and
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that she must allow him the same liberty or he would give up altogether; she allowed him that liberty & never afterwards interfered with him.* Mrs Hebte was wont to {go to} evening evening parties, and would call upon some of her friends who were going to the same place & would thus give them a ride both going and returning. She would sometimes ask father if these persons ever gave him anything if he said no she was displeased and said if they had to hire a carriage they would have it to pay for. Our parents had every reason to respect her. And Mr Hebte was a good master. In the early part of their married life (she was his second wife) they kept one horse, and Mrs rode on the pillion behind. (The old pillion was given to my Mother to make what she could of it) They then kept a youth to look after the horse. In those days she got cloth and made him clothes herself. But as their circumstances improved she ceased tailoring. When she found out my Mothers qualifications in tailoring for us lads, for she made both trowsers & waistcoats, Mrs H would often bring her some of the Cloth she had cut out but not made up, saying to our Mother 'she would find it useful', and so with many other things she gave her. So that what ever others had to say of her, wrongfully or otherwise, our dear parents had every reason to speak well of her. When father went to live with them they had a niece of Mrs H. residing with them named Miss Sarah Maude, her father had been a Banker at Otley {& failed}. She became the amiable wife Mr John N. Brigg Cloth Merchant of Carlton Hill Leeds They were married about the commencement of 1829. Mrs Hebte died in the month of May {23rd} the same year, she was only one week ill, aged 69 years She was inter'd in the inside of St John's Church Leeds.
Mr Hebblethwaite built the house he lived in, the name given it was 'Who would have thought it' It having a reference to his small beginnings. He made it a beautiful place, with its conservatories, & greenhouse, its pleasure grounds & Gardens, with a small fish pond. Also three small fields, two in front, the one nearest the house part of it used as a tenter field, the other on the west side of the garden & of the 'low field'. Mr Hebte had retired from his buisness before father went to live with him. He gave up to two of {his} nephews, Christopher and Robert Hebblethwaite; also including one Joseph Walker. But owing to their reckless and extravagant conduct he took the buisness into his own hands and employed them as his assistants. Chrisrs two sons, John Hillary and Ritter, with the two sons of Joseph Walker viz Lawson & Thomas, were employed in the counting house or warehouse. Robt went to Portugal on buisness and brought back with him a Portugal lady for his wife, his uncle said he had better broke both his legs, shewing his opinion of her and he was not far wrong in his ideas of persons and things generally. Robt Hebte had a large family, but he became a sad drunken character
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To raise money besides what his Uncle allowed him, he sold all his furniture by auction {on April 13 1836} not caiering what became of his family. But his old Uncle ordered his great nephey John Hillary to buy in what would furnish a smaller house in St Mark St which was taken in the old Man's name & thus he caused him all the trouble he could, besides other people. My father had for some time to purchase the provisions for his family so that Robt H could not get hold of the money. When he could not get it he would write insulting {letters} to his Uncle in some of which he threatened to take his life, one of those I have in my possession. And thus did he conduct himself, and to one who had been like a father to him & his family, he also put Robt's eldest Son & daughter to learn each a buisness. The Son was put to learn the trade Chemist & Druggist with Fredk Rhodes, late of Upper head Row Leeds and afterwards set him up in buisness at or near Hunslet. Christr then took to himself a wife and some time after they agreed together to take poison, they did so & both died nearly at the same time They were both intered in together in Woodhouse Church Yard. They died Aug 1st 1846. Alas what has sin not done in many families beside theirs. After his Uncle's death (in May 1840) Robt Hebte obtained money from the ? xrs and went to Australia taking some of his children with him but left his wife behind to do as best she could; And the way she did was not at creditable to her if reports were correct. It was said that a Dancing Master late of Park Lane [illegible interpolation] - he would know; but they too have gone to their reward. Oh what a wretched state is our poor fallen humanity when left to itself but especially when in conjunction with the arch enemy of us all. Robt Hebte once 'ran well', for in his earlier manhood he was a consistant member of the Wesleyans.
When father went to live with Mr Hebte he had for his fellow servants as follows viz James Brown the head Gardener, he liv'd in the house, he was a scotchman and a clever Man. Thos Leathem was the Under Gardener, came from Wike near Harewood. He died April 25th 1834 aged 72 yrs, his death was hastened by taking inwardly which should 'have been applied outwardly'. 'Fanny' Holmes, Rachele Anson & Jane Alderson were the house servants. Perhaps Jane came a little after father. Fanny Died of consumption May 4th 1835 at Mr Hebte's, She had every attention paid her while living and Mr Hebte was at
* [Note] 'Nov 2nd '68 at Wingham Ontario Canada West aged 74 yrs Mr Robt Hebblethwaite the same as above wr[itte]n
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the sole expence of her funeral also. Her remains was {interd} in the Otley Church Yard near her relatives. Mr Hebte allowed my father to take the Carriage and I went & rode with him. The warehouse men went viz Wm White, Geoe Smith and Thos Greenwood, also John Frankland the Overlooker. A good dinner was provided at the Hotel there. Fanny had saved £70 which she left to her twin sister who succeeded her in her situation and liv'd with Mr Hebte till he died, her name was Susannah.
After Mrs Hebte {died} Rachel Anson became the housekeeper; some time after she became the wife of Joseph Murfin, a Mechanic, but much against the will of Mr Hebte, who promised what he would {do for} her if she would remain with him, but all that he said, was of no avail. When near to her confinement of her 2nd child she was sent for to Selby to see her sister who was dangerously ill. The fatigue of the journey going and returning coupled with her trouble about her sister (who ultimately recovered) brought a somewhat premature labour, of which she never afterwards recovered her health. She died June 9th 1836 aged 39 years.
My father was instrumental in her becoming a member of the Wesleyans. Her second child died before her but her first born Joseph his a most respectable butcher in Woodhouse Lane opposite Cobourg St.
Jane Alderson was Cook who after living with Mr Hebte became acquainted with a person named Wm Chadwick, a milk dealer, who paid his addresses to her. She became in the family way to him She of course was obliged to leave her situation. He took a house to be ready for their marriage as she had hoped, but not so, her hopes was blasted. She became the mother of a fine girl. He never fulfilled his promise, her money she had saved dwindled away to very little. And she the once healthy and blooming Jane Alderson succum'd to the cruel treatment she had received from her seducer and died May? 14th 1855 aged … . W. Chad[wick]? or his relatives took charge of Jane's child, who is now married, but her father has gone to his account.
In 1836 23 {July????} my own dear Bessie came to live with Mr J. Hebte as cook, and well did she acquit herself. She had previously lived at Bardsey Grange with Mr John Midgeley's where I became intimately acquainted {with} her. On account of Uncle Wm Hodgson's death she gave notice to leave and we were married on Jany 4th 1838.
After Rachel Anson left Mr Hebte Miss Mary Hebte the daughter of his late brother Thos
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came to be her Uncle's Housekeeper and remained with him till his death (in 1840) The old gentleman continued to be an active man till he was past 80 yrs of age. He had always been an early riser and temperate in his diet. On attaining his 80th birthday he gave money to the Warehousemen, Croppers & Burlers to have a 'jollification' but the Burlers generally had a Tea with rum in it, and as a matter of course a dance afterwards & when a 'premer' lad I too have join'd in it. On each returning birthday he continued to do the same while he lived. He was a man of wonderful memory. I have heard father say if he could have wrote shorthand he could have had a good history of all the principle families in Leeds & its neighbourhood & of generations past & gone, also of progress in the Town of Leeds in years now long gone by. Mr Hebte was born at Holbeck and lived there till past 4 yrs old and then went to reside at 'Great' Woodhouse. Afterwards was apprenticed to a Mr Brown, a Cloth Merchant at Chapeltown {unreadable insertion} (but father thought he was no relation of the late James Brown's father) Esqr of Harehills. During his appren[ticesshi]p he lost one of his fingers. If Mr Hebe was not a follower of John Wesley (i.e. a Member) he was a great admirer of him and had often heard him preach in the old 'Boggert House' at 5 o'clock in the morning. At what date Mr Hebte entered into buisness I am not able to learn. From an old insurance paper in my possession called the "Sun Fire Office London" and dated 1782 Mr Hebte was in partnership with Matthew & Timothy Rhodes Cloth Merchants. Their houses, warehouse and workshops were situate at "North Town End", now called North Street, and not far from the top of Trafalger St.& on the opposite side of North St. Their stock and household furniture were insured for £1700. Matthew Rhodes most likely [crossed out] built the mansion, now called Corperation Hotel, in Smithfield Market Leeds, for he occupied it for many years. Mr Hebte told my father that when he drew out of that partnership and began on his own account he saved money fast. But when his wealth increased, like many more, his love for Methodism waned, and ultimately became a "Unitarian" but he was a liberal & benevolent man, ever ready to assist in any benevolent act whether public or private. He was one of a number of Gentlemen in Leeds & neighbourhood who each lent £100 to the late Mr Ewd Baines (of worthy memory) in the year of 1802 to enable him to
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to enable him to purchase the copyright and goodwill of the Leeds Mercury. Mr Hebte had a large trade in Portugal and for some years his nephew James Hebte (bror to Mary Hebte before named), was agent for Uncle there and liv'd at an extravagent rate, neglected his duties & lost his uncle many thousands of pound, so the old gentn told my father. In politics Mr Hebte was a Whig of long standing, and an earnest reformer, and for several years before his death he was called the Father of Reform. After the first election after the Bill was passed in 1832 the late John Marshall Esqr & the late Lord Macauley (then Thos Babington Macauley) were returned Members for Parliment for Leeds, it was a memorable time never to be forgotten by those who witnessed it. I well remember being in Briggate on the Chairing day. My father drove the old Reformer out in his carriage to witness the procession. He stopped near the top of Briggate and when the new Members drew nigh, they both stood up to render homage to the old Veteran which pleased him much. I was on the spot & saw them. He would then be in his 88 yr.
The breaking up of Mr Hebte's constitution was very gradual. The late Dr Chorley used to tell him that he was very likely to live to be an 100 years old. But no, the weary wheels of life stood still at noble age of 95 years & 9 months. He died on May 22nd 1840, his remains were interred in the same grave with those of his late wife in St John's Church (inside) He was said to die worth £70,000. All his freehold property he left to his great nephews, John Hillary and Ritter Hebte before named, John Hillary receiving all the property on the South side of Woodhouse Lane Including the house The old man died in, also the Warehouse & the three fields, gardens &c. Ritter was left all the property on the North side of Woodhouse Lane, Including a number of good houses at (then called) Pleasant Dairy, a large Dryhouse & small field near it, also a large house their father Christopher died in situate close behind what is best known as "Brandy Hall" (or "Fool's Pennies Hall") also a warehouse &c & a field called Bagby Field (but of which there was no public road to it. Some years afterwards John Hillary or his bror gave £500 or £600 for a Right of Road out, at the top of Eldon Terrace & near to where the Weigh House stood, into Woodhouse Lane.) To John & Ritter['s] three sisters he left each £3000. To his housekeeper Miss Mary Hebte he left £2,000. She wept much because she did not receive as much as the others who got £3000. Her Bror James was left £5000, which was far more than he deserved, but he went on at a furious rate because his Uncle had left him so little. To Mrs Thos Hebte (widow) (& sister in law to James and Mary) he left her a comfortable subsistance for life. She was the most worthy in all the lot. To her two sons Thos & Rhodes Hebte he left £500 each. To his house servants he left each the sum of £10, also mourning. So that the Cook who had only been 6 months got as much as the Gardener James Brown who had been 24 yrs and as much as my Father who had been Coachman near 17 yrs
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Never was a man more disappointed than was poor James. He had been with Mr Hebte during the prime of his manhood, with only a small wage compared to his abilities, he had during that period opportunities of better situations but the old Gentn told him that if he would stay with him while he Mr H lived, he would {leave} him comfortable for life. With such a promise he remained, but was not {at?} all(?) careful - spent his money as he got it. And at the time of his masters death was actually in debt, although a bachelor. He was certain that if he was not mentioned in the will there must be a codical kept back which had which had a reference both to father and him, but especially to him. Many were the tears of disappointment he shed. I well remember seeing him on one occasion cry like a child, tears rolling down his cheeks in quick succesion, but all was of no avail, he got his £10 and a sute of Black and no more. In a short time after the old gentn's death all the household furniture &c &c was sold. James remained a little longer than my father & the other servants on account of having to attend to the vines & other greenhouse plants till they were all removed. He afterwards got a good situation with Lady T… [crossed out] at Kirk Leatham {Hall} near Redcar, he afterwards became an inmate of one of the Hospitals or Alms Houses endowed by the above family. They were for men only ['only' crossed out] {on one side & women on the other}. They all dined together in a room for that purpose & persons appointed to wait upon them. He was very comfortable in his old age, used to garden a little for persons in the neighbourhood by which he obtained a little money for extras. He was a man we all greatly respected. We could go into the garden or greenhouse without let or hindrance James was always kind to us.
During the earlier part of father's illness he went to Redcar for a short time in of 18?? Along with his wife. They went to Kirk Leatham to see his old friend & fellow servant but Alas when they got there to his great regret he found that James was no more. He was told by the Governor of the Hospital that he had died near two years before,, which would not so long after the last interesting letter he wrote to my father. ) The Gov[erno]r spoke very highly of him & went with them, to show them where his remains was inter'd.
In July 1841 my father engaged himself to Thos Blaydes Esq by then in Woodhouse Lane, with whom he stayed 3 years. Mr B[lade]s was one of the partners in Messrs Beckett & Blades Old Bank. He squandered a great amount of money foolishly, he spent much in the purchase of old oak furniture. He had joiners on the premises a long time repairing and making to match so as to make up a complete sute of oak furniture. He also made two or three items into one
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And the door of it was made of oak in the center of which was a carved likeness of himself it stood out in bold relief. In the other four panels were the likeness of his 4 sons. It was a treat (?) to have a look into that room, where so large amount of antique furniture was brought together. He likewise went abroad in company with a person named Summers whom he would have to pay for assisting to collect old stained glass for church windows I think for the Leeds parish which was then rebuilding. He also had a large number of birds. My father was not very comfortable in his situation there. T. Blaydes had gone on such a reckless rate that he had to give up housekeeping, and afterwards went to Australia. The late ??? Teale Esq Solicitor remov'd from Queen's to the house & father became his coachman & was more comfortable, but had a deal of work, having also to work in the garden. He would now be near 60 years old at the least when he got his new livery on he looked so well. Our dear Mother was now in a poor state of health and when she saw our father in his new dress and seeing & feeling the contrast twixt herself & him he in appearance becoming young again whilst she was going fast down the hill of life she burst into a flood of tears and was quite over come.
After our father entered the service of Mr Hebte (Nov 1823) we had to leave the Lodge in Park Lane. Father took for us a comfortable cottage at Beech Grove close to Mr J Rhodes stuff warehouse only two more houses there besides our's then but long ago those buildings have all disappeared. It was in the above house our bror Robt Stead was born Oct 4th 1824 and died Feb 3rd 1825. In this year we removed to the center one of three cottages belonging to Mr Hebte, and adjoining his warehouse. When the old bookkeeper Mr Jonathan Denison died [space] we removed into his house it had a parlour extra & much pleasanter than the other two. John Frankland was much disappointed because he did not get it. O what a pleasant place to live at in those days, but what strange alterations place since then. After Mr Hebte's death (in May 1840) father had to begin to pay rent (not before) and shortly afterwards got notice to quit from John Hillary Hebte who said he wanted it for a counting house, but he afterwards let it to some other person. Father did not like to have to pay rent for as a coachman he was fortunate to have a house found. And there-
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fore in Novr 1840 began to build four houses at the top of Reuben Street. In May '41, father & brr(?) Henry first slept in their new house & during that month our dear parents got removed to their new abode and my dear ??? before??? Remov'd from Spencely St to where I & my dear Polly now reside. This also was a pleasant abode until we were 'hem'd' in on the low side in 1845 by the five houses being built; & now owned by Mr A. Hutchinson but what an alteration now (1848?)
On Oct 14th 1827 I was put as an apprentice to old Mr John Clark & his son Wm as a coachsmith, was lose? On Good Friday March 28th 1834. I was never stopped payment of a single quarter of day's wage during the whole time, the same could only be said of my fellow apprentice Mr Saml Stead. He was loose the August before me. My bror John was bound to our late Mr Wm Cas a coach painter on Jany 10th 1834.
1837 Sepr 8th I had the misfortune to receive a wound on my left eye by a small piece of hot iron cut from what I was working at, and through it I ultimately lost the sight of it now 31 years ago. I do feel so thankful that after several narrow escapes and once in particular I can see so well of the one still left to me to Him be all the praise.
A very few days before the above date Sept 8th 1837 when we were asleep three such heavy blows in rather quick succession as by a brick bat was apparently struck against the small bed room window in which father & mother was sleeping and so loud was the report that we all thought the frame & glass were all smashed, but no, nothing was injured , and no one was to be heard or seen. Our dear parents then said it was an omen of something about to occur. And it appeared to have been so for I recd the wound above alluded to . Our Uncle John died on 10th of Sept & Uncle Wm died in Novr following. On account Uncle Wm's death my Bessie left the service of Mr Hebte and we were married Jany 4th 1838, at Woodhouse Church. We went to East Keswick to our Aunt Martha Hodgson & my wife stayed with her till the May following, when we got one of our parents cottages in Spencely St. as above named & a comfortable cot. it was.
1845 July 15th My brother John died after a lingering illness being dissease of the heart. Aged 25, dear lad it was hard work for him to say 'The will of the Lord be done', but he did say it & wrote it too, to some of his friends, his was a happy death, our dear friend Mr Kelley, then a Town Missionary & living near us took a lively interest in John's welfare, as did our now sainted friend Mr Geo. Foster. And bror Robt. Well do I remember one occasion when it was thought bror John was dying & at that time not having felt that change of heart which when once the Vital Spark is quenched ten thousand worlds cannot redeem. O what an agony of sould our dear Mother was in at the thought of her son
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Dying without an interest Christ. Oh my precious Mother thou wert no ordinary Mother. The death of bror John gave an additional blow to the already failing health of her whose life had been so laborious & all for the benefit of her children and well did our father second her endeavours. It had been the wish of our parents to have a final resting place for our remains in Woodhouse Church Yard, so long as they could not have it in Harewood Church Yard for which Father tried when our young bror Robert Stead died. But bror John's wish was to be buried in the Cemetery at Woodhouse. Therefore his desire [correction] was carried out. Many a walk did our Mother take to that dear Spot and in the summer season she was wont to take one of breakfast tin bottles in her pocket full of water to water the plants on his grave, little thinking then that she might have obtain'd it at the entrance. Shortly afterwards another grave adjoining John's was bought at her suggestion (& in which the remains of our dear Father now lays & his grandson John Wm) . And well was it that it was purchas'd; for ultimately so many of our mortal remains will sleep together, till the resurrection Morn. Oh that we may all have a part in the first resurrection.
In the October following bror John's death (1845 [interpolation] our dear parents consented to sit to Mr Botterill Artist for their portraits in oil, he was (a young man of great abilities) and well did he perform his work for all who knew the originals with one consent pronounced them excellent likenesses. I had the great pleasure of paying for them the cost being two Guineas each (& cheap too) bror George made the frames & father paid for the gilding. They remained in our parents house while they liv'd & now '68 (interpolated) I have the pleasure of possessing them.
(My new paragraph) Allusion has already been made to our dear Mother's failing health. She gradually got worse, her hands which had labour'd so much, began to lose their cunning and for some time before her death one of her arms was quite helpless & was held up by a sling. Only one thing of a worldly kind seemed to cause her anxiety & that was the making of father's will she was wishful to have had her voice in the affair; for her opinion & advice was ever welcome for our dear father ever looked upon her as a wise counsellor. She had long been afflicted with the Asthma, and a general debility & weakness became more & more apparent [check with MS] till at last she was obliged to take to her bed altogether [check] and after a confinement there for a month on Sunday forenoon Jany 2nd 1848 at 20 min to 12 o'clock, without a[?] struggle or a groan, resting on the merits of her Redeemer
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She enter'd into rest aged 57 years. Our dear & only sister had been at home, for some time previous to Mother's death to assist in the duties there. Well was it for our father that he had such a daughter, & we such a sister that could manage in the dear old home to the satisfaction of all of us.
In little more than four years after our Mother's departure, another inroad by death was made in our family, and that too in the person of my own dear 'Tetty' No daughter-in-law could receive a more kindly welcome than she from our dear parents, also from my sister & brothers and ever had the good opinion of all &well did she deserve it. The disease which removed her hence was that dreaded one Cancer. Which was so very small at its commencement. Oh how little did we at first think what it would ultimately become. And what a pattern of patience and resignation did she prove herself to be throughout the whole of her sufferings. Ah religion which she had long enjoyed was the grand (?) secret of her submission to the Divine will for while the malady made inroads on her dear person never a murmer was heard from her lips. The last time she was in the town was to complete her sittings for the portrait (in oil) to Mr Botterel Artist & has usual well did he do his work. For several weeks before she died we got our old & dear friend Mary Ramsden from Bardsey to wait upon her, but very little trouble was she to any one. and well it? Was that my dear sister was so near ready for any good work when required. My Tetty would not have any of us to sit up with her. Early on the morning on which she died 'twixt 2 & 3 oclock she woke me & told me she was going to die. Mary Ramsden was soon up. Oh what a prayer did she offer up as she sat up in bed for herself but especially for me which hope never to forget her sufferings was now very severe she wished me to go to the Dr for a little medicine to allay the severe pain she was now to pass through 'not to prolong her stay's end' and at half past 6 o'clock the same morning (Feby 24 1852) she exchanged mortality for life. O let me die the death of the righteous & let my last end be like hers. She was born June 4th 1808 and was therefore in her 44 year & therefore older than her funeral card represented which was a mistake. Her father's name was John Fearby her Mother's maiden name was mary Knowles of Clifford. They were farmers but becam reduced. Aunt Martha (?) (before named) of East Keswick took their daughter Elizth when very young & brought up & afterwards became the wife of Thos Parker of Bishopthorpe. She was indeed a wealthy woman was oftern afflicted and died on April 1st 1851 aged 55 years leaving two daughters Jane & Mary. There was another son of the above John Fearby, also called john, who died of con
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Consumption when a young man, he had been a gentleman's servant at Bramham, but died at his Uncle Wm Knowles of Clifford the Oak chest in my possession belonged to him. I never knew him. Their parents died at Tadcaster & were buried there.
The next link in the chain of our affections in our family circle that was to be sever'd from us was our dear & only Sister. She had never been so very strong, but she had a spirit & a will which helped her through. When very young she went to live with Uncle & Aunt Handley before named. Afterwards she went as under nurse in the family of the late John Wm Atkinson Esqr Solicitor Leeds. She afterwards was servant with Mr ?? Birchall at that pleasant & retired mansion at Little Woodhouse (& now bought by the Romanists). She also lived with the Revd Joseph Hargreaves then stationed in Leeds & also accompanied them to Stockport but left them on account of ill health & came home at or about the commencement of the year 1841? With care & rest she recovered her usual health. It was after the last date she went to live with Mr C? Birchall & when there came home to stop, on account of our Mother's state of health before named. In the year 1854 she too had 'to pass the bourne from whence no traveller returns'. This year increased symptoms or signs of decay became more & more evident.
We were now told that wheel at the cistern was now in danger of been broken or rather, the heart itself was ?? diseased and so it proved. The day before she took her bed, she went into the town with my dear Polly and experienced great difficulty in getting home again. When in her 'teens she was brought to a knowledge of the Truth under a sermon preached in Brunswick Chapel Leeds by that highly gifted & celebrated man Mr Wm Dawson and continued a Member ever afterwards.
During the whole of her illness her mind seemed to be under a clou?? Although every attention was paid her by her kind leader. Mr Driver then a Schoolmaster & the Ministers of Oxford Place Chapel (where she was a member) and other friends, yet such was the nature of her complaint acting upon her weak frame so that she did not bear that bright testimony she was so anxious to do before she left us, but I have no doubt that she too has join'd the glorious company above. She died Decr 4th 1854 having been confined to her bed 19 weeks.
After our sister's death our father had our friend Mary Ramsden (formerly at Bardsey) to stay with him a few weeks. He afterwards obtained our very old friend Mary Walton from Kendal, she was the earliest companion & bosom friend of our late dear Mother. Born near to each other, and about the same time at Horbury, both of them brought up to the weaf ?? Weaving business and generally contrived to take in their pieces together, at that time they wove for?? The grandfather of the present Sir Robt Peel. Mary Walton afterwards went to Kendal to be housekeeper to her bror Thos who was a bread baker, he some years afterwards committed suicide. Mary took the concern into her own hands and took two daughters of her only remaining bror George (a drunken character) and brought them up as her own. She occasionally came to see us, mostly when the conference was held in Leeds, this was years before Railways came into existence and stage coach travelling was dear from there to Leeds. During the latter part of our Mother's declining health she would sometimes say that should father ever marry again after she was gone she hoped it would be to her old friend Mary Walton, who had ultimately to give up the Bakehouse. She then came on a visit to our Fathers 1851 and stayed much longer than suted our Sister who did not relish the notion of Mrs Walton becoming her Mother in law. She again went back to Kendal to one of her nieces now married & settled there. A few months after our Sister's death father sent for Mrs? Wm to come to stay with him as housekeeper. She came on Good Friday 1855, and remained with him about two years. She was a good & pious woman - had been a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Society from early years. She did what she could to make father comfortable, But her slender abilities with her increasing age prevented her from making our father so comfortable as he should be at his time of life. And therefore marrying her was out of the question, especially when a widow who had what kept her comfortable came to reside near us. And whose charms father had become rather captivated with not forgetting her income. But with whose previous history we were then little aware of. But being a member of a Christian church served to disguise her real temper & character from us till sometime after their marriage which took place on June 2nd 1857.
Our father was somewhat instrumental in obtaining for Mary Wn an Almshouse near to St John's Church Leeds. But the principal person was the late Sir Peter Fairburn then Mayor in whose gift the almshouse was at that time. Our father went to see Lady Fn about Mary Wn and told her the whole of Mary's history therefore Sir Peter gave mary Wn the opportunity to take possession of her new abode, which she did shortly before our father's marriage . Lady Fn was very kind to Mary afterwards & called to see her occasionally & invited Mary to Woodsley House. And thither she went & was well entertained
On father's union with Mrs Martha Wilson (who had been a widow for upwards of 30 years) which gave great offence to her son Geo Wison & his wife (& no wonder) she had to give up her house and gave a portion of her stock to her sons Geo and Richard. Our parent gave to us some of his stock. So then she could bring the ? of hers to father's house. Sometime previous viz ?? to his 2nd marriage he built the two houses in the garden & top of Carr?? St so that at this time there was some debt on the two houses only.
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Only. He had told his spouse previously of his circumstances. She therefore promised to help him with her income to pay of the debt. She derived her money , £48 per annum, under the will of her late bror & her son Geo was the Exr. So that what she let her husband have and with his income also the debt was paid of in 1858, for in a interesting paper in his own hand writing is the following viz 'In the year 1858 got all my property clear for my children.
For a time all went on smoothly but there was one circumstance at the outset, she could not accomplish And no doubt one cause of her bitterness. Our Father would not quit his prodigal son Thos very likely he had promised her he would do so, but notwithstanding he had been a drunkard of the lowest type and had not been free from other vices, but after all the sorrow he had caused our parents he would not turn him out even to please a step mother. Our Father had ultimately much to put up with on her account. She proved herself to be a strange compound of hypocrisy, lies & slander, although occasionally she had a few redeeming qualities. Let it be fully understood, that by placing our Step Mother in the back ground that I am anxious to place our father in a position high & lifted up in moral excellence. I claim not for him perfection in any attainment but I claim for him a status in society worthy the practical attention of all who respect his Memory & who like, as he did, move in an humble, but honourable sphere or in a superior position in life so-called.
In April 1863 our Father began to show symptoms of declining health. Reference has already been made to the (only) two attacks he ever had previous to his last, the first scarlet fever when I should be only 3 or 5 yrs old. The attack of Quinsey was previous to our Mother's death. She was wont to relate that when they burst one early morn with what alacrity our father got out of bed & on his knees to return thanks to our Heavenly Father for mercies thus bestowed upon him. And this is only one trait among many in our parents character in acknowledging his Divine Master under all circumstances. Except for the above drawbacks he was always blessed with good h for many years, and always looked so well, much more so than any of his sons, his many friends always admired ??? his healthy cheerful countenance, but as before intimated the time had now come when the strong man must bow himself. And so it proved. He had ever led an active life - never ate the bread of idleness. When he gave up his situation he generally contrived to find something to do. His wife would have liked him to have sat with her in the kitchen much longer than he did but not so, he must be stirring about. And when he could find nothing to do at home he would take a walk abroad attending sales? Was an hobby of his, many an article of furniture has he bought for me when I could not have done it & many a good bargain he obtained for us. But now it is over; he began to walk with a slower & more feeble step. He began to complain of pain in his body but rather towards his left side and on which he said his thumb-end would cover, his appetite also began to fail. He was advised to go to Redcar & did go, his wife going with him in June & staid there 2 or 3 weeks, but he came back no better. On the 18th of July he went to the Savings Bank on my account, my Polly accompanying him there and back, he would not have a cab. It was the last time he was in that part of the town. He was afterwards prevailed upon to go to get his photograph taken his wife also going to have hers taken also. My Mary went with them. They were taken together & framed so that her sons & grandson could have one each. Our father's carte was not at all like his former self; he went six months too late on that errand. Joseph Teale Surgeion attended him at the commencement of the last. For convenience & which saved a great amount of labor, the camp bedstead was set up in the sitting room, this was before 'Xmas day. On that day & when he sat in his easy chair he presented me with his silver watch, which he had bought more than 50 years before of a fellow servant, the Valet of Coll Dixon of Gledhow. It was on that day he determined to try once more to get down into the kitchen to his dinner but it was with much greater effort he got back again, he never got there again. From this time he was confined to his bed - only got up when
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It required making. It was often a work of great difficulty to get him out of bed to his easy chair (whilst the process was going on) and back again so weak & feeble had he now become. Nearly from the first he thought he should not recover but for many years previously he had been a Man of one Book, and by its precepts had long endeavoured to steer his bark through all the storms of life, so that ultimately he might enter the haven of eternal repose. During the latter part of his illness he often had sore buffetings of the enemy, but after many strong cries and tears then would he be put to flight & then could our father rejoice in God his Saviour. The books he most delighted were his Bible - Pilgrim's Progress & Hymn Books. It was only now, most seen & heard how he could now, so aptly bring out of his store house what he had long before been treasuring up. And many a sermon did he preach to us when on that sick bed. (And in such a strain till he became quite exhausted) but only what he had long endeavoured to teach us by example as well as by precept'
During the latter part of his illness several of his oldest friends came to see him. Among those was the only companion of his youth left, viz Mr Wm Wright of East Keswick himself 85 years old And becoming like a shock of corn ready to be gather'd into the Grange above, and who has since followed our father to the Realms of the Blest. The parting of those two old friends 0n earth for the last time was most touching, and will not soon be forgotten by those of us who was there. Mr Wm Bilton of Meanwood also came to see him. Mr B was the farmer - or Stable boy at Gledhow (when father was footman there), and afterwards lived in the Beckett's family until the death of yhr last of the Miss Becketts in May 1844 and extending over a period of near 50 years.
Mr Wm Shires joiner & Builder of Chapeltown came to see our parent along with his brother in law Mr Wood of the same place. Mrs T.N. BRIGG (WHOSE MAIDEN NAME WAS Miss S. Maude before mentioned visited him. She too has also gone. But our dear old friend Mr Jefferies paid him great attention. But the time was drawing near when the weary wheels of life must stand still. He was now very much reduced in person, and was wont to say, when looking at himself in the mantel glass as he was being helped past it to his easy chair, while his bed was being made, 'Poor Ben there will not be much for the
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worms'. A short time Friday previous to his death he had a severe fainting fit & we were sent from our work to witness as was thought his departure. We all sat up with him that night but he once more rallied. His mind and Memory remained unimpaired to the last. On the Saturday he was very weak & feeble so much so that we were certain he would not remain much longer with us , the enemy also was permitted to harass him, but now, for the last time, so that he continued very low during the whole of Saty, but on Sunday morning when I went in as I was wont I saw at once by his countenance that all his doubts & fears were gone. And he said to me in strains I shall never forget 'Glory be to God I have got such a loosening', so that the last Sabbath on earth to him was in some measure a foretaste of that Eternal Sabbath he was soon to enter upon. (We continued to sit up with him from the Friday night only, for like our dear Mother he would not allow us to sit up with him till very near his end).And in this happy frame he continued till Tuesday March 8th 1864 at half past 12 o'clock noon in his 81st year he fell on sleep. And 16 years after the death of our dear Mother.
No parents ever laboured & cared more for the benefit of their offspring than did ours. No parents could set a better example to their children than ours did. It will have been noted that our father never had great wages. His best situation was with Mr Hebblethwaite. It was the combined energies and labours of both which produced the results [It was by little and little with God blessing upon both their which produced such results] (this bit crossed out). The great drawback was our Mother severe labour under difficulties which brought on premature old age and death (see on page ??). The only dower my mother brought my father beside her precious self was £50< and the like sum to Uncle George Crawshay left under the will of her grandfather Dickenson of Flockton. This sum along with what they might each of them have saved previously was the foundation upon which they built upon. My father was no idler, or spendthrift, no his thrift was all the other way. When I was very young I remember him telling our Mother how that Harrison the head gardiner persuaded our father to spend one evening with him at the Pine Apple Park Lane, he did so but that was his first & last time. There was no attraction there for him. H home when his day's work was done was his great attraction for him and where he could generally find something to do. For many years he used to mend all our shoes, & his own too, he could heel & sole but not 'welt' and thus in his leisure hours he saved many pounds. I have in my possession a small hammer with which he has driven thousands of nails and is a relic I now value. In his capacity as Coachman he often received small sums of money from the friends of his employers, these monies with other small sums obtained by the sale of hay seeds and other perquisites were all entered in his Acct book containing his wages and all balanced together at the year's end, aye the cost of every pig was duly
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noted down so that our parents calculated the outlay & profit of each animal. My father was often the means of several kind acts to persons in needy circumstances. When he got Mr Hebte at the head of his subscription list he would sally forth on his errand of mercy & generally succeeded for like his Master he was well known in Leeds. In one instance which was a singular & severe case of distress he obtained about £15 which was half of the loss sustained. Three or four of such Subscription list are now in my possession.
At the time our parents lived in Bradford viz from 1814 to 1818 such was the smallness of the population at that period that our Mother used to say that it was generally known when any families came to reside in or when any removed from Bradford. What an alteration there since then (now '69)
When our parents liv'd in Bradford they erected three houses in Legrams Lane and were scarcely finished when they had to remove to Leeds. They could not have known very long before this, of Mr Hardy's intended removal to Leeds or they never would have built in Bradford. They had a great amount of labor & trouble afterwards. Our dear Mother had many a fruitless journey there & back - instead of getting her rents she only got abuse. She always walked both ways & when the roads were bad she used her pattens. In 1836 the above houses were sold by our Father to Mr (erased). It was indeed a great relief to our parents when they were sold - especially to our Mother, her toilsome journeys was now at an end.
1813 Octr 6th The first Methodist Missionary Meeting was held in the 'Old Boggart House' i.e. the Old Chapel built by Mr Wesley in St Peter's Street Leeds. There was noble & most interesting gathering. Many of whom had come from towns & villages at a distance. My father was there and often refer'd to that meeting with no ordinary pleasure. But what splendid? Missionary Meetings since then in Leeds.
Wm Hey Esq the noted surgeon in Leeds (and grandfather of the present Wm Hey Esq surgeon in Leeds) was born at Pudsey Augt 23 O.S. or Sept 1736. For the first 10 yrs of his surgical life his income did not meet his expenses. He was a member of the Methodist Society from 18 yrs old till he was 48. A Class meeting was held in house, he ? well acquainted with Mr Wesley. He was one of the originators of the Infirmary in Leeds. The first meeting held on its account was May 20th 1767 And a house was rented for the first Infirmary in Kirkgate. And the Yard is still known by that name. Mr Hey was on the building committee for the 2nd Infirmary which was opened March 1771 which afterwards was enlarged 3 different times. This most worthy man died March 23rd 1819 Aged 83 yrs, was inter'd St Pauls Church Leeds
1821 I a scholar in the Royal Lancstrian School and on the occasion of the Coronation of Geo the fourth in that year we had a grand dinner of plum pudding and Roast Beef NB what scholar would forget such a treat, ah
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1818 I well remember going with mother to see Wellington Bridge then in ??? In progress of erection.
1818 The Rev Wm Bramwell died very suddenly in Woodhouse Lane nearly opposite to where St Columba Church now stands, he had just left Mr Sigston's of the Queen's Square Academy early in the morning & was found by a watchman & was got back to Mr Sigston's. Many persons were allowed to see the remains of Mr Bll when in the coffin. Bessie Reynard an old friend of ours was one who saw the remains. My father heard the late eloquent Mr Wm Dawson preach Mr B funeral sermon in Mr Sigston's School yard to an immense congregation both in the yard and in that part of the Square where they could both see and hear that prince of 'lay preachers'. Bessie Reynard was there she said it was on a very hot Sunday & a person held an umbrella over Mr Dawson's head while he was preaching to screen him from the suns rays.
In 1815 A Methodist Sunday School for Girls was commenced in an upper room in Fountain Street bottom of Park Lane. It was ascended by steps on the outside a blacksmith's shop was on the ground floor. I remember going with father to hear an old returned missionary the late Mr Warrener preach in the school room on a work day evening. Mr Warrener was sent out to America by Mr Wesley in 1822. A Methodist S. School for Boys was commenced in a room in Park Lane very near to the top of Caroline St. It was formerly occupied for Cloth dressing purposes by Mr Wainhouse (who drowned himself in his own house). I became a scholar in it soon after it was opened. It was also used as a preaching room. In it the noted Rev John Smith & Rev John Stone were wont to preach when assistants in Mr Sigston's Academy. In 1823 the new Sunday School in School St was opened. And our School in Park Lane & the Girls School in Fountain Street were removed to it. It was only one storey in height (then) with sliding partitions in the centre to separate us, during teaching time.
In 1826 & 1827 The Wesleyan Conference in its Wisdom!! Determined to do away with writing in the Sunday Schools over which they had the power. And School Street S. School was one, made over to the Conference. At that time we had four superintendants Mr Saml Bradley & Mr Wm Marsland for the Girls Mr Constantine & Mr David Farrer Calvert over the Boys. Three out of the four Supts refused to submit (Mr Cone) being the fourth). All the Teachers & the Scholars were of the same mind of the three Supts. The conference nomines came to the School & put a 'padlock' on Library doors & kept possession of all the Books which had been begged for or subscribed by the friends & teachers of the School. At last the affair came to a crisis. And one beautiful morn in the summer of 1827 a general 'strike' took place we all went to school but would not go in. One of my old teachers, Mr Thom Hassel wanted me and others of his Class to go in to hear what the company would say to us, but we would not, and all dispersed shortly after So ended this days proceedings & not forgotten to this hour (Nov '69). by those of us who still survive. A large room (being part of a warehouse) situated in a yard in Park Lane(?) & opposite to where Oxford Chapel now stands was taken & fitted up but only used till such time as the new one should be ready. The new S. School in ??? Street Park Lane was opened in the latter end of Nov 1828.
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It would have been opened earlier in the month but for the very sudden death of Mr Saml Bradley who died on the 8th or 9th of Nov, he was a man greatly esteemed & deeply lamented.
In 1827 & 1828. The vexed Organ question in connextion with Brunswick Chapel with the writing in the Schools caused many to leave the Society and went under the name of Protestant Methodists and took the Baptist's old chapel called 'Stone Chapel' in St Peters Street abd erected Park Chapel in Caroline St. It was opened on Easter Sunday April 19th I829 by Mr James Sigston in the morning. I was there.
1825 on Friday Sept 9th The noble(?) Brunswick Chapel was opened by that highly gifted man Dr Adam Clarke collection £165 6 8. In the afternoon by the Rev Geo Marsden col £60 9 6. In the evening By the Rev. Jabez Bunting col £119 16. On Sunday morning following The Rev Theophs Lessey Preached col £200. In the afternoon the noted Mr Wm Dawson col £110. In the evening by Rev Jabez Bunting col £130. Our father heard Dr Clarke. I went with father at night. Silver was taken at the foot of the gallery stairs. I & Sister went with father on the Sunday evening. At that time a panic was created by some scoundrels who cried out the chapel was falling because they were not allowed to go upstairs without paying Father Sister & I were in Aisle for the place was crowded. Sister was carried quite of her feet with the rush that was made, several was hurt. Mr Dawson was in the pulpit & used his then powerful voice in endeavouring to quell the panic but was some time 'ere the fears of the congregation was calmed down. Many came out and were advised not to return. We then accompanied father to Albion Chapel for Collections was being made in all the other Chapels in Leeds for the benefit of the new one. The total amount of all the collections was £853 which was made up to £1,000.
1827 Oct 14th I commenced working as an Apprentice with the late John Clark & Son Wm as a Coach Smith
1829 Feby 1st The great fire in York Minster took place occasioned by the fanatic Jonathan Martin (bror of the celebrated painter John Martin). Many were the relics of the fire that were exhibited in Shopwindows in Leeds which I saw £50,000 damages
1829 March 5th At Nether Green Woodhouse Mr Josiah Falkner died at 9 0'clock pm his wife died the same night at 12 o'clock, their remains were put in one coffin. They were very old. My father took Mr & Mrs Hebblethwaite in the carriage to the funeral. I was there & saw them in the Coffin. If there is a lovely sight in death, it must be to see an aged pair like the above, after weathering the storms of a long life & then ceasing at once to work & live. They were inter'd in the (then called) new burying ground Kirgate.
1826 May 18th The foundation stone of Commercial Buildings Leeds was laid and completed Oct 12th 1829 At an expense of £34400 .
1829 Oct 25th Mrs Mary Bullock died aged 70 yrs & wife of the above Marmaduke Bk. She was Mother to Pheobe wife of John Frankland he was foreman to Mr Hebte, Mrs Bk was a good
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neighbour & one my Mother thought much of. She was housekeeper to her bror Jonathan Denison a very little man because decreped(?) & went with two sticks, he was many [years?] bookkeeper 40 yrs with Hebblethwaite & died July 16th1833 aged 77 yrs. I was at his funeral as bearer & got 2/6. At his death our father got leave to go into his house to reside. It was a good exchange having a nice parlour extra & far better view through the Plantation into the open fields
1829 May Henry Smart (my fellow apprentice) left on acct of his bad conduct, he had previously been apprenticed & served his time as a sweep.
1829 Sept 18th A new Bridge for foot passengers was opened in School close formerly the road across the river was by a ferry boat, over or in which I have gone often.
1829 March 30th aged 88 yrs James Thomas for 55 yrs Bellman Leeds The noted and much respected 'Big Ben' the bellman succeeded to that office.
1830 June 30th John Walker Clark (2nd Son of John Clark) was married to Eleanor Strickland of School Close Leeds.
1830 July 28th The Wesleyan Conference held at Leeds on which occasion I had the great pleasure of seeing the highly gifted Dr Adam Clarke but never heard(?) him.
1830 Oct 23rd aged 15 yrs Wm Hodgson my (then) young friend & bror to Chrisr Hodgson
1831 Apri 13th Aged 54 yrs Died my dear Master Mr John Clark Coach Builder leaving a Wife & eleven Children. He was greatly respected by Many. He was one who had worked his way from small beginnings to a highly respected position in Life but he had an helpmeet in every respect in her left behind to Mourn his loss.
1831 May 10th Begun valuing the Stock of the above J. Clark for his eldest Son Wm Clark to take the whole of the business on his own Acct.
1831 May 19th aged 24 yrs Wm Robinson plumber. He was son of my father's old friend & Class Leader Barnard Robinson. (He died in the house of Recovery.)
1831 Sept 2nd Richard Clark (4th son of the John Clark) was married to Miss Margaret Blundell. She was an excellent wife better than he deserved.
1832 Jany 12th My employer Mr Wm Clark was married to Miss Mary Croft the daughter of Mr Samuel Croft Joiner & Builder. Who what an excellent wife & good Mistress did she prove to her husband & to his men.
1830 Sept 15th The Manchester & Liverpool Railway opened to the Public. On that occasion the noted Wm Huskisson Esq MP for Liverl was killed.
1831 Sept The day on which the Jubilee of Sunday Schools was celebrated in Leeds. The morning was very fine and the day being the coronation day of Wm the 4th & his Queen Adelaide a grand review took place on Woodhouse Moor in the forenoon. In the afternoon a great gathering of Sunday Schools was to take place on hustings erected on the Moor for that purpose. While the various Schools were wending their way to the Moor the clouds began to gather & the rain to descend at such a rate that the scholars were glad to get back to their (our) Schools as best they could. At our S. School Princess St we were regaled with Beer (underlined three times) but never was beer given again on any occasion since (& now … ). No, no that once was sufficient … On the above day Mr Russom made his first ascent in his new Balloon
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in honour of the events but the Atmosphere was so heavy & the rain so continuous The Balloon could not get away & came down in Burley Fields & near to Woodhouse moor.
1832 June 7th The Reform Bill received the Royal Assent NB By Commission.
1832 June 15th The passing of the Reform Bill was celebrated in Leeds by a public dinner in the Coloured Cloth Hall at which near 3000 sat down to Roast Beef & Plum pudding.
1832 Decr 10th Was the nomination day for the election of two Members of Parliament for Leeds under the new Reform Bill. The polling days were on the 12th & 13th . The candidates were John Marshall Esq Thos Babbington Macauly Esq & Thos Sadler Esq. At the conclusion of the 2nd & last polling day the votes stood as follows viz Marshall 2021 Macauly 1984 & Sadler 1596.
1828 Sept 12th The large & powerfull Organ erected in Brunswick Chapel was opened on Friday with three services, Robert Newton in the morning at 3pm by Wm M. Bunting & in the evening by Theophilus Lessey. On Sunday T. Lessey twice . NB Silver was taken at the entrance to the Body of the Chapel and at the foot of the Gallery Stairs. 'The free seats' were free on the occasion. Saml Wesley Nephew to the late John Wesley presided at the Organ.
1832 Aug Sunday 26th Died Dr Adam Clark in the 73rd year of his age, after a few hours illness of 'Cholera'. He was one of the great Lights & blessings of the World. This illustrious individual was profoundly learned in many languages, was an eminent Philosopher, a great divine, a celebrated Commentator an extensive Author and a most distinguished Preacher. The friend & promoter of letters of Science & of Art, The advocate of humanity, liberty & Religion? The honest pride & greatest Ornament of the Methodist body & at moment of his death filled a large space in the public eye, & occupied a large share in the public heart, not only of the vast community to which he belonged but of most of the living Christianity now afloat on the Globe than any Man that survives him. He was for 50 years the most eminent minister in his denomination possessing great nobleness of soul & loftiness of intellect - was manly & philanthropic & generous in an illustrious degree, had a most original, searching, analytical, & laborious Mind, was the very antipodes of littleness & bigotry & sectarianism & in a word he was preeminintly a Great & good Man, of whom it is not too much to say, We shall never look upon his like again".
1833 Jany 8th The Revd Richard Watson died.
1835 Octr 9th & 11th Oxford Place Chapel was Opened, and the old Chapel top of Albion St was afterwards closed. Mr Wm Dawson preached the last sermon in it for the benefit of the new Chapel I heard at that time The old chapel was afterwards sold to Mr Vance of Dublin for a Cloth Warehouse.
1826 Feb 7th Reinter'd the body of the late Mr Daniel Joiner & Builder of Coburg Street Leeds. The body had been stolen from St John's Churchyard & was detected on the top of a Stage Coach at Newcastle en route for Scotland. There was a sensation in Leeds on account of the circumstance. I remember it.
1826 Nov 8th Mr Wm Dawson preached in Brunswick Chapel a
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funeral sermon on the death of the Rev David Stone to a crowded congregation. The text was Thus saith the Lord, set this house in order &c
1832 April 24th A great County Meeting was held at York on the Factory's ten hours Bill, the leading men there were Richard Oastler Esq M. J.(?) Sadler Esq & an heavy fall of rain took place on the occasion both going to the Meeting & returning. Many walked from Leeds & back. Many would get severe colds by going & would never recover.
1833 Aug 12th [?) Saml Stead coach painter (my fellow apprentice) was lose of his.
1833 Feb 20th Lady Beckett died at Gledhow. She was Mother to the late Sir John Chris Wm & the present Sir Thos & also Henry who went to America [last six words seem to be an addition.]
1833 May 16th An awful thunder storm took place. The hail broke thousands of Hothouse squares of Glass.
1833 Nov 24th Thos Benyon Esqr died at New Grange where he had resided for many years. It is now called Headingley Grange & belongs to the Becketts.
1834 Aug 15th John Denison Joiner died aged 64 yrs & bror to Jonathan mentioned before {last word interpolated]
1834 Nov 12th Pim Nevins died he was a Cloth Merchant in Hunslet & a Quaker.
1834 Dec 3th James Barker died, he kept cabs & was a good customer of ours
1834 Sept 26th The Leeds & Selby Railway publicly opened, was quite an event for Leeds.
1834 Octr Dr Warren Wesleyan Minister was suspended for writing a phamflet against the Wesleyan Theological Institution just commenced, he came to Leeds to preach for the Association , I heard him, he afterwards entered the Church.
1834 Feby 15th (Sat) A memorable day in Leeds and for Mr E. Baines & family & his many friends. When the late Ewd Baines first became MP for Leeds in place of the then Thos B. Macauly who had accepted place under govert to India. The struggle was a severe one 'twixt the late Sir John Beckett and Mr Baines. I heard Sit John speak at the 'Scarbro Hotel at the close of the Polls, disappointment was written on his countenance& also 'xpressed by him. After listening to him went to the great gathering in the Cloth Hall Yard, there stood Mr Ed Baines on the top of the steps with his three sons viz Mr Talbot, Mr Ed Junr & Mr Fredk and the steps was crowded by his principal supporters. O that was a joyous event, what an ovation he received. And in the following week came the charming day not yet forgotten by those of us who still survive (now 35 yrs ago). The final state of the poll was as follows viz Mr Baines 1,951 Sit John Beckett 1917, & for Mr Joshua Bower 24 [figure underlined]
1834 March 28th & Good Friday Wm Hodgson was lose of my apprenticeship. We had a Loosening Supper that night in which was included my bror John's 'footing' - he being recently bound apprentice as a coach painter. That night I foolishly took too much of the publichouse drink & paid the smart for it that night & the two following days. I thank God that was the first & I trust the last time. Upwards of 35 years have now elapsed since that occurrence & the second time as yet ['yet interpolated] to come. During the whole of my apprenticeship I was never stopped any of my wages, always making it a point of duty to ['be' omitted] at my post at 6 o'clock A.M. except from sickness which was rare. The same also can be said of Saml Stead before named. After I was loose I began with a pound per week for the first year.
1833 [check year] June Our Father bought of Mr James Brown Bricklayer of Woodhouse the two small cottages in Spencely St. & also agreed with J. Bn to build other two close to the others the cost of the four was £205 [check figure].
1834 Jany 11th Died the Wife of John Hardy Esqr with whom our father formerly liv'd
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1825 The old [interpolated] Cross which stood near the top of Briggate was taken down & to mark the spot in which [correction?] it stood was paved with large stones to [three illegible words] dangerous to the horses feet were afterwards taken up & smaller used. A large portion of the ? were removed to the end of the (then) new Shambles for a fish(?) market.
1825 The Middle Row [interpolated word crossed out] with its Moot Hall in Briggate [these two words interpolated] was taken down which made a grand improvement there. At that time all the Shows [?] were in Briggate but below Kirgate end during the fair.
1826 The new Shambles were erected leading [???] Briggate [??] Lane. My father drove old Mr Hebbe through [???] his carriage being the first carriage that had gone there.
1828 The new Central Market opened I heard [?]
[The above, from the top of page 44, appears to have been written in pencil and corrected]
1828 Sept 21st Aged 24 yrs Mrs Elizth Sharper of East Keswick & daugr of Wm Thropshire of Chapeltown joiner
1832 July 26th aged 47 yrs John Wade Esqr Surgeon he brought all of us into the world xcept Sister & bror Ben [interpolated]
[The two items above presumably refer to deaths, but he doesn't say so.]
1835 July 23 The Cemetry at Woodhouse was used as a burying place for the first time.
1835 Sept 13th Sunday I went to Harewood Church along with my companion Saml Eastwood to see the then princess Victoria & her Mother the Duchess of Kent. The next day she came through Leeds en route to Earl Fitzwilliam's Wentworth Woodhouse, what a crush in Briggate to see them.
1835 Sept 30th John Hillary Hebblethwaite married Miss Young after a long courtship.
1835 Sept 28th A terrible explosion took place at Holbeck in the evening by which 6 lives were lost & 3 houses were destroyed by fireworks & Gunpowder. I & others of my shop visited the spot next morning .
?? three small children. (& he out of employment) had lived in one of the three Cottages adjoining Mr Hebblethwaite's Warehouse & Cropping Shop & next door to our parents. They lost the whole of days they in order to leave their little property safe, which consisted of 6 £5 notes & a sovereign which he had got together by careful savings (for he was a Coachman) wrapped the whole in a piece
And having to wash all up the next day (for they were about to leave the house) made a fire under the set pot by which the Notes were consumed. One of the children happened to see the sovern fall out, told its Mother, who immediately uttered such a shriek of distress which brought in our Mother, to learn the cause & found them both in a state better imagine than described. The affair was name to Mr Hebbte who forgave them their 2 yrs Rent £1"10s then due. Mr john Hillary Hebbte gave £1 & Coll Ramsay gave £2. Mr Hy Hebtte wrote a petition (now in my possession) describing the case. Our Father went on a begging excursion & thereby obtained rather more than the half of what the distress ones had lost. Coll Ramsay was his late employer.
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1834 July 3rd Old Mrs Thos Hebblethwaite died, She was sister in law to old Mr Hebblethwaite. About this time Headingley Church was rebuilt & old Mr Thos Hebtte coffin had to be taken up (out of water) after 24yrs interment & was quite sound my father saw it [last four words interpolated]
1834 June 25 Benjn Holmes died, he had only just been married 6 weeks, he came to his death by having been put into a damp bed at or near Carlsheaton where he had gone to take an Inn?, he was bror to Fanny & Susannah Holmes, who liv'd with old Hebte
1835 Feby 26th Ann the 3rd daugr of John Frankland aged 24 yrs
1836 April 15th Thos Crawshay died aged he was Mother's Uncle.
1836 June 9th Rachel the wife of Joseph Martin?? aged 39 yrs. She was father's fellow servant before married.
1836 Aug 2nd Sarah Styan? Died at E. Keswick aged 76 yrs She was my father's cousin {phrase crossed out]. She would be Mother [or Aunt, crossed out] to Dr Styan of Kirgate Leeds.
1836 Aug 21st The first Marriage at Woodhouse Church took place.
1836 Sept 27th Thos Chadwick of Woodhouse married to Hannah Sister to John Frankland
1836 Oct 31st John Marshall Esqr died late MP for Leeds.
1839 Dec 8th John Pickles died aged [blank], he was formerly Coachman to Coll Dxno of Gledhow & drove 4 in hand, after wards Coachman to Benjn Gott Esqr of Armley House he died very poor. My father went on a begging excursion & obtained for him [space].
1836 Decr 18th A great Reform Dinner took place in Obadiah Willanss New Mill 1000 sat down.
1836 Decr 24th Lepton Dobson died suddenly in Woodhouse Lane, he was formerly a Cloth Merchant of high repute, kept his yellow chariot & pair. Such was the confidence reposed him that his workmen & others made him their banker, he failed & they lost all.
1837 Feb 26th Peter Rhodes Esqr died aged 79 yrs of Park Place. He was father to Dr Hobson's wife.
1837 July 27th Ewd Baines Esqr & sir Wm Molesworth Returned MPs for Leeds & Sir John Beckett defeated.
1837 July 31st Nomination day at Wakefield & a shamefull riot took place twixt Whig & Torys. 2 men killed.1837 Sept 8th I had the misfortune to get a bit of hot iron against my left eye by which accident the sight of it was ultimately lost. I was of work 6 weeks.
1838 Jany The new bridge over the River Air School Close opened for carriages &c.
1838 Feby 16th Abraham Rhodes Esqr died aged 70 yrs, he was bro to old Mr Hebbte wife, he had a large Cloth Mill in Woodhouse Carr, was interrr'd in /st Pauls Leeds
1838 March 4th Finished the Spire of St George's Church, the Cross on the top was & is very large.
1838 March 18th A large Wooden Building was erected extending from South Parade Chapel to Park Row (on a plot of ground then vacant) by the Tories on purpose to receive & entertain Sir Francis Burdett to Dinner It was nicknamed the Nat Trap and the name took well.
1838 May 11th Dr Hobson Married Miss Rhodes of Park Place.
1838 Sept 1st Bror Benjn finished his apprenticeship with John Hebbte Esq.
1838 In this year two new Roads were opened from Meadow Lane to Victoria .
1838 Octr 1st Lawson Walker died, same date Father took a tombstone to Harewood Church In Memory of his dear parents and his two brothers, Wm & John. AM the Sunday night previous the ground was covered thick with snow. The storm swept trees, walls & buildings down in all directions, it lasted 15 hours, Trinity Church Spire had to be rebuilt. The snow had all gone that morning.
1839 Jany 21st Bror Benjn had a terrible fit & a very narrow escape from death
1839 Jany 23rd Mrs Mary Tinsdale died Aged 39 yrs leaving 3 children, her husband Wm was Coachman to Geo Noble Esqr but from drink had to leave.
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1838 Novr 29 Old Joseph Naylor died aged 89 years, he was many ?years in the employ of Mr Hebte as Handle Setter. He was wont to tell us that he remembered the Fox Hounds being in Park Row in their hunting expeditions. The Kennels were then on Woodhouse Moor. J.N. used a wooden leg.
1839 Jan 29th Mrs Tottie the wife of J. Wm Tottie Esqr Solicitor died suddenly.
1839 March 21st Our Neighbour Mrs Sutcliffe died after a long affliction, her husband James was the Cloth Presser at Mr Hebte earned good wages, like drink & died in Work {house}.
1839 July 8th Thos Whosey died from the bite of a dog (not mad). The wound took the wrong {way}.
1839 July 9th George Dimain Livesy Stable Keeper was thrown out of his Gig & killed he {was a good customer to Clark}.
1839 Decr 31st Joseph Murfin Rachel's husband died in the Infirmary.
1840 Jan 3rd John Thompson died, he was a zealous preacher in the Wesn Association.
1840 Feby 10th Queen Victoria married to Prince Albert.
1840 Feb 14th Benjn Gott Esqr died of 5 days illness Aged 78 Years. He was a Man of noble & liberal disposition, a kind master & died much lamen{ted}. There is a beautiful reclining Statue of him in Armley Church.
1840 April 2nd Thos Walker died aged 30 yrs bror to Lawson before named.
1840 May 17th Philip Nicholson Esqr of Roundhay Park shot his Gamekeeper, thinking he was a Robber, the poor man's name was Chas Thompson.
1840 May 14th Mr Hebblethwaite went from his dinner to bed & died on Friday the 22nd at 6 pm aged 95 years & 9 months.
1840 May 20th York Minster again took fire - was supposed from carelessness. A great amount of damage was done, but not so much as before.
1840 Octr 3rd The house, Gardens, hot houses Stabling & fields owned & occupied by the late Mr Hebte was advertised for Sale. This was John Hillary Hebte's {Share}.
1840 Oct 7th Ritter ? Hebbtes share on the North Side of Woodhouse Lane was also advertised for Sale.
1841 March 25th James Hebblethwaite before mentioned died suddenly.
1841 April 6th Wm White died aged 47 yrs. He was Warehouse man to Mr Hebte.
1841 May [blank] Father's & I removed to our New abode top of Reuben Street.
1841 May [blank] In this Month Mr Fretwell Grocer of Upperhead Row failed and by him John Frankland lost £1400 of lent money.
1841 June 30th Aunt Martha Hodgson died aged 69.
1841 Mr Wm Dawson died very suddenly aged 69. He spent the greater part of his life at Barnbow - as a farmer. He was a fine specimen of a Yorkshire Man, generally wore drab knee breeches & top boots, was of a strong built frame. And such a local preacher as England never heard before & perhaps never will again. His build, his manner & gesture, his tone of voice & eloquence, with the flash of his eyes, will never be forgotten by thousands who heard him, his usefulness Eternity alone can declare. I always think the Rev James Everett did not or could not do full justice to the life of Mr W Dawson wrote by him.
1841 July. Begun laying water pipes in Woodhouse.
1841 Nov 22th ?? The Earl of Harewood died very suddenly while out hunting, he was found by the side of a ditch dead. [part of this sentence is hard to read, possibly rubbed out and repeated].
1842 Feb 11th Mrs Sigston the wife of Mr James Sigston of Queen's Square Academy died.
1840 Sept 8th Father bo't of James Norfolk the house in Spencley St total cost £457-1-0.
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1840 July 14th Our dear father entered Mr Thos Blades service at 17 per week.
1842 June 29th Martha Easny died aged 80 yrs of East Keswick she was fathers cousin.
" May 6th The wife of father's old tenant Wm Mitchell died suddenly.
" Aug About this time great disturbances took place in Leeds & its neighbourhood and other districts by the Chartists & their plug drawing system by which they intended to stop all mills thereby intented to stop all trade till they get their rights so called several lives were lost in several places. At that time Mr Wm Smith's old Warehouse bottom of Woodhouse Lane was taken {for foot Barracks}.
1842 Feb 1st Wm Maynard died & on July 6th John Maynard died aged 20 yrs. These were the sons of Nanny Maynard who washed at old Mr Hebbte for many years for one of her sons who was sent to Ilkley on account of his health & to keep him longer there. My father with a petition headed by Mr Hebbtes name went to several others and obtained altogether £5"13"0 for their benefit.
1842 Mr Wilkinson Silversmith committed suicide And in June Saml Eastwood's Mother {died}.
1843 Jany 12 A chain was for some years placed across the top of Reuben Terrace (then called) by old neighbour Mr Geo Newton to prevent all carts from coming or going to anywhere but Little London'. This was a great 'bore' to many whether they had a right, other property owners near got advice & found they could cut it away without any fear of 'law' & did so on the above date to the joy many as my father said.
1843 June 24th My dear Master Mr Wm Clark Coach Builder after a long affliction died aged only 42 yrs He was a clever man & most industrious & persevering in his business which largely increase.d upon him after his father's death. At the time of his death he was with his dear wife staying at Boston Spa at the time of his last attack of coughing they were walking out and whilst coughing he broke a blood vessel, our dear Mrs endeavoured to get the blood out of his mouth but it was of no avail he died on the spot. His remains were intered upon those of his dear father in St Peter's Chapel Yard. Had Mr Wm's two youngest brothers Thomas and Joseph been attentive to the business & assisted their bror as it was their duty & highest interest to have done so then doubtless the Buisness at Leeds would have been theirs. But no their drunken profligate conduct was their ruin. Therefore Mr Wm had to allow his brother Walker Clark to come from the Wakefield shop to assist him at Leeds, which he did in May preceding his brors death but he never possessed the ability or temper of his bro Wm.
1843 July 24th Mr Richard Clark died aged 32 yrs He was book keeper to his bror Mr Wm he was put apprentice to a grocer And afterwards his father set him up in in business, he made him an excellent grocer's shop out of the old {crossed out] Show room{?} belonging to the old Shop in Call Lane but he could not or would not do there; therefore thy made him the book keeper in School Close Carriage Works, & there he remained till his death, which was brought about through his excessive drinking he was only one week ill.
1843 Jan 31st Mr Raistrick who succeeded James Barden in his Cab business died very suddenely while standing besides his Cab at the Railway Station, he married J. Barker's widow, her maiden name was Chippendale.
1843 June 6th Mr Joseph Kirk joiner of Woodhouse died. He was bror Henry's Master.
"" Aug 2nd Rev. J. Blythman died suddenly in Leeds, was a Minister in the Wn Association.
"" July 8th Mr Fred Green {Druggist at Woodhouse} was married to Miss Mary Chippendale & Sister to the above.
1844 April died Hannah the Wife of Thos Wood of East Keswick, they liv'd in the house that Aunt Mary Allenby {&} her son's Robt Scatchard Stead & Wm Allenby &c died in.
"" April 22 Miss Jane the daugher of my father's late Master E. J. Teale Esqr aged 15 yrs. My Sister was her Nurse.
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1844 Decr 3rd Aged 52 years Mr John Scatcherd Surgeon of East Keswick died, he was much repsected as a Dr but intemperance shortened his days.
1845 Jany 29 Thos Walker died he was the last of four sons of the Joseph Walker who was partner with Chrisr Hebbte old Mr Hebbtes nephew. The 4 sons died by int…{ce}.
1845 May 23 aged 25 John Kitson Coach Smith & felloe apprentice of bror John.
1845 July 15th aged 25 my brother John Hodgson after long affliction.
1845 June 22 Sarah Allonby of East Keswick died, she was the daugr of Thos Hodgson father Uncle
1845 July 2nd James Brown Esqr of Harehills died.
1846 June 9th aged 23 Ephraim Hall Body Maker died serv'd his time at Clarks he was a promising young man.
1846 Aug 17 aged 20 Sarah Hall sister to the above.
1846 Dec 23 aged 71 Geo Newton Flocker our old neighbour he {was} well known in Leeds especially in the Vestry meetings at the Parish Church for he was a Radical Reformer.
1845 Geo Child of East Keswick {killed} by his loaded {cart of} coals going over him he {was returning home drunk}.
1845 Sept 13 aged 42 yrs Mr Wm H Glover after a long affliction he was a local preacher & sometime Supert in our School.
1845 Sept 13 Mr Dearlove of Well Close House drowned himself howing to his difficulties he was much respected , & greatly pitied.
1845 Decr 12th I paid to Mr John Botterill Artist the sum of £4 for my dear parents portraits never was money better spent, the likenesses are so good. 1847 Oct 9th Rev John Ely died aged He was Minister of East Parade Chapel., he was a man greatly belov'd by his people & fellow townsmen.
1847 April 1st aged 56 My dear old School Teacher Mr John Hessel died.
1847 Decr 29 aged 22 years Ninian Whitaker Body Maker at Clarks.
1846 Nov 18 Aged 61 yrs Griffith Wright Esqr of Harehills. He & his father were formerly owners of the {"Leeds Intelligencer"}.
1846 Aug 18th Aged 79 yrs Ben Clarkson Esqr formerly well known at Woodouse had a Quarry (?).
1848 Jan 23 aged 72 yrs Mr Wm Shofield died suddenly in Ebenezer Chapel.
1848 Jany 2nd aged 57 yrs my dear Mother Elizth Hodgson departed this life.
1848 Jany 9th aged 54 yrs Richard Williams Viceman at Clarks many years.
1848 Jany 14th aged ?? Wm Hutchinson a very clever Coach Smith work at Clarks but a drunk{ard}.
1848 Jan 18th Aged Thos Whitely known as 'Jem at Becketts' where he had been Butler with Mr Chrisr & Wm Beckett for many years he was bror to Mr Eli Whitely Stuff Manufacr well known at Bank Leeds
1848 Jan 23rd I went with bror Robt Hart to see his venerable friend Mr John Smith of Smithy Mills Addel. He was a most intelligent gentleman was 93 on the 30th of Jan. When a youth remember'd hearing Mr Whitfield preach & hearing Mr John Wesley many times, and gave us an interesting account of his manner & style of his preaching told {how} he could lead the singing himself in the 'Old Boggert House' the Chapel built by Mr Wesley. He was born & liv'd in the same house 97 years. He was a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Society 60 years. Such was the estimation in which he was held that he filled the office of executor under no less than fourteen Wills All of which he saw wound up before his death. He was supeone(?) to York at six different times and once to London. He never remembered but having one slight illness till within a few weeks of his decease. I saw him a short time before he died which took place on May 22nd 1853 in his 90th year. He was born & live'd in the same house 97 years & there he died I have some of his writing giving some of the above particulars with his autograph obtained for by his grandaughter Jane Smith who then liv'd near us. It is a curiosity of its kind.
1848 Feb 6th died Old Mrs Bernard a very little but tidy [correction?] Lady at Pleasant Dairy, a tenant of old Mr Hebblethwaite's. I have a 'bustle' of hers given me by Emma - her servant.
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1848 Feb 26th Jack Smith-Smith & {Ann Saxton Wheeler {left} owing to the Timekeeper called 'Punch' {underlined]. {John Walton Clark would not pay lease? on acct of what had been done Sat previous to 'Punch' [underlined].
1848 Feb 21st aged 70 Obadiah Brook Surgeon died was old Mr & Mrs Clark's doctor.
1848 Feb 21 aged 58 Mrs Robertshaw the bookmaker's wife & Mother of Geo Wilson's wife.
1848 March 2nd James Hobson Warehouse Man at Kirkstall {Forge} iron warehouse in Call Lane Leeds
1848 April 2 Sunday a beautiful forenoon and tremendous thunderstorm in the afternoon.
1848 April 24th aged 25 years Thos son of John Hassel my old S.S. Teacher died.
1848 April 13th 0ur dear Mrs Wm Clark lent the Life of Dr Adam Clark in three vols to ???
1848 May 12th aged 43 yrs Joseph Templehe was at Brown & Co warehouse 30 yrs was wont to bounce? About his{ pigs}.
1848 May 15th aged 48 yrs Mr Saml Clay Horsebreaker he died much respected.
1848 May 28th died Me Smith whose wife was Mother's cousin & sister Christiana i.e. Mrs Richardson.
1848 May 28 Sunday another great thunderstorm & much rain.
1848 June 1st aged 40. Wm Hodgson tailor of East Keswick leaving a wife big with child & 9 children {as I have mentioned before he suffered long}.1848 June 10th [?] Aged Cousin Charles Hodgson died at Bradford he was the last of cousins who with uncle & aunt {are all gone.}
1848 June 11th Aged 85 yrs Benjn Goodman Esqr he was indeed a kind Christian gentleman belov'd by all who {knew} him he had a kind word for everybody whether poor or rich made no matter to him, hundreds who were schollars in the Lancaster School will never forget him on account of the interest he took in their welfare his remains were intered in WhitChurch Yard.
1848 June 26th aged 62 Mr Thos Simpson died very suddenly in the Vestry of Brunswick Chapel being Quarter day he was upwards 40 years a member. He also was a local preacher. On the 12th July the Rev Joseph {correction] Fowler preached his funeral sermon.
1848 July 8th aged 51 yrs Mr John Yewdall Grocer Briggate. He was a local preacher in the Wesleyan Association He was one of the leading men in that body and greatly re{spected}.
1848 July 8th aged 85 yrs Francis Shires of East Keswick he was fathers cousin &mentioned befire
1848 July 18th aged 54 yrs The Rev Dr Hamilton died 34 years Minister in Leeds.
1848 July 21st aged 50 Mr Chas Smith Butcher an highly valued member in Brunswick Chapel & a usefull local preacher.
1848 July 30th Aged 59 yrs John Howard Esqr a leading man in the Oxford Place Chapel a great friend to the Methodist cause. A striking profile of him on his Monum{ent} erected to his memory in the Oxford Chapel & near the back door.
1848 August 3rd aged 74 years Ewd Baines Esqr died the justly esteemed & highly valued towns man of Leeds whose history is now before the world in the life published of him by his worthy son & successor Ewd Baines Esq M.P. every young man should read the life of the late Mr baines. On his retirement from public life his friends & fellow townsmen presented him with a splendid testimonial in Novr 1841 in the shape of a candelabrum 31 inches high and four silver covered dishes weighing together 575 ounces being defrayed? By a subscription of several hundred pounds which was raised . An immence number of persons attended his funeral.
1848 Aug 21st We had a Tea Meeting in our Sunday School to take a farewell of Mr Wm Fletcher & his wife they were formerly Scholars in the Princess Street S. School & he was its valued Secretary at the time of their leaving us for Philadelphia America. .About 70 of us took tea together £2"14 was Presented to him as a small token of our respect. Oct 24th our dear friend Mr Chas Wright recd a letter from Wm Fletcher giving an acct of their safe arrival in Phila after a splendid voyage {of 30 days}.
1848 Aug 22 Old Lammy? Of Pleasant Dairy died suddenly Aug 1st Old Pally Stead of E. Keswick {child}.
1848 Dec 1st John Toplady was found drowned he was for several years body painter at Clarks was of exceeding bad temper, a gambler, a cock fighter and a drunkard, was discharged for not being able to do his work, had nothing to fall back upon and that was his end. Wm? Clark gave wood for a coffin & his late shop mates made it
1848 Decr 10th aged 81 Mrs Berwick of Blenheim Terrace died Mother of Mr Everard? {Upton of the same Terrace.}
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1848 Oct Mr Fenteman the noted Old Book Seller died
" Sept John Frankland? Died? Suddenly.
1849 Jan 3rd I was appointed treasurer for our S. School Library in the place of our dear friend Mr Chas Wright who was at this time leaving Leeds for Bradford & on his leaving us we had a tea at which time he was presented but a small token of our regard by our late friend Mr Pemberton.
1849 Jan 42 {yrs} Mr Goe Crawshaw died in America he was formerly at Thos Hirst ??? Millin School Close an unjust charge of fraud was prefer'd against him & for which he was tried at the Courthouse & acquitted he afterwards went to America .
1849 Feb aged 90 yrs Old Betty Labron of East Keswick died at York, see her name mentioned before
1849 April 9th & 10th John Walker Clark offered the whole of his stock of carriages for sale on his removal from the old Shop to the new premises in Great George St.
1849 April 19th I removed to the new Shop, had I stayed till Oct 14 I should have been 22 years
1849 Sept 24 Mrs Boot & her two children died if cholera .& on the 25th her husband also of cholera & a broken heart, he was a Letter carrier & belonged to the Tabeinailers School.
1849 Oct 1st Mrs Thos Hall of Hunslet Hall died of cholera Mother of Ephraim & Sarah mention'd before
1849 June 17th aged 73 . My dear old Mrs Sarah Clark . She was rough & blunt in her manner but had a kind heart, She never saw the new Shop. She was quite oppose'd to it being {built}.
1849 Nov 14th aged 64 years Mr John Asquith many years overlooker at Mr Brown's {??? Mll}.
1850 Jany 8th A strike took place in our shop on acct of ? W Clark determining to introduce the slate system 1,e, each man setting down daily his own work. I went out with the rest but after 3 wks went in & I never regret so doing.
1850 Shortly afterwards Saml Stead, Robt Morley, Thos Rushton, & Henry Holden commenced business as Coach Makers in Wellington St on acct of the Strike.
1850 June 24th James Pollard Body Maker died.
1850 Aug 2nd aged 69 years John Hale, hair dresser, whom when a lad stood upon a stool to shave Mr Hebbte.
1850 Oct 17 died Joe at Smith & Son Undertaker leaving 6 orphans who [were] taken to the {workhouse}. North aged 77 years Thos Roundhill Milkman.
1850 Nov 3rd died the wife of Robt Bullock of East Keswick. She was Sister of Mrs Catherine Parker of the Stank Harewood Mother of John Parker Lord Harewoods Farmer of the same place.
1843 Aug 14th Aged 69 yrs Mr Theophs Shires of Chapeltown Joiner & Builder also.
1850 July 25th aged 72 yrs Mrs Mary Shires. They were old & dear friends of my parents when they were first married & lived near them & where I was born.
1851 April 1st Aged 55 yrs My dear sister in law Jane the belov'd wife of Thos Parker of Bishopthorpe York. She was the only sister of my dear Bessie each {endeared} to each.
1851 The Great Exhibition in London. My brors George & Henry went paying each 10 s. for return tickets. Bro Thos & I went on their return only?? Paying their bed they had used & such was the competition by the Railways that we only paid 5s for return tickets also for 8 days .
1851 March 15th aged 49 yrs James Roundill Milkman of Carr Street.
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1851 Aug 29th Mr James Holroyd's (commonly called Old Tinder Box) Mill Carlton Hill was totally destroyed by fire, it was a terrible conflagration.
1852 Jany 17th Paid Mr Botterill £2"2"0 for my ever dear Bessie's portrait & it like out dear parents portraits is so very good. No portraits could give better satisfaction. Mr Botterill not long after went to Australia where he did much better than here.
1852 Feby 24th My own dear Bessie died, belov'd by all who knew her, aged 44 yrs.
1852 Feby 5th The Holmfirth flood calamity took place.
1852 Richard Broughton of the Black Horse Inn Woodhouse bought it & the adjoining property in all 36 houses & 2 Shops for £3020.
1852 Miss Gavins bought the whole of the Providence Row Estate for the sum of £3151 'or thereabouts'
1852 July 7th aged 49 Joseph Lister Coach Smith, worked at Clarks as a vice man {he had a sad drunken wife. he was of a good family}.
1852 Aug 20th The Inauguration of the 'Peel Statue' in Park Row took place. Wm Beckett {gave} the address after which he uncover'd the statue amid the plaudits of assembled Thousands. I also was there.
1852 Oct 21st Father began building the two houses top of Carr St.
1852 Oct Thos Greenwood bought 8 houses in Carr St of Mr Bagshaw (a 'friend') for the sum of £740.
1852 Dec 15th Aged 62 yrs Miss Mary Hebblethwaite died the housekeeper of Mr Wm Hebte before {named}.
1853 Oct 20th I and my dear Polly were united in the bonds of Wedlock at the Parish Church Kirgate,
1853 March 6th aged 83. Mr John Wright of East Keswick. He was a member of the Methodist {Society} for many years, also a local preacher. I often heard him in Keswick Chapel. In the Centenary Year 1839 in Keswick Chapel {he} gave an interesting sketch of the Rise & progress of Methodism in & around that neighbourhood; led his Class in my Uncle Wm's house for many years. He & his bror Wm were my fathers early companions & ever after fast friends.
1853 May 5th Bror Heny married to Alice Craven spent the day at Harewood Bridge Our father was {with them}.
1853 May 22 Aged 97 years Mr John Smith of Smithy Mill Addel see on page 48.
1853 Oct 27 Aged 34 yrs Wm son of our old neighbour Geo Newton.
1853 Oct 25 aged 52 yrs Ewd J Teale Esqr Solicitor very suddenly. Our father was his Coachman & he always spoke of him as a good Master.
1853 May 28th John Walker Clark at last consented to give us his men the our o'clock hour on Saturdays. Always worked until 6 o'clock on the Saturday as on other days {previously}.To make some amends for his previous opposition the blame of which he laid on the other Coach Makers in Leeds, he sent us in Carriages & four to meet the Men of his Shop at Wakefield at the 'Half Way House' then all returned together to Leeds to the Black Lion publick House, Mill Hill, where a splendid dinner was prepared at our Governors expense. & had to drink afterwards whatever choose to call for.
1853 June 14th aged 77 yrs Mr Bernard Robinson an old & dear friend of fathers & formerly his class leader, he used to be Warehouseman to the Benj & Michael Thos Sadler's Esqr Linen Merchants Albion St Leeds & pensioned by them when they gave up business here.
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1853 Aug 17the The foundation stone of our Noble Town Hall was laid The afternoon was {observed as a general holiday . Thousands were there.}
1854 Jan 23rd aged 49 yrs John Walker Clark Coach Builder leaving a wife & 7 children viz John Francis Wm Thos Richd George & Joseph & 2 daughtes John Francis & Wm succeeding to the buisness
1854 April 30th Aged 73 the Rev Robt Newton D.D. the eloquent & laborious Methodist Minister, well known through {the} lenghth & breadth of the land.
1854 June ? 19th Aged 69 yrs Mr James Ne{w}by Stone Mason and Milk dealer.
1854 Aug 8th aged 69 yrs Mrs Sarah Newby wife if the above. Our Mother got milk of them for upwards of 30 years & Mrs Newby was wont to say she never had a wrong reckoning with my Mother.
1854 Sept 27th Died the Rev Richard Hale for 53 yrs Vicar of Harewood, he was an excentric character & a bigoted Calvinist, but liberal & charitable to the poor who in him lost a great friend.
1854 June 29th Aged 81yrs Rev Mr Louthwaite Vicar of Addel, he was a fox hunting parson.
1854 May 27 Aged 68 Mrs Elizth Ann Ambler our old neighbour & was first in bro Benjn house.
1854 Aged 53 Mr Thos Spirritt was killed by the Fly Wheel at the Intellr Office Printers.
1855 Feb 1 Aged 76 yrs Mrs Sarah Roberts Mother of Mrs Burrell our dear neighbour.
1855 Feb 1 Aged 76 yrs Mr Ebden died; he was owner of 'King Charles's Croft'.
1855 May 12th Aged 58 yrs Mr Wm Bashworth? Of Pleasant Dairy. He was 30 yrs with Wm Smith & Son cloth Merchant he lodged with Mrs Wood widow of the above place & married her daughr {Hannah}.
1855 May 17th died the wife of John Clough of East Keswick. She was a Stead of Brandown {Wike}.
1855 Jan 21st The Rev Joseph Beaumont M.D. the revered Wesleyan Minister died In his Pulpit at {Hull}.
1857 April I & my Polly had the pleasure of hearing Dr Livingstone in East Parade.
1856 Feb 2nd aged 66 Wm Williams Brown, Banker, late of Chapel Town.
1856 Feb 1st Aged 52 Henry the oldest son Barnard Robinson my father's friend.
1856 Aug 7th Aged 66 Mr Joseph Wood, Contractor, lived at Woodhouse he was anxious that his remains should lie as near as possible to the place where father's remains would lie {& they are now very near}.
1856 Aug 10th Wm Dove of Leeds was hang'd at York for poisening his wife he was the son of Crisr Dove Carpet Manufacr his parents were greatly respected.
1857 April Begun building the Methodist New Connexion Chapel Woodhouse {Lane}
1857 June 7 died the well known & much respected James Young Livery Stables keeper {&} kept a large number of horses & carriages for hire was formerly a soldier in the {Lancers}.
S* [Harrison the Druggist & Fortune teller of Leeds had so much to do in encouraging the above Wm Dove in the murder of his wife that he deserved the same fate]
1857 May The terrible rebellion in India took place
1857 April 23 Aged 69 Wm Williamson Esq of Ripon bror of my dear friend Mr John William{son}.
1857 Oct 5th (?) The splendid commet called Donati's was on or about this date was most interesting with its enormous tail I never saw ought like it & perhaps never {shall again}
1857 Nov 6th aged 73 Mrs Mary the wife of my old friend Mr Hnry Brearey & mother of {Sarah Auty}.
1858 Feb 22nd aged 43 Fredk Elliot Coach Smith my fellow apprentice. At one time … a companion he was inclined to be a Romanist Afterwards became an Owenite or Secular which means an Atheist & died so at Crewe he was a good shop mate would do any one a kind act.
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1858 Feby 20th aged 65 yrs Mr Abraham Pyrah after a long affliction, he was my old Sunday School {Teacher} & dear friend. He afterwards became one of the Superin{ts} & left the School to become the Park Chapel Keeper.
1858 March 13 aged 49 yrs Mrs Alice Maw of Thornton (& the late Sir Peter Fairburn's {kindness}
1858 March 26th Mary Walton got an Almshouse at St John's through fathers endeavour-----------------------------------------------------------
1858 Feb 21st aged 79 yrs Stephen Nicholson of Roundhay Park. He was the {2nd } son of the late Wm Nicholson of Chapeltown Cloth Maker, his Mother's Maiden name was Whitaker They had two sons Thos & Stephen also two dau{ers}. It is said that in early life the sons gathered the pigs dung, to scour their fathers cloth. Wm Nicholson sent his son Thos to London to be educated & among other arts learned that of Navigation. Afterwards got engaged in an Insurance Office. He afterwards became a bank{er} on his own account, & connected with an Insurance Office also he married a very clever woman for his wife. She rendered him great service in his book keeping department. She was daughter of a Mr Nichols then living at 'North Town End' Leeds, but met with {her} in London he sent for his bror Stephen to London his father was going to send him in {the} tail end of a {stage} waggon (a common mode of travelling in those days when coach fares were so high) with provisions for the way but his Uncle John Whitaker would not allow him thus to travel and paid his Coach fare there.
Both brothers prospered & accumulated much money. Thomas bought a large portion of Roundhay, on it he built a fine Mansion, now called Roundhay Park, & laid out its grounds in accordance with his means. Also made a large fishpond, its outlet was made into a nice waterfall which may be seen from the turnpike {road}. The entrance through the Lodge gates is very beautiful. The beautiful Church, the School with the Almshouses were built with the money left by him for the purpose. Mr Thos & Stephen built two gppd stone houses in Chapeltown for their Uncle's John & James Whitaker to live in (& where they died). And built partly as a token of their remembrance of their Uncle John's kindness named above. Mr Thomas came to his death by takeing a severe cold by getting wet while making the fish pons. He died in the year 1822 and was inter'd in the Friend's Meeting House burial ground Water Lane Leeds. His widow survived him some years {She died in Feb 1833} - when she died she was inter'd in the church at Roundhay her husbands remains were taken up & removed to the same place. Our father often used to say that he well remembered Roundhay when it was quite a wilderness looking place & long before those handsome houses were built which now adorn its beautiful landscapes. Also before that good turnpike road was made.
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Now leading from Leeds to Wetherby. One of the sisters of Thos & Stephen was married to Mr Thos Philips, a maltster Wade Lane Leeds, by whom she had ten children the eldest a son called Wm Nicholson Philips who became heir to Thos & Stephen Nicholsons estates they leaving no issue. One of Thos Philips daughters was married to Dr Cass of Leeds (still living 1869 i.e. Mr & Mrs Cass). Two or three of Philips children went to Australia. On the death of Stephen Nichl Wm N. Philips took the name of Wm Nicholson Nicholson & resided at Roundhay Park. He married one of the daugrs of Abraham Rhodes Esq and had a family of 13 children.
Abraham Rhodes who {was} well known in Leeds had three daughters, one married as above, one was married to the late Dr Williamson of Leeds & much respected. The third was married to Wm Cadman Esq formerly of Leeds & in the Tobacco business in Lady Lane but now at Wold Newton on the Wolds. A. Rhodes left each of his dauers £30,000. Stephen Nicholson married a daughter of Mathew Rhodes Esq (bror of Abraham Rhodes) Mathew had one son John Wm & four daugrs One was married to the late James Esq of Harehills Rev Mr Bathurst Vicar of Barwick a third the 4th never married. See an account of the above Mathew Rhodes on page 25.
1858 Sept 10th Aged 63 My dear friend Mr John Williamson of Ripon died he was for a short time Foreman at our Shop (Clark) but on account of The silly & annoying conduct of several in the shop he left. I kept up a correspondence with {him} until his death which was very sudden He and his bror Mr Wm Wm (who died the year before) were great friends to the Mechanics Institute at Ripon in which both of their portraits in oil are placed. They were painted at the expense of the Members and many friends to perpetuate their worth.
1858 sept 7th Was a memorable & never to be forgotten time in Leeds. In the opening of our Noble Town Hall by our belov'd Queen & the Prince Consort & two of their princess's. The route they were to take to & from the town Hall was strongly barricaded & very properly so on account of the immense gathering from the surrounding distrcts. The Queen and the Prince arrived in Leeds on Monday evening Sept 6th and proceeded direct to Woodsley House the residence of Peter Fairburn Esqr the Mayor which was given up for her Majesty's use. On Woodhouse Moor were erected two large galleries 166 yards long, on which were assembled 32,000 Sunday School Scholars & Teachers. Betwixt each of those galleries the Queen & suite passed. On the Saturday afternoon previous a great assembleage of Teachers & Scholars took place on the gall… to rehearse the hymns & tunes prior to the grand occasion on the foll0wing Tuesday. All the Schools in Leeds & the surrounding districts had been well drilled previously. Every School joined heartily in the singing except
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The Romanists, their Scholars were not allowed to sing anything except the National Anthem and in this I think their loyalty may be very much question{ed}. Alas for the hate & bigotry of such a church. The singing on this occasion was first rate & heard to a great distance. The clouds threatened [underlined] to send down their contents but did not & this gathering passed of well.
The eventfull day Tuesday came, slight showers fell early but nothing to harm & the day throughout was 'Queen's weather' [underlined]. All the Teachers & Scholars had to meet in their separate Schools not later than 6 o'clock A.M. & those in the out districts much earlier. Every School was furnished with a {small} banner on which was the name of the School in siver letters on a blue ground some on red ground. All the Schools were formed into divisions each division met in different parts of the town. The division of which our School formed a part met near St George's Church at 7 o'clock. & when formed in line proceeded to the appointed place on the galleries and so on with every division from their several places of Muster. Each Superintendant had a large rosette on his coat, every Teacher had a piece of white ribbon attached to his coat button hole or to her dress, all were in our Sunday attire.
When all had arrived, & were place in their appointed places on the galleries amounting as before said to an army of 32,000 Scholars and Teachers. And glorious old Sun shining over all it was indeed a Sight which can never be forgotten by any who was privilege to be there.
When her Majesty & the Prince Consort and their Suite arrived between & in the center [sic] of the galleries, at which time the National Anthem was sung with a will then - then was the Climax of the Scene. After the National Anthem was sung the Queen & sute moved on in their route through the town to the Noble Hall for which she had come to inaugurate & every where on the line of progress met with a warm & hearty reception. The Town was highly decorated with several triumphal Arches, & banners, & flags in profusion. But the scene in & around, or rather in front of the new building beggars description. At night such an Illumination took place in the old town of Leeds has [sic] never before was seen; and can never be exceeded in time to come. The crushing at night in many places was terrible, especially turning the corner at top of Briggate into Upperhead Row. On that memorable occasion we had our dear Cousin Harriet Crawshay who came on the Saturday, also our dear friends Mary Ann Skilbeck, Fanny Skilbeck & Jane Elizth Skilbeck, also our old friend Benjn Lockwood from Linfit Lane, we were full up. The women slept three in a bed & two were bedded on the floor; I & Benjn slept together in the small room. No dowbt [sic] many like our selves were similarly situated & no wonder for it was a Royal & a Loyal time, all who could, entertained their relatives or friends with a hearty good will.
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1858 Nov 9th Aged 24 years Ann Hannah Whittle, niece of our Aunt Judy Crawshay, Linfit {Lane}.
1858 Dec 2 Aged 67 yrs Mrs Elizth Hollings, for upwards 35 yrs a resident at 'Carlton Hill'
1861 May 15th Aged 64 yrs Mr Wm Hollings, husband of the above.
1859 Feb 11th Aged 70 yrs Mr George Laurence of Clitheroe House Academy, East Keswick, where he & his dear wife (& family) had liv'd for upwards of 45 years, they were greatly respected & well acquainted with our relatives at Keswick. Mr Laurence's funeral was a very large one & extended a a long way. He was inter'd in Harewood Church yard. My father & I were invited & went.
1859 Feb 22nd Aged 57 yrs Frances, wife of Mr Benjn Lockwood of Linfit Lane
1859 April 19th Aged 37 yrs Thos, son of our late old Master Mr John Clark, drunkenness was {his end}.
1859 May … The Weighouse which stood in Woodhouse Lane & near the top of Eldon Terrace was removed.
1859 May 26th Aged 73 yrs Mr James Holroyd the owner of the Mill at Carlton Hill. He had been a laborious man & was well known by the name of 'Old Tinder Box'.
1859 May 19th Our Mr Wm Clark was married to Mis Eliza, daugr of Mr Jos[ep{h} Wright mill {owner}.
1859 Aged 88 yrs Geo Bischoff Esqr, he liv'd at the black stone house at North town end, opposite to Trafalgar St, he was the last of the family.
1859 July 23 Finished the Town Hall Tower, it was completed by Messrs Nickols & Oddy. Mr Oddy rec'd a severe injury from a piece of wood falling on him from the tower from which he lingered for some time & then died.
1859 July 17 Mr John Winn, bullder [sic], married for his 2nd Wife Miss Hall.
1859 May 21 Aged 61 yrs Wm Greenwood of Spencely St, an old tenant of our Father's.
1859 July 20th Aged 65 yrs Mr Fredk Green, Druggist, of Woodhouse, he was a self taught Man & much respected, he & our father were old friends & their remains now lie near to each other.
1859 Octr 13th Aged 67 years Sir George Goodman. He was the first Mayor of Leeds after the Corporation Reform {Bill was passed} & was elected three or four times to that office. He was knighted by the Queen along with other Mayors for the part he took in promoting the Great Exhibition of 1851. He sat in the House of Commons has MP for several years for his native town, Leeds, where like his good old father the late Benjn Goodman Esqr, he was greatly respected by all who knew him. Our father once had to go to visit him at his residence at Roundhay for our old neighbour Mrs Newton, at that time Sir George told father that he had no doubt but that his life would be shortened by several years on account of the late hours he had to sit in the House of Commons & his other duties. He was inter'd at Whitechurch or Whit Kirk where his father's remains repose, he was a Baptist & never married.
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1859 Nov 10th The late Sir Sir [sic] Goodman's House & Grounds at Roundhay was sold at the Music Hall, Leeds, by public auction & bought by Arthur Lupton Esq (then at Potternewton Hall) for the sum of £12,500.
1859 Oct 20th Wm Chadwick (who formerly lodged with our good old neighbour Mrs Grey & afterwards married her only daugr Elizth, a great misfortune for the family he did) he was sentenced to 12 months hard labour for embez[zling nr £200.
1861 May 17th Wm Chadwick was rig'd out at the expense of Mrs Grey & her son George & sent of[f] to port {Natal, for he could obtain no situation here}.
1859 Nov 28th aged 78 yrs Luke Marsh of Queen Square, he was formerly Hatter & Barber in Upperhead Row Leeds
1859 Nov 9th Shepherd's Warehouse in Blackman Lane was totally destroyed by fire, a portion of it was let to a currier, also a portion for flock buisness & in another portion was a quantity of Furniture, Oil Paintings & Family Portraits belonging to Mr Shepherd, all - all- were destroyed.
1859 Nov 7th (about) Died Lady Harewood at Gouldsbro' Hall, mother of the present Lord {Harewood (now 1875), she was a gambler &c}.
1859 Decr 3rd Aged 76 yrs Richd Driver Esq of Bagby Lodge, Blenheim Square. ['he' crossed out] He was formerly a Cloth Merchant, was 'a Self Made Man', he was wont to go to Old Mr Hebte (refer'd to in pages 22, 23 &c) to converse on old times & would say ' you know, Mr Hebte, you & me are not afraid of people knowing what we have been in early life &c. He[?], Mr Dr. died wealthy, he left his executors each £4000, the late Alderman Bateson Esqr was one, Mr Kirkby was another & two others, he left his Coachman Mark … 15s. per week for life.
1859 … Dec Died the Rev Mr Cookson for many years Minister of St Johns Church.
1860 Jany 3rd My Father heard the Town Hall Clock strike for the first time.
1860 Jany 5th The Old Willow Tree that stood in Carlton St opposite to the footpath leading out of Carlton St into Claypit Lane, it must at one time been very large, it had long leaned ['to its' crossed out] to its fall, & I saw it fall as I was coming to my dinner on the above date. On the 21st of March '60, a large old ash tree that stood a little lower down & had long been leafless was cut down.
1860 Jany 23rd The Hon Matthew Talbot Baines Esqr died aged … , he was the eldest son of the late Ewd Baines Esqr, he too was a most worthy Son & worthy Sire, he was for many years Recorder for Hull, was elected M.P. for Leeds along with the {late} Sir Geo Goodman in July 1852.
1860 Feby 5th Aged … George, the son of my old master Mr John Clark, died.
1860 July 8th Aged 80 years Mr Geoe Heaps. He was one of the first Sunday School Teachers in Leeds. He wrote short Account of the rise & progress of S. Schools in Leeds, got it printed & gave me a copy, he was the father of our old friend Mrs Mather, his remains were inter'd in the Old Methodist Chapel Yard.
1860 July 28th Aged 56 yrs Mr Joseph Town, paper manufactor, he was bror Robt Hart's employ{er}. His death was very sudden, he & a few friends had met at the residence of John Jowitt Esqr at the Harehills to promote the objects of the Town Mission where he was seized with apoplexy & after a few hours died, a sever loss to every good {cause}.
1860 May 26th Aged 44 Mr Wm Maw Veteninary [sic] Surgeon, Thornton.
1860 Augst & Septr Reuben Street, Reuben Place & Carr Street were drained.
1860 March 8th Aged 44 yrs, My early friend James Vickerman died.
1860 Aug 18th Aged 45, Jonathan Knapton, for a long time a devoted Sunday school teach{er} in our Park S.S. & a short time a Sup[erintendant]t. He was found drowned at the Isle of Man where he had gone for a short time, his body was brought to Leeds for interment. Alas, what is our life, 'tis even as a vapour, Lord make me {to} know my end.
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1860 May 10th Aged 88 yrs Thos Wm Tottie Esqrof Beech Grove, solicitor, an old gentleman well known in Leeds & greatly respected, of Whig princi{ples}, also a Magistrate & once Mayor. He was inter'd at Coniston, bror Heny went. His wife died several years before him & was inter'd in Mill Hill Chapel, Leeds.
1861 Dec 2nd Recd the portrait of Dr Adam Clarke from our late dear leader, Mr Geo Hall & got {it} framed. [This entry has later brackets.]
1860 Decr 25th Xmas day my own dear Polly fell down our kitchen steps & hurt herself {severely}.
1860 This year winter begun early. Snow fell in October & continued, more or less, through the year, but during the latter part of Decr the frost & cold was severe but especially so on 'Xmas eve and on 'Xmas day. Never known so biting for Many Years. Several accidents took place owing to it but a sad & terrible one occur'd to Mr Longly, Builder, opposite the 'Working Men's Hall', near Park Lane, his kitchen boiler burst, killed his wife on the spot, broke his daugr's thigh in two places & he was much 1860 Dec. 25 injured. This took place while they were preparing dinner on 'Xmas Day.
1860 Dec 29 Aged 66 yrs Mrs Asquith of Reuben Street died. She was an oddity & no mistake. She left one son John. Shortly after he was born she would not live with her husband any longer, so after 7 yrs separation he with his wife's full consent married again but died before his first wife.
1861 Jan 4th Aged 62 yrs Sir Peter Fairbairn died after a severe illness of 6 weeks or more. Sir Peter only liv'd three short years after he had obtain{ed} the highest honour he could expect to receive from our Queen on the opening of our New Town's Hall in which he took so lively an interest. He was a good looking man (with a pair of eyes as black as a sloe) and with his long white beard gave him a somewhat venerable appearance. When he went from his residence (Woodsly House) to the Station to Meet the Queen & the Prince Consort &c he rode in a yellow open Carriage alone, he had on a beautiful Scarlet Cloak & with the Gold Chain (being the Mayor) coupled with his large beard he looked very majestic. And yet he too was mortal. O how transient is human grandeur. Sir Peter was a self made man, when a working man he too had a can to carry his breakfast in, and this he had taken care of till his death, it being kept bright with the other tins in the kitchen. He came to Leeds in 1828 & began business on his own account; & prospered employing a large number of men. He was inter'd in Adell Church Yard in the same grave with his first wife's remains, where only a plain flat stone covers them. There was a very large funeral nearly 80 carriages following his remains.
1861 Feb. 'Booth's Psalmody' was presented to Mr James North by his many friends {in Park Sunday School as a small token of respect.}
1861 The terrible war begun betwixt North & South America.
1861 Jany 30th Aged 80 yrs Mrs Lucas. She was an old friend & neighbour, her son {Wm used to be ... Mercury}
1861 June 15th Aged 23 yrs Elizth Blackett. She thought far too much of our late bror Tho, he was not {worthy of her.} [Check these last entries against the original, some of the text may be concealed]
1861 July 1st Aged 19 yrs Ann Eliz 2nd daugr of our late very dear neighbours Mr John & Hannah Burrell. Her complaint was a singular one, Dr Braithwaite wanted to open her, her parents would not consent. Her father watched her grave for several nights fearing they might take her body up, I saw him going on two occasions. She had overtaxed her strength {by study.}
1861 July 21st Aged 69 yrs Mrs Martha Fox, formerly our next door neighbour.
1861 July 15th The Royal Agricultural Show was held in Leeds, covering 25 acres, & a grand & royal {time it was.}
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1861 April 28th aged 20 yrs Charles Yates one of my late S. School Scholars.
1861 June 6th The Gledhow Hall and 64 acres of ground then belonging to the Hall was sold by auction and bought by John Cooper Esq for the sum of £19,200. The whole of the large estate belonged to the late Col Dixon. It was offered {for sale} in one lot for sale for the sum of £120,000. It was then offered in lots, when Mr Benyon bought the Hall & the 64 acres above named for the sum of £12,000. Mr Benyon ultimately became bankrupt, hence the sale to John Cooper Esqr.
1861 April 17th Aged … Wm Whitaker for several years the Lady Lane Chapel Keeper.
1861 April … Made an out airea to our kitchen, removing the door out of the passage into it.
1861 Sept 19th Aged 79 years Mr John Bowes, milk dealer, and a very clever man as a doctor.
1861 May 29 Our loving & laughing Fanny Skilbeck as married on her birthday to Mr Benjn Smith of Harewood Biggin, who was not worthy of her.
1861 Decr 14th Aged 42 yrs our highly respected Prince Albert died after a short illness. This was a severe blow to our belov'd Queen and a great loss to his family & to the country at large.
1862 Feb 17th Aged … John Spencely of Woodhouse, who when drunk in the {Woodhouse} Lane fell & broke his leg, from which he never recovered, & died on the above date.
1862 March 24th Removed the Post Office from Albion Street to the old Court House, the most eligible place in the town. I remember when it was where the Central Market now stands, from thence it was removed to Mill Hill and from there to Albion St.
1862 March 20th Aged 25 yrs Walter Bailey Thomas died very suddenly. He was a very dear friend of ours, he was the intended husband of our very dear friend then the Miss Jane Elizth Skilbeck, his death was a sad blow to her.
1862 April 19th Aged 21 yrs Joseph Hilton Dews, he was one of my old S. scholars, had he liv'd he would have been a very clever man.
1862 Feby 22nd Aged 49 yrs George Ellis, milk dealer, of Little Woodhouse.
1862 July 30th Mr John Abbott of Bardsey, he was my Bessie's cousin & a very dear {friend} of ours. He died very suddenly aged 80 yrs. We have no doubt he made a will but it could not be found, who destroyed it??[sic] and echo answers who.
1862 Aug 1st Aged 84 yrs Mr John Waddington of East Rigton & father of my old friend John Waddington now living {at} Thorner.
1862 Sept 7th aged 62 yrs, of Chorley Lane, Mr Thos Booth, he was formerly in partnership with Benjn Sherwood, both of whom were valuable teachers in our S. School.
1862 July 28th The Rev Robt Eckett, Wesleyan Association Minister, died very suddenly.
1862 Aug 12th Our dear bror & sister Thomas & Ann Hart, (with my Polly) left us after being here about 11 weeks; under the skill of Mr Thos P. Teale & his son, Mr Pridgin Teale for a very serious complaint which baffled the doctors in their own locality. But we thank God he went home greatly improved. Mr Teale only charged about £7"7"0 for all their diligent attendance .
1862 Sept 30th Mr Wm Midgley from Australia was married to our dear Miss Mary Ann Skilbeck of Bardsey.
1862 Nov 10th Wm the son of our old friend John Soury went [to] Thornton & bought of our dear bror Thomas Hart an excellent grey Galloway, & a valuable {one} as it proved.
1862 Dec 19th Aged 76 yrs Robt Jowitt Esqr, he was a 'Friend' & lived for many years where the 'Friends Meeting House' now stands. He was a gentleman highly esteemed by his fellow townsmen.
1862 Nov 12th aged 62 yrs George Smith of the 'Beehive', Woodhouse, formerly a packer at Mr Hebt's warehouse.
1862 June 25th aged 23 yrs our much lov'd Fanny, the wife of Benjn Smith of Harewood Biggin & 2nd daugr of our dear Mrs Skilbeck late of Bardsey.
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1862 Sept 22nd I received a valuable Testimonial from a number of my old Sunday school scholars in connextion with those who at that [time] composed the class. It consisted of a beautiful copy of 'Bagsters Comprehensive Bible' with maps &c bound {in} Morroco and extra embellished. Also a mahogany 'Reading Stand' made by one of my old scholars viz Mr Thos Kirby & polished by his dear wife also an old scholar. This interesting affair originated with a number of the old scholars viz Messrs Thos Mitchell, James Greenwood, Thos Wilkinson {Wm Rodger}, George Pickles, Joseph Pickles, Thos Kirby, Wm Pickles &c &c. Also my old {friends} Mr James North & Wm North I have no doubt had a share in the buisness. Those or a number of {them} I have no doubt corresponded with others far away. Afterwards small bills were issued announcing a tea meeting on the above date. Eight tables were provided for & attended to {by} the following old & dear friends viz Mrs James North, Miss Smith, Mrs Thos Mitchell, Mrs George Pickles, Mrs Thos Kirby, Mrs Thos Wilkinson, Miss Sarah Auty, and Miss Amelia Barker. After tea had been partaken of by upwards of 150 including old Scholars & friends who had not met for many Years The buisness of the Meeting (which had become much larger) was opened by Mr Thos Mitchell being called to the Chair, who made a most interesting speech on the occasion, he afterwards read a number of letters from old Scholars at a distance, after which the presentation to Me took place, of which I felt myself quite unworthy of, and therefore never expected it. In reply I spoke as best I was able under the well nigh overpowering circumstances in which I was placed, & before such an Audience. Speeches were deliverd by a number of the old Scholars in reference to their old teacher which made him feel very uncomfortable under such undeserved encomium. Mr James Greenwood came from Bradford, as did my dear old friend Mr Chas Wright, our old Superintendant, both of those also spoke. Mr R.J. Peters, & my bro Robt Hart at that time the Supts also spoke. Such a reunion never took place before in that S. school & this will never be forgotten by me while ['life with' crossed out] Memory retains its seat. After the expense of the Testimonial was defrayed a surplus {remained}, with which a number of superior books were purchased & presented to our S.S. Library. My dear Father and brother were also there.
1863 Jan 27th Aged 79 yrs Wm Beckett Esqr died very suddenly at Brighton, he was the 5th Son of the first Sir John Beckett. Mr Wm was first sent as M.P. for Leeds in 1841 along with Wm Adam Esqr. The Chairing of Mr Btt was a splendid affair, nothing like it ever seen in Leeds before or since. Mr Btt's old barouche was altered at our shop into a splendid chair {or carr} for the occasion which was a grand display of Blue flags & Banners with gold & silver letters. He was a generous & liberal Man, he was the senior partner in the 'Leeds Old Bank', his mony was sworn to be under £700,000
1864 Aug Miss Laurence bought of Wm Teale Livery Stable Keeper (late Tate Youngs) 2 Cottages & Gardens {the property of the late Jno Benson of East Keswick who held in the year 1809} occupied then by John Waddington & one Parker. Also 2a 3r 33p of land occupied by Abm(?) Barrett, all of East Keswick, for £450.
1863 March 10th The Prince of Wales was Married. The day was observed in Leeds by a large display of Banners & Flags, and at Night an Illumination & farworks on Woodhouse Moor but the day was very winterly both snow & rain.
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1863 April 8th Aged 52 yrs Mrs Hannah Burrell of apoplexy. She was a beloved fellow 'Class Mate', a pattern to all her neighbours and a very precious mother.
1864 April 11th Aged 52 yrs Mr John Burrell, joiner, & husband to the above, he was an useful Man in the S. Sch{ool}.
1863 April 8th Aged 59 yrs Mrs Sarah Coward. She was mother of John Wm & Mrs Brereton (?).
1863 Feb 26th Miss Eliza Wiggins (our neighbour) married.
1863 … Aug Began enclosing by building the Brick Wall for the Militia Drill Ground adjoining our property top of Reuben Street.
1863 Nov 25th Aged 32 yrs Joseph Walton, Coach Smith, fell down steps in his own house & was {killed, he was a sad drunkard.}
1863 April 25th Aged 69 years Mrs Sarah the dear wife of my old friend Mr A. Pyrah before {named.}
1863 Oct 28th Aged 41 Henricke Rebecca Monkman wife of Matthew M[onkma]n of Pickering .
1863 Decr 26th Aged 74 Old Jemmy Doughty, Coach Wheeler, formerly at Clarks, a good shopmate {but aid???}
1864 April 4th Aged 72 Mrs Jane the widow James Young, Livery Stable Keeper. She was a Teale of Hare{wood.}
1864 Feby 16th Aged 76 yrs Mr Wm Sheffield, a well known Surgeon at Thornton & around.
1864 Feb 16th Aged 34 yrs Mrs Frances Eliza Walton & eldest daugr of Mr Robt Jarett, Grocer, {Briggate.}
1864 Feb 7th Aged 48 yrs Wm Hall, Coach Smith at Clarks at Leeds & at Wakefield Shop also.
1864 Aug 20th Aged 71 yrs John Hope Shaw Esqr Solicitor, he was the son of a Surgeon at Otley. He was a man greatly valued, & respected as a Magistrate, was elected to the office of Mayor three times. He was a man of sound judgment & Sterling worth. He also had the honor of presenting the Testimonial of silver weighing 575 oz to the late Ewd Baines Esqr.
1864 Oct 25th Aged 29 yrs Benjn Smith of Harewood Biggin & husband of our late dear Fanny Skilbeck of Bardsey Mount, he too like many more shorten'd his life by {drunkenness}.
1864 Decr 14 Aged 83 Mary Ramsden. Formerly & for many years liv'd at Bardsey where she brought up a large familey, she was a worthy Mother & her children had reason to praise her. And I too had reasons to value her, she came to wait upon my dear wife Bessie in her illness & to her death & then became my housekeeper till my 2nd marriage. Afterwards was housekeeper to Cousin John Abbott of Bardsey till her sight began to fail her & ultimately became quite blind & liv'd & died with her daugrMrs Isabella Lindley, became paralytic but in this lamentable condition was so patient & resigned.
1864 April 6th Aged 53 yrs Mrs Ann the wife of John Ridsdale Mathers tailor. She was the daugr of Mr George Heaps of Leeds, they were old friends of ours.
1865 Jan 12th was the 49 anniversary of the wedding day of our dear friends Mr & Mrs Wm Wright of {Keswick}.
1865 Feb 22nd A great disturbance took place near to Dr Chorley's house Park Square. Mr Chorley had his Cook 'persecuted' by getting her sent to Armley Gaol for giving or selling some drippin [sic], he did not hear the last of it for some time.
1865 Jan 29th Aged 33 Mrs Ann the wife of Mr John S. Emery our S. School Secretary.
1865 March Began to pull down the Park Chapel in order to build a superior one on the site, till then preaching was in the lower School Room.
1865 Jany 21st Aged 88 yrs Mr James Sigston, formerly & for many years at the Queen's Square Academy. He was one of the leading men in the agitation & secession in Leeds on the Brunswick Organ question in 1828, and because he dared to think & act for himself many of his 'Old Methodist' friends forsook him, so that his old establish'd School declined & ultimately he gave it up. For a long time he was supported to a great extent by a number of his old Scholars. ['Some' crossed out] Some {time} before his death he was a pensioner on the Tradesman Benevolent Fund, which was a great help to him. His old friend Mrs Glover & her daugr paid him great attention. He was a man of rare attainments & an excellent Local Preacher, I have heard him many times. I have some {of} his writing obtained for me by dear Mrs Glover, dated March 6th 1859 in the 83 yr of his age & he wrote without Spectacles wherein he says 'he joined the Methodist Society 60 years ago'. He was a great friend of Bramwell & wrote his life in 2 vol. On the 5th of March the Rev Wm Patterson preached Mr Sigston funeral sermon in Lady Lane Chapel from Heb 15c & 7v., I heard it. Mr Sigston was a member of the Methodist Free Church till his death.
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1865 Feb 9th Mary Walton accompanied {her} niece Mrs German to Kendal.
1865 March 12th My Polly & self paid a visit to our dear friends Mr Chas & Mrs Wright at Bradford.
1865 April 14th The foundation or rather the Corner Stone of Park New Chapel was laid, {it being Good Friday.}
1865 April 21st Our friend Mr Ewd Bilton came to inform me he had appointed me one of his {trustees.}
1865 May 7th Aged 70 yrs The Rev John Peters died, he was for many years a preacher in the Wesleyan Association & well known in Leeds. In his early carreer he was appointed by Dr A. Clarke as Teacher in one of the Doctor's Irish Schools.
1865 May 12 Aged … Mr John Kendall died of consum[ptio]n. He was son in law of the above Mr Peters. He was for a long time our excellent Sunday School Secretary
1865 May 24th Mr Henry Rawson died very suddenly. He was coachman to Dr Braithwaite
May 20 We commenced at our Shop to give {up} Work on Saturdays at One o'clock.
1865 May 28th Aged 64 yrs Mr Robt Allen Sugden, furniture broker. He died prematurly owing to that accused Banking business under Greenland &c where{by} so many were ruined
1865 March 24 Aged 75 yrs Mary Walton the old & dear friend of my Mother & Father (see on page 33 &c). While in her Alms house she began to {be} besides herself, her niece came over from Kendal & took poor Mary Wn back with her & where she did not long survive.
1865 July 5th Miss Eliza Clay, Shopkeeper opposite our passage, was married to Mr Goodall of Garforth.
1865 July 14th Mr E. Baines & Mr Beacroft were returned as M.P.s for Leeds. {Mr Beecroft polled 3,223, Mr E. Baines 3,045 & Lord Amberley 2,902.}
1865 Sept 19th Aged 5 yrs my dear & lovely {nephew} John Wm, My bror Henry 2nd son. Nipt by the Wind's untimely {blast.}
1865 Set 28th Aged 72 yrs after much suffering of a cancerous stomach our dear & highly valued neighbour Mr Robt Finnie, he indeed was a pattern to us all. He was connected with the Mercury Office for upwards of 30 yrs. The memory of him will ever be dear {to us}, and in him the Baptist Church lost a laborious & faithful member not easily replaced.
1865 June 10th Aged 72 yrs Mr Wm Wiggins, shopkeeper in Reuben St. He too was a good, kind & unassuming Christian, by trade a pressetter.
1865 Aug 17th Aged 22 yrs Mary 2nd & lovely daugr of our dear friends Mr Ewd & Mrs Britton.
1865 Aged 61 yrs Wm Stead, he was son of the late 'Pally' Stead of East Keswick & nephew of the late John Benson, formerly of E. Keswick & an old friend of father's.
1865 Sept 29th aged … Mr Ewd Heaton died of a short illness (fever) he was a local preacher & connected with Brunswick Chapel, he was in the Rate Offices, Town Hall
1865 Oct 30th Aged 31 Ewd Baines of fever, Son of our Ewd Baines Esqr M.P., also a sad event.
1865 Decr 4th Aged 92 yrs Mr Grace of Burley nr Leeds & well known in Leeds.
1865 Decr 9th A new Lamp was put up opposite to Well Close House. Also 12 yrs ago last Augst a new Lamp was put up in the center of the foot path leading from Carlton St to Clay Pit Lane, & both I think through my endeavours, now there are two in the footpath.
1865 Decr 9th Robt the unworthy son of the above Mr Robt Finnie absconded to America having robbed his employers Mesrs Taylors of Oatlands Mill of £1,800. On his entering that situation his poor bror, Mr Elihu, was one bond for £250, & Robt wife's grandfather was the other bond for the like amount, but when the grandfather's bond was called for, he had nothing to pay with so he said. And Mr Elihu was made responsible for the whole amount. He & his dear wife were well nigh heart broke, never shall we forget their sad condition and that of their dear Mother, our valued friend old Mrs Finnie, whose days were shortened by it. Mr Elihu had to raise about £300, & doing so Mr Taylor did not claim the rem[ainde]r of the total bond. Robthad become a 'book man' i.e. a betting man - Gambler - his wife no doubt was privy to her husband's conduct. Well was it that dear Mr Finnie was removed to the Better Land 'ere this affair transpired.1
1865 Decr 31st Aged 41 yrs Mr Thos Hebblethwaite, tobacconist, Woodhouse Lane.
1864 Aug 25 Aged 25 yrs Ann Elizth, eldest daugr of Mr Ewd & Mrs Britton
1866 Jany 28th Aged 88 yrs Mary the widow of George Newton before nam'd, both were old neighbours. She had been a very clever & active woman up to a good old Age but some time before her death became quite childish. 1866 March 8 Aged 25 yrs Louisa Fleming, her grand daughter, her death was accelerated by waiting upon her grandmother.
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1866 Jan 5th Aged 91 yrs Mr Robt Bullock of East Keswick.
1866 March 30th Good Friday Park new Chapel was opened by the Rev. S. S. Barton.
1866 March 27th John Wm Schofield, our late coach painter & a very promising young man as a Wesleyan local preacher, was committed for trial at the Leeds Assizes for defrauding the Great N. Railway Coy by altering the Railway Ticket to allow him to travel from London to Leeds to fulfill his preaching Appointments, he got 18 months hard labour.
1866 March 27th Aged 92 yrs Mr Wm Knowles of Clifford, my Bessie's own Uncle.
1866 March 29th Aged 28 yrs Harriet Crawshay (was) [WH's brackets] our dear Cousin was married to Joseph Smith of {Linfit Lane.}
1866 March 25 Aged 70 yrs Nancy Crossland, Mother of our tenant.
1866 April 11th Aged 42 yrs Geo Skelton, Coach Smith at Clarks, he was apprentice there. Died very sud{denly.}
1866 April 15th Aged 24 yrs George the 4th Son of the late John Walker Clark, Coach Builder.
1866 May aged 85 yrs Jeremiah Harper of Knapton.
1866 June 22nd Aged 87 yrs Mr Wm Wright of East Keswick. The dear old friend of my father, also my own valued friend, he was a consistant Christian & therefore greatly respected.
1866 April 23rd I & my Polly pass'd a pleasant evening with our dear friends Mr & Mrs Britton & family on account of their dear son John Ewd attaining his majority.
1866 April 29th Aged 70 yrs Martin Johnson, Coach Smith, many years at Haworth Shop, top of Albion {St.}
1866 May 6th Aged … Francis Carr, he married Ann the 2nd daugr of Old Mr John Clark, Coach Builder. Carr was a drysalter in Swinegate & a sad drunken character.
1866 May 14th Aged 63 yrs Rev George ['Stew' or 'Stow' crossed out] Steward, Wesleyan Minister, an eloquent preacher, he married the daugr of the late John Howard Esq, a Member of Oxford Chapel, by his wife he became the owner of a large number of Shares in the Leeds Banking Company which by the Malpractices of Greenland & Co so many were ruined & brought to a prema{ture} grave. Mr Steward no doubt was one, he died at St Brelades Jersey, He travel'd in the Brunswick Circuit, Leeds, & was very popular.
1866 May 24th Aged 80 yrs Sammy Johnson of Bardsey Stone Merchant.
1866 June 3rd Aged 56 yrs Mr John Bailey, Builder, of Woodhouse. He married for his 3 wife Mary the {daugr of Mr Wm Wright.}
1866 June 25th aged … Mary relict of Fredk Maggee & youngest daugr of the late Theoph Shires Chapel {Town.}
1866 July 11th I & my Polly went to Castle Howard with a trip. A fine day & we enjoyed ourselves.
1866 July 13th Mr Mountain, cabinet maker, sustained a loss by fire of £500 - £300 Stock & £200 in the building & not insured.
1866 Aug 22nd Our employers gave us the half past 5 oclock hour as closing time when I {was at was at Thornton at its commencing.}
1866 Sept 3rd Aged 11 weeks, my nephew Benjn, son of bror Henry. Poor Alice was so ill at the time.
1866 Sept 29th Aged 70 yrs Mr Benjn Sherwood, formerly a partner in the Mill in Chorley Lane and formerly was a valuable Teacher in our S. School, one of its first promoters.
1866 Sept 29th Aged 70 yrs Mr George Foster, formerly an able Class leader connected with Brunswick Chapel but one who was ruthlessly expell'd in the 1849 Movement, He was one of our S. School Sup[erintendan]ts at Park S. S., was a strict disciplinarian & a bible Christian.
1866 Oct 7th Aged 83 yrs 'Uncle' Walker, he was bror to our late Old Mrs Clark.
1866 Oct 8th The great West Riding Demonstration for Reform took place on Woodhouse Moor. The mass of human beings was so large that 4 or 5 platforms were erected & so many different sets of speakers on each platform & so far from each other as not to annoy each other.
1866 Oct 13th Wm Stevens, Carriage Maker, & Harry Longthorne, Smith at our Shop were expelled in a great Measure through the vile conduct of Joe Saunders Smith who endeavour'd to do {to} many of us all the harm he could thinking to raise himself above us in the shop, but shortly after he himself was expelled.
1866 Oct 2nd Hannah Richardson, Sister Polly Hart's niece, was married to Mr Singleton of {Dewsbury.}
1866 Oct 15th John 2nd Son of Bro Benj was married to Martha Swales.
1866 Oct 22nd Mr W. Hind Smith went with our prodigal bror John to Sheffield to a good situation he had obtained for him there, but it was no go, Tom went drunk on the two first morning he went, & therefore they sent him away at once.
1866 Nov 3rd Joe Saunders had to leave our Shop.
1866 Nov 14th Aged 63 yrs Mr Geo Spence, he was 30 yrs Sup[erintendan]t in Tabernacle Sunday School.
1866 Aged 64 yrs Mary, the wife of Joseph Whitehead, formerly Coach Builder at Bradford. She was the eldest daugr of my old Master John Clark. She had 8 or 10 children but
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But all of them died before her. Her father set her husband up in buisness in Bradford. J. W[hitehea]d was a bodymaker & worked at Clarks previously, he might have done well in Bradford but his wife's pride & extravagance & his own easyfulness ruined both, he told me when he afterwards became once more a journeyman at our place that at one time he could have given up buisness & have had £7000? to call his own but now at this date 1870 he is now living upon the Benevolent Tradesman's Fund in Bradford.
1866 Novr 16th Great floods in the West Riding & Lancashire by which a great many lifes were lost, and much property destroyed. Several lives were lost near Leeds Bridge who were standing upon a wooden platform which was swept away by the terrific current & the bodies of some of those were never found.
1866 Nov 23rd Aged 34 yrs Alice, the dear wife of our bror Henry, after a long & severe affliction.
1866 March 17th A great excitement got up in Leeds about a rising of the Fenians on St Patrick's Day, the Mayor (Mr Oxley) was greatly frightened & made great preparations to resist the enemy.
1866 March 14th Aged 55 yrs Mr Henry Waite Estate Agent & Rent Collector.
1866 Nov 20th Part of our new privy at Woodhouse destroyed by Jake ? Watson, a scoundrel.
1866 Nov 20th Aged 86 yrs 'Jacky' Clough of East Keswick found dead on the hearthstones, he was brother in law to my Uncle John Hodgson.
1866 Decr 11th Aged 62 yrs Mr Henry Sampson of Queen's Square destroyed himself {by cutting his throat}, he was a gentleman well known in Leeds & greatly respected, this was sad - a very sad event, he had a most affectionate wife & plenty of this worlds goods, & everything to make life comfortable, alas what strange events occur.
1866 Decr 23rd Aged 54 yrs Bransby White of Thornton after a long affliction.
1866 Decr 13th Aged 60 yrs Rev Ewd Monro, Vicar of St John's Church Leeds. He was an eccentric but liberal man, a kind friend to the young, & to the poor a benefactor, he was so profuse in his givings that he got deeply into debt & therefore into trouble.
1866 Decr 31st A heavy fall of Snow & a severe frost.
1867 Jany 1st The tolls at Sheepscar & at the Harehills Lane Barrs ceased to be taken & during that week the toll bar gates were removed.
1867 Jan 2nd Aged 67 yrs Thos Rushton died of dropsy, he was many years Carriage Maker at Clark's & a good Shop Mate, he afterwards entered into buisness with Saml Stead & Henry Holden as Coach Builders.
1867 A terrible calamity occurr'd on the Lake in Regent's Park London by the breaking of the ice whereby 200 persons were immersed & 40 were drowned.
1867 Jan 18th The frost & Snow still continue & very severe.
1867 Jan 13th Aged 61 yrs Ewd Emmison Esqr, Solicitor, died at Headingley Hill.
1867 Jan 23rd A rapid thaw commenced.
1867 Jan 25th 134 applicants for the vacant Vicarage of St John's Church, {income about £600 per annum.}
1867 Jan 21st Victoria Bridge Leeds bought by the Town Council for £15,000, it cost in building £22,700.
1867 Jan 23rd In Victoria Hall a Testimonial of £840 was presented to the Rev Wm Hudswell on his retirement from Salem Chapel after 34 years pastorate.
1867 Jan 28th Wm Hey Esqr, Surgeon, his wife died aged 70 yrs.
1867 Jan 28th Sam Hey Esqr Surgeon his wife died aged 49 yrs, both inter'd at Adel {at the same time.}
1867 Jan 30th Greenland, the notorious banker in Leeds, was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment in Armley Gaol, it ought to have been 15 yrs penal servi{tude.}
1867 Jan 31st Aged 76 yrs Joshua Burton Esqr of Roundhay, an old Wesleyan.
1867 Feb 1st The tolls at Woodhouse Bar ceased and the Gates shortly afterwards were removed.
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1867 Feby 5th Aged 74 years our dear Mrs Elizth Finnie went to join her dear husband in the Better Land. They were precious neighbours to us & we valued them..
1867 Feb 7th Aged 65 yrs Ann, the wife of Mr Wm Wood of Chapeltown and daugr of the late Theophs Shires of the same place, Joiner & Builder.
1867 Feb 14th Aged 76 yrs Mrs Isabella, relict of Mr Wm Wright of East Keswick both our dear {friends.}
1867 Feb 9th Aged 68 yrs James Close Esqr, Surgeon, formerly of Leeds, died at Reeth, nr Richmond, {Yorkshire.}
1867 Feb 15th The two well carved Lions placed in front of our Town's Hall were uncovered.
1867 June 7th The other two noble Lions were placed in front of the Town's Hall total cost £550.
1867 Feb 16th Aged 81 yrs Richd Foster, dancing master.
Feb 18th Aged 81 yrs Phoebe, relict of John Frankland, Overlooker at Old Mr Hebte's. John was {one who liked cheap drink & got it out of his croppers.}
1867 March 1st All the tolls ceased thenceforth at Wellington Bridge, foot passengers were declared free in 1847 The bridge was erected in 1818 at a cost of £7,000.
1867 March 14th Aged 75 yrs Mr John Marsland.
1867 March 31st Aged 62 yrs Richard Broughton, Owner & Landlord of the 'Pack Horse', Woodhouse.
1867 April 6th A tea meeting connected with the Teachers &c of Park Sunday School took place under the Chapel, after which a beautiful Bible was presented to Mr George Rodgers on his retiring from the School after 37 years labour in it.
1867 April 8th Aged 76 yrs John Gott Esqr (the eldest Son of Benjn Gott Esqr). He was a liberal Merchant Prince. Also an active Sunday School Teacher for more than 40 yrs. It was his custom to be regular in the S. School Room at 10 min before 9 oclock AM & 10 min to 2 oclock in the afternoon i.e. 10 min before the proper time of commencing. When his health failed so that he was not equal to the duties of teaching, he took his place has a Scholar in his own Class. He also maintained a Day School, also at Armley, for 25 yrs, in which was taught 200 Scholars.
1867 April 23rd The Great Reform demonstration took place on Woodhouse Moor, numbers estimated at 75,000. In the evening a great meeting took place in the in our fine Corn Exchange, numbers estimated at 5,000.
1867 May 2nd Aged 40 yrs Thos Ward, he was one of the contributors to my Testimonial.
1867 May 6th On our coming home from Class about 9 P.M., great thunder & lightening.
1867 May 2nd I & my Mate cleaned out our Rain Water Cistern, gave him 1/6.
1867 May 19th Aged 82 yrs Ann Relict of Uncle Knowles was found dead in her bed.
1867 May 28th 'The Wm Beckett' Life Boat exhibited in Leeds. It was paid for by Mr Ludolf {of Leeds} at a cost of £420 as a token of respect to the Memory of the late Wm Beckett, who had befriended Mr Ludolf in a time of difficulty.
1867 June 10th Aged 65 Mrs Maria Charnock, an old friend. She was a member of Park Chapel from its erection 1829. All her children were members of our S. School.
1867 June 25th Aged 56yrs Mr Geo Howett of Bradford, formerly an active S. School Teacher in our School.
1867 July 25th Aged 75 yrs Mary relict of Mr Fredk Green, Druggist, of Woodhouse.
1867 July 24th Aged 67 yrs Mrs Jane relict of Mr W.H. Glover who died Sept 1845, he was a local preacher & at one time one of our S. School Supts & an 'xcellent Man. Mrs Glover was an amiable lady, the law of kindness in her heart & on her lips. She died very suddenly at Tynemouth where she had gone for her heal[th.]
1867 July 30th Aged 48 yrs Mrs Ann wife of Wm Walker of Bardsey.
1867 July 31st Aged 62 yrs Mr John Bleasdale, Coach Maker, Hunslet Lane, formerly Carriage {Maker at Clark's.}
1867 July 31st Aged 66 yrs Mr Wm Lawson, tailor, of Reuben St .
1867 Dec 1st Aged 67 yrs Mr John Ridsdale Mathers, our old friend & nephew to Uncle Wm {Knowles of Clifford.}
1867 Dec 18th Aged 63 yrs Mrs Mary Croft of Thornton very suddenly - greatly respected by all who knew her, a very dear friend of our Mother Hart & all our family.
1867 Decr 29th Aged 75 yrs Rev John Hannah D. D. Theological Tutor at the Wesleyan College Didsbury, & a noted Wesleyan preacher.
1867 Dec 21st Dr John Lonsdale Bishop of Lichfield personalty sworn under £90,000. What a successor of the apostles.
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1867 Nov 19th Aged 77 yrs Saml Smith Esqr Surgeon Leeds. He was the son of Mr Smith, Banker in Briggate. Saml Smith was surgeon to the Infirmary for the long period of 42 yrs. He was an able coadjutor of Richard Oastler in the factory {10 hrs Bil}l, he was a churchman & a conservative, was formerly a member of Brunswick Chapel, he was a man highly valued & justly esteemed, only a week ill. His remains was buried at Moortown.
1867 Decr 31st Aged 67 yrs Thos Teale Esqr Surgeon. He was surgeon to the Leeds Infirmary for 31 yrs, when he resigned that post, was appointed Consulting Surgeon. He was not only eminent in his profession but a large hearted Christian Man, buried at Moortown.
{The deaths of those two eminent surgeons was a public loss to Leeds & many miles round it.}
1868 Jan 1st Aged 74 yrs Saml Eyres Esqr, an eccentric, penurious & wealthy Cloth Merchant, Leeds, he left behind him the enormous sum of £1,200,000.
1868 Jan 1st Aged 72 yrs Sammy Lucas, well known in Lady Lane Chapel
1868 Jan 15th The (Old) Mechanics Institute, South Parade, bought for the Young Men's Christian Institute for £3,400. It was once occupied as a lecture hall by the Socialists i.e. Atheists. What one lives to see I thank God for it.
1868 Jan 11th Aged 79 yrs Mrs Mary Schofield Carr St, our late tenant.
1868 Jan 20th Aged 29 yrs Mary Elizth eldest daugr of ['Geo' crossed out] Hen[r]y Rogers, our old neighbour. She was {deformed with …sing.}
1868 Jan 23rd John, Son of the late Frank Carr, committed suicide while drunk by stabbing himself, a brother of his was drowned at Liverpool a few years before, who drunk fell of[f] a vessel in the Mersey; his body was never found, their mother Mrs Ann Carr was 2nd daugr of Old Mr John Clark, with whom I was {apprenticed.}
1868 Jan 20th Aged 64 yrs Mr John Wood, Cloth drawer, formerly of Pleasant Dairy.
1868 Jan 28th Ibbetson, publican, the notorious getter up of 'Sweeps' & 4 of his assistants sent to Gaol, he for 4 weeks & the others for 2 weeks.
1868 Feb 9th Aged 20 yrs Sarah Hannah eldest daughr of Mr Saml & Ann Brook.
1868 Feb 8th Aged … Mrs Elizth Bointon pf Pickering died suddenly.
1868 Feb 16th Recd an interesting letter from the Rev James Everett, then in his 85 yr, also a leaf out of Dr Adam Clarke's Pocket Book for 1828 wherein the Dr says he was 'ill at Bristol' & neatly pasted within the letter, both obtain'd for me by {bro Robt.}
1868 March 6th A Bazaar held in the Victoria Hall after 3 ½ days realised £1,022 7s., thereby claiming the £100 conditionally promised, all for the benefit of Park New Chapel.
1868 March 11th Aged 87 yrs Mrs Sarah Schofield, she had been an inmate of a Almshouse {13 yrs} nr St John's Church She formerly was a fellow servant with our dear parents at Coll Dixon's, Gledhow Hall, if our Mother or any of us was ill Mrs Schofield was always sent for. She was 6 months confined to bed.
1868 March 11th ? Wm Plackett, Smith, was paid of[f] from our shop where he had worked 13 {yrs.}
1868 March 16th Aged 70 yrs Thos Steers, he had been 44 yrs foreman to Saml Croft & Son, Joiners & Builders, where he was greatly respected.
1868 March 28 Wm King, Smith left Clarks to commence on his own account, for {so doing he regretted.}
1868 March 31st the Commercial Buildings bought by the Town Council for the sum of £30.000 (original cost £34,400) to make wider Boar Lane.
1868 April 11th Richard & Joseph Clark, who had some time before taken the Wakefield Coach Maker's Shop from their brors John Francis & Wm Clark to manage on their own Account, had now become bankrupt through their own reckless folly. That excellent Shop was sold for £ … and a young man of the name of Hartley, a Smith who served his time in the same Shop with Clark is now Master in it & doing well.
1868 April 14th aged 33 yrs George Charnock, School Master in St George's Boys School.
1868 April 11th The Rev Wm Morley Punchon, the highly gifted & eloquent Lecturer & Preacher in the Wesleyan Connexion, sailed in the 'Scotia' for Canada where he could marry his wife sister according to law there but according to our ridiculous law in England he could not do here. [Addition] Came back June 6th 1872 (???) for good.
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1868 March 12th An Irish Fenian miscreant named O'Farrel shot at the Duke of Edinburgh {when in Sidney.}
1868 April 13th King Theodore shot himself & Magdala taken by storm, the total cost of that affair £10,000000.
1868 April 27th The estate of the late Richard Broughton of the 'Pack Horse' was sold for … Thos Jubb bought public House £3,310.
1868 May 12th Aged 63 yrs Mr Henry Dobby, formerly a Shoe Maker in Chapeltown, died after a long afflict{tion.}
1868 May 19th Aged 29 yrs Wm, only Son of Saml & Ann Eastwood Barrel Maker, drunkenness the cause.
1868 May 20th Aged 65 yrs Joseph Kitchingman, many yrs Cab driver at Young's.
1868 May 20th Aged 65 yrs Elizth wife of Mr Saml Fisher, Stationer at the West end.
1868 May 19th The opening of the Great Exhibition in our New Infirmary took place. It was inaugurated by the Prince of Wales for whose presence great preparations had been made. The weather was splendid for the greater part of the day, in the evening a thunderstorm came on & many got a drenching. At night it was fine. An Illumination took place at night when the Town Hall was Illuminated. A grand Ball took place at night in the Victoria Hall at which of course the Prince was present, he was a guest at Temple Newsam.
1868 May 22 Aged 54 yrs Geoe Frankland, Sub Inspector of the Fire Brigade, he got wet on the above occasion & was a 'hard drinker' for a long time, he was soon gone. O what a warning we have.
1868 May 26th The Fenian Barret hung at the Old Bailey London, being the last public execution.
1868 June 16th The Leeds Church Institute & S. School Association new Building in Albion Place was opened. It cost £7,000.
1868 June 20th The total expense incurred by the Town Council on account of the Prince of Wales visit to Leeds amounted to £1411. 10. 4.
1868 June 29th Dr Chorley's wife died, it must have been a happy release for him, she was a {Strange character & the Gayest of the Gay.}
1868 June 27th Aged 46 yrs Elizth wife of Robt Holmes, Sexton of St John's Church, very suddenly.
1868 June 28th aged 71 yrs John Lttlewood.
1868 July 7th Henry Atkinson Coach Builder in King Charles Croft Ssold up. He minded the {Billiard table more than his buisness, apprenticed at Clarks.
1868 July 14th Moorhouse, Coach Builder, North Town end, Sold up.
1868 July 14th The Leeds Old White Cloth Hall was closed, the buisness being removed to the new premises in King St built by the Railway Company in lieu of the old premises.
1868 Mrs Alice the wife of Mr Benjn Chambers of Dun Keswick, after a long affliction aged 73 yrs. Benjn is our half cousin. My Polly & I with bror Benjn went to the funeral on the 21st at Harewood. It was a very hot day. We went to Rigton in the Forest to their daugr Mrs Denison, from there we went to Almscliff Crag & on the top of it, from which is a splendid view, & from thence to the funeral.
1868 Feb 1st For the Manor House, Woodhouse Moor, Chas Naylor, solic[ito]r the owner claimed £2,400. The arbitrator awarded himself £1,653 for the Corperation, who have since pulled it down. They (the Corper[atio]n) had previously removed the Dog Kennel.
1868 Feb 23rd The new 'Meeting House' belonging to the 'Friends' & situated on the estate of the late Robt Jowitt Esqr (also a Friend) in Woodhouse Lane was set apart for Public Worship on the above date & the spacious Schools cost £12,000.
1868 July 12th Aged 78 Mrs Jenkinson of Carr St.
1868 August 12th Town Council purchased a portion of H. B. Legg property top of Briggate to widen that part of Upperhead Row for the sum of £2,500 for about 99 Square Yards.
1868 Aug 13th In the evening a glorious & gracious Shower of rain, the most important shower we have had during this very hot summer. A large number of Moors, Plantations & fields have been set on fire either by the Sun's heat or by sparks from the railway Engines. On the above day Cousin Seth C…y & his sister in law had been to our Grand Exhibition & got a wetting going to the Station. I went with them to the Station.
1868 Sept 9th Aged 34 yrs John Ewd Marvel, late a teacher in our Sunday School.
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1868 Sept 16th Aged 65 yrs Enoch Marshall, Park Chapel keeper, very short illness, he was [a?] man greatly respected by all. Rev Geo Warren preached his funeral sermon from a very appropriate text, 'Enoch walked with God and was not' &c.
1868 Sept 25th The Wesleyan College, Headingley, was inaugurated the foundation Stone was laid by Isaac Holden Esqr M.P, in May 1866. The cost was £12,000.
1868 Aug 20th The fearful Railway Accident at Abergele took {place} & 33 persons lost their lives.
1868 Sept 19th Aged 64 yrs Wm Nicholson Nicholson Esqr of Roundhay Park (see on p 54). Thos his eldest son died in America before his father; he was a prodigal of the worst class, by his profligate habits he endeavour'd to ruin his father, being heir at law he could borrow money to a large amount & did so of the Jews. To put a stop to his prodigality the Father cut of the entail & all the estate was advertised for sale by way of squareing up the matter. Another Son of Wm Nicholson's was a Church Parson, I only heard him at Bardsey Church, his name was Rhodes, his Mother's maiden name; he debauched one of his sisters; who had a child to him, he had to make himself scarce.
1868 Sept 3rd Aged 82 {yrs} Joseph Craven of East Keswick, he used to work for Aunt Martha {Hodgson.}
1868 Oct 3rd We had to burst in the kitchen door of our late father's house, his widow having fallen of[f] the bed. My Polly was so eccited (?) I had to fetch Dr Beardsley.
1868 Oct 6th Aged 50 yrs John Abbey, Coach Body Maker.
1868 Oct 9th Aged 70 yrs the Mother of our friends Messrs James North & brors.
1868 Oct 12th For the first time I had the great pleasure of hearing the Rev Thos Binney of London preach in Belgrave Chapel before a crowded Audience, his sermon was mainly directed to the 'Members of the Congregational Union' then assembled in Leeds. His text was 'Brethren suffer the word of exhortation' Heb. 13:22.
1868 Oct 14th This day 41 yrs ago I entered into the service of Messrs John Clark & son and have continued in the service of the Clark's ever since. O {how} have thy mercies closed me round, For ever be Thy Name ador'd, Amen.
1868 Oct 13th Aged 42 yrs Ephraim Lockwood of Linfit Lane found dead.
1868 Oct 13th Aged 72 George Noble Esqr, the last of the firm of James Brown & Co of Bagby Mill.
1868 Oct 13th Aged 79 yrs Mr Geo Moxon, {our} old neighbour in Reuben St for 19 yrs, was in the employ of Messrs Benjn Gott & sons for 59 yrs, was in the warehouse.
1868 Oct 23rd Aged 56 yrs Wm Fountayne Hodgson, Cloth Drawer.
1868 Oct 26th Our Wm Clark, Coach Builder, 35 yrs {old.}
1868 Oct 28th Aged 72 yrs The justly venerated Dr Longley Archbishop of Canterbury {the first bishop of Ripon, our father lov'd (?) him.}
1868 Oct 28th The Property of the late Mr Jenkinson Situate in Reuben St & Carr St was sold by Auction. The total sum was £1520. The house & shop in Reuben St, & long occupied by Mr Wiggins, sold for £220, it was offered to him when new for £250. There was a mortgage upon the whole property for £700.
1868 Nov 1st I & my Polly heard Rev John Burton from Rev 1: 5. A prince of preachers.
1868 Nov 7 & 8th Queen Ann's Statue taken down & removed from the top of Briggate.
1868 Nov 6th aged 43 yrs , very suddenly at Armley Grange, Elizth, wife of the Rev Sam Kettlewell of Woodhouse Church & only daugr of the late Sammy Eyers of Noted Wealth & parsimony.
1868 Nov 11th Aged 64 yrs Mr Wm Kirk of Woodhouse, Joiner & Builder he was an old friend of father's. Bror Henry was apprenticed with him & continued with him afterwards & was his right hand Man. Mr Kirk was long afflicted with partial deafness, also with Asthma, & was at {last} obliged to give up buisness. And did so to our brors Henry & George who entered to it.
1868 Nov 12th The late Geoe Noble's carriages were sold by Auction. The Clarence for 50 guineas & the Sociable for £80.
1868 Nov 13th Died Mr Chas P. Lumb of Eldon Terrace, Valuer & Appraiser.
!868 Nov 21 The Will of the late Joshua Bower Esqr (son of the late eccentric & much respected old Joshua Bower Esqr) was proved to £35,000, besides large estates.
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1868 Nov 17th Ewd Baines, Robt M. Carter & Sir Wheelhouse return'd M.P. s for Leeds.
1868 Nov 25 Bror John sent in his resignation as Class Leader.
1868 Nov 30th Aged 73 yrs Dr Hobson was found dead in bed, he was a clever & well known Physician in Leeds & for Many Miles round it - One {who} thought & acted for himself independent of any other in his line. At one time he lost a great amount of former(?) and practice by paying too much of his precious time to horse shoeing, for which buisness he took out a patent for making shoes by machinery, but ultimatly gave it up. He married the daugr of the late Peter Rhodes Esqr of Park Place, a wealthy gentleman. She lived separate from the Dr several years, built herself a Mansion near Pontefract & resided there. At her death she left her husband £500 for his life. The Dr was one of the finest looking gentlemen in Leeds.
1868 Nov 28 Reported Mr Robert's death. He was for many years School Master at Chapeltown & Rate Collector, was formerly a local preacher, he absconded with £600 rate money.
1868 Decr 1st Inauguration of the Young Men's Christian (new) Institute by Earl de Grey & Ripon.
1868 Dec 5th The White Horse Estate, Boar Lane, bought by the Corporation for £19,000.
1868 Dec 7th The Corporation decided to purchase the Central Market for £25,000. Its gross income exceeded £1,300 (?). Its original cost in 1828 (?) was £31,000.
1868 Decr 17 Aged 52 yrs Anne wife of John Wade Esqr & sister of Ewd Baines Esqr M.P.
1868 Dec 20th Aged 50 yrs Margaret wife of John Hindle our body Maker, by her order had {4 horses in the hearse.}
1869 Dec 20th Mr Robt J. Peters left our Sunday School after having been connected with it for 25 yrs as Teacher & Super[intendan]t.
1868 Dec 22nd aged 83 yrs Wm Smith Esqr of Gledhow. He was a great benefactor to the Methodist Cause in all its various branches, especially to its Missionary operation in which he took great interest.
1868 Dec 24th Left work for 'Xmas. All to commence work on Jan 4th '69.
1868 Dec 26th The whole of the expenses of Baines & Carter election was between £700 & £800, their friends paying the whole of it.
1869 Jan 10th Aged 71yrs Mr James Mann, Scarcroft, {nr} Bardsey.
1869 Jan 17th Rev John Rattenbury improved the death of the rever'd Wm Smith Esqr to a very crowded congregation in Brunswick Chapel from Josh{ua} 24: chap 29, 30, 31 vers[es]. A most interesting discourse & with it a lengthy and very interesting sketch of the life of the deceased.
1869 Jan 27 Aged 73 yrs John Maude Esqr, the bro of the late Mrs John N. Brigg of {Carlton Hill}.
1869 Feb 4th A terrible accident occur'd on the River 'Ure' opposite to the residence of Lady Mary Vyner Neby [sic, i.e. Newby] Hall caused by the upsetting of a large flatt bottomed boat containing 11 horses & 13 persons crossing to follow the fox & hounds. Sir Chas Slingsby, the noted master of the hounds, with 5 others lost their lives. Such a calamity as was scarcely ever heard of before. [accident, in another hand].
1869 Feb … The expenses of Mr Ripley the unseated M.P. for Bradford amoun{ted} to £7,211 for his election but on account of so much bribery was 'no go'.
1859 3rd Wm Roberts alias 'Billy Box' was inter'd aged about 66 yrs, he was my striker when I lost my eye on Sept 8th 1837.
1869 Feb 10th From 'The Daily Telegraph' was the following viz The ball which killed Lord Nelson was extracted by Dr Beatty (afterwards Sir Wm Beatty] and given to Capt Hardy, who had it set in Precious Sstones, and enclosed in a Cristal Case & an outer shell of Gold in the shape of a wallnut. After Capt. Hardy's death he left it to Sir Wm Beatty. Several years ago when its existence became known, British Museum was anxious to purchase it. But the Queen wishing to have it, [it] was sent to her.
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1869 Feb 15th Aged 81 yrs Mr Wm Crookes, tailor, he was the oldest Sunday School Teacher in Leeds, of 60 yrs, and was long connected with the Tabernacle S. School in Meadow Lane. While health permitted he never failed to meet with us in our Whitsuntide gatherings in front of the Town Hall.
1869 Feb 19th The pulling down of the corner Shop top of Briggate, belonged to H.B. Legg, commenced, for to widen the road 3 yds That corner was noted in former days. There stood a Chantry of Mary Magdalene founded by Wm Covers? Vicar of 'Leedes' Anno 1470. In the building was a large quantity of sound old Oak & sold at a good price. A report used to be in circulation that a subterranean passage existed leading from the above Chantry to Kirkstall Abby, no doubt the tale was in circulation years before we were born, but when the old buildings were pulled down & the old foundations dug out, & dug deeper for the new building, no appearance of any passage was found. So now the tale is now & for ever exploded.
1869 Feb 20 About 100 applicants for the place of Organist at the Parish Church, Kirkgate, {Salary £200 per annum.}
1869 Feb … The property situated corner of Albion St in Boar Lane occupied by Mr Lea was sold to him for £53 per yard, the ground opposite realized £40 per square yd. The corner portion next to Briggate was bought by Alderman Barran for £66 per square yd.
1869 Feb 25th Aged 85 yrs Hugo Chas Meynell Ingram Esqr of Temple Newsam died at his seat Hoar Cross Hall Staffe, Will proved under £160,000.
1869 March 6th The death of Lamartine the renowned historian & poet, a Frenchman.
1869 March 1st Mr Gladstone brought in his celebrated 'Bill' for doing away the 'Irish State Church'. He spoke upwards of 3 ½ hrs & occupied 7 columns of newspaper in the Telegraph.
1869 March 4th The link line from Wellington Station to Marsh Lane Station was so far completed that an Engine & Tender made several trips.
1869 March 5th After 20 days trial The Hull convent scandal was brought to a close. What an insight into the so called religious life of the nuns was brought above board & cost Mrs Star the defend[an]t £6,000.
1869 March 7th Aged 67 yrs Mr Thos Laycock, Butcher at the top of St James Street, Woodhouse Lane. He had carried on buisness for upwards of 44 years to my knowledge. He was highly and deservedly respected, died of drop{sy}.
1869 March … The Commercial Buildings Sold by the Corporation to Messrs Thos Ambler Architect & others for £25,250.
1869 March 11th Aged 79 yrs Joshua Burton Esqr of Roundhay, for many years a great {friend to the Wesleyan Methodist cause}.
1869 March 13th Miss Royces's (our late Class Mate) remains was inter'd - 2 yrs ill.
1869 March 19 Aged 40 yrs Harriet, the Wife of our friend Mr Wm North.
1869 March 14 Aged 54 yrs J.F. Alderson, Cashier Barnsley Banking Company and nephew to the late John Frankland.
1869 March 15th Aged 95 yrs Mary, widow of the late Rev Jona[tha]n Crowther, Wesleyan Minister. She recd her first Class ticket from the Rev John Wesley. She was 78 {years a member.}
1869 March The new line of Railway built on Arches from the Wellington Station to the Marsh Lane Station & including the New Station cost about £500,000. About 1,000 Grave Stones was remov'd round the 'New buiring ground, Kirkgate' having to raise an embankment for the above line. The {stones} were afterwards laid on the embankment. Alas! what changes.
1869 March 18th Brors George & Henry got settled with Mrs Milne's for the 4 cottages adjoining our Late dear Father's property in Spencely & Mark Streets. The cost was £230 which includes the flagging paid by her. Mr White the original owner {wanted} father to buy them for £200, but he would not give it. I am thankful that they are bought into the family. May success attend the buyers.
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1869 March 27th Aged 21 yrs our dear Maria Britton, 3rd & only surviving daugr of Mr Ewd & Mrs Britton.
1864 Aug 25 Aged 25 yrs Ann Eliz eldest daugr of the three precious daugrs taken home in 5 years.
1869 March 28 (my birthday) Martha the widow of our late dear Father aged 79 yrs ['died', in another hand]
1869 March 30th A tea Meeting took place consisting of the Teachers of Park Sunday School in the large room under the Chapel, after which a beautiful Time Piece under a glass shade, along with an Illuminated Address in a neat gilt frame, was presented to our late Superintendant Mr Robt J. Peters on his retiring from the School. A suitable inscription on a plate was affixed to the time piece. The address was by the able hands of our friend Mr J. Watson also {a teacher.} The week following the eldest son (John Wm) of Mr Peters went to London to improve himself.
1869 April 4th Aged 69 yrs Rev J. A. West, Wesleyan Minister at Great Crosby nr Liverpool.{ He was well known in Leeds.}
1869 April 8th Aged 73 yrs Mr James Battye of Cobourg St., Leeds, Courier.
1869 April 15th aged … Mrs Frances wife of the above James Battye. They were lovely in their lives & in death they were not long divided. They were greatly respected. Their only daugr Miss Ellen was married a few months afterwards {Sept 3rd } to Mr Plummer formerly of Leeds, {now at Bristol.}
1869 April 11th Joseph Arton or Aton died in the Workhouse, where he was for several yrs. He was inter'd in Woodhouse Church Yd. He was greatly respected.
1869 April 19th The Sale by Auction of the Furniture & Effects of our precious parents took place & sold not amiss by Mr Thos Weatherley. Alas! Alas! How the homesteads of lov'd ones are broken up.
1869 May 14th Aged 79 yrs or upwards Miss Mary Forbes, our old Class Mate, enter'd into {rest.}
1869 May 18th Aged 47 yrs Mr … Robinson, Stationer, Woodhouse Lane.
1869 May 24th Aged 52 Saml Winn, Plumber, Great George St, very suddenly.
1869 May 27 Gave my Niece Elizth Culloden my Mother's gold ring.
1869 June 6th Six of us from Park Sunday School without wives took tea with Mr & Mrs Peters at Far Headingley & all of us went at even' to hear Mr J. Burton {preach}.
1869 June 11th Aged 72 yrs Jem Watson, well known at Woodhouse.
1869 June 12th aged 38 yrs our poor prodigal bror Thos died. I hope he found mercy.
1869 June 13th Wm Stevens died very suddenly of Quinsey, & formerly Carriage Maker at Clarks.
1869 June 20th James Midglly of Woodhouse died. He was the first who was married at {Woodhouse Church.}
1869 May 17th John Skelton, our Carriage Maker, was struck on the Ancle in the Cardigan Fields by one of the horses belonging to the Circus, poor fellow he is now crippled for life.
1869 July 9th Benjn Thomas's Shop effects were sold up in Carlton Hill. Alas! for his poor wife & child{ren.}
1869 July 10th My dear Polly & I went to Micklefield & took tea in Sammy Hick's old house.
1869 July 12th My Polly & self & bror Henry &c had a Splendid day trip to the Famed Windermere. Our train started at 20 past 6 & got to the Lakeside Station at 20 past 10, 105 mls.
1869 July 25th Sunday A large & novel gathering took place within the Walls of Kirkstall Abby, When the Vicar {preached} to the Volunteers & Artillery. It was a fine day & many were on {the ground.}
1869 July 26th Aged 59 Harriet the belov'd wife of Mr Geo Burras, of Cancer. She was much {repected.}
1869 Aug 5th aged 66 yrs After a long affliction Miss Mary Westerman our late old Neighbour. So one by one we pass away, Lord help me so to live that I may be found {ready.}
1869 Aug 15th Heard our dear friend the Rev Geo Warne deliver his farewell sermon in Park Chapel from Acts c. 20:. 32. He had been in Leeds 5 yrs & left for Rochdale.
1869 Aug 10th Chas Wood, Whitesmith. I had known him for 40yrs, a sad drunkard.
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1869 Aug 13th Aged 76 yrs James Ellis Esqr, many years owner and liv'd at the High Hall Thornton, he was greatly belov'd by all who knew him, he had a liberal soul, what a pleasure to take a walk in his garden where all was welcome who chose to walk therein. His death will be a great loss to Thornton.
1869 Aug 21st Aged 64 yrs Mr Geo Rodgers, My old Sunday School fellow labourer. He was an earnest plodding teacher & sometime super[inendan]t in the Infant School for altogether amounting to 36 yrs. He had gone to Scarbro where he thought fit to bathe & was seiz'd with Cramp, he managed to get into the 'Machine' & was so found. The Cramp had affected his heart & shortly after died & was brought home to bury.
1869 Aug 19th Aged 64 yrs Mrs Ann Skilbeck, for many years at 'Mount Pleasant', Bardsey. She was a Mother in Israel & a precious friend. Many have been the precious seasons me & my Polly have enjoyed under her roof at Bardsey & with {& her} lovely daughters, but never to occur again. She was inter'd at Collingham along side the remains of her late husband who died near 30 years before. At the time of her husband death which occur'd at Compton Grange She had one son, Richard, & two daughters Mary Ann & Fanny & in the family way of our dear Jane Elizth, and well did she train up the fatherless Children notwithstanding the trials she had to contend with from some {of} her dear husband's relatives. Her daugr Jane Eliz was married to Mr James {S.} Holmes, Grocer, (who with his bror David served their appren[ticeshi]p with Mr Moon of East Keswick). They were married a Bardsey Church, [date in the margin] 1865, Nov 21, that was a time never to be forgotten by us. My Polly & I bror Robert & Mary Hart had Mr Giles' carriage & pair that day, himself drove. Our dear George Gray was also there. Bror Robert acted as the 'Father' to the Bride. It was a royal time & a smiling day, about 30 of us sat down to Breakfast.
Mr James Saville Holmes had previously to his marriage commenced buisness at Otley, whither he took his bride the same night viz Nov 21st. Mrs Skilbeck shortly afterwards gave up her house & went to reside with her daugr Mrs Holmes at Otley, where Mrs Skilbeck died as above stated.
1869 Sept 7th Aged 31 yrs Eliz the youngest daugr of Mr Benjn Chambers of Dunkeswick.
1869 Aug 30th Aged 13 yrs … the only daugr of Mrs S. [or 'Mr T S] Emery our Sunday S. Secretary.
1869 Sept 10th Aged 67 yrs Mr John Clegg, farmer, of East Rigton very suddenly.
1869 Sept 1st Aged 11 wks Clare daugr of my Nephew John Hodgson.
1869 Sept 12th Mr Jas Bentley 'improved' the death of Mr Geo Rogers in Park Chapel.
1869 Sept 20th Aged 65 yrs Mr George (alias Putty) Burton, plumber &c, Woodhouse.
1869 Sept 20th … after a very short illness Mr Dawson of Weston Hall near Otley, he was a very good customer of ours, getting a new carriage nearly {every year.}
1869 Sept 13th Aged 69 yrs Mrs Joshua Burton of Roundhay. She was the only Child of the late David Underwood Esq, formerly of Brunswick Place {Leeds.} He had a natural {son} by his Housekeeper. He left him £20,000 & the remainder of his wealth to his daughter. When Brunswick Chapel was built in 1825 she was at the entire expense of the Splendid Pulpit of Spanish Mahogany erected therein. She was a liberal benefactor to the Methodist cause. At her death she left upwards of £32,000 for Charitable purposes but the half of it was for the Wesleyan Chapels building in Cumberland & for other purposes also Wesley.
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The rem[ainde]r or the other half was left to the Charitable Institutions in Leeds & elsewhere. During the last illness of her husband she considered the preachers in the Brunswick Circuit neglected him, otherwise she would have left more to its cause in Leeds i.e. Methodism.
1869 Sept 29th aged 87 yrs Miss Phoebe Caroline Oates of Blenheim Terrace, an old neighr {of} old Mr Hebblethwaite.
1869 Sept 22 Aged 70 yrs Mr Thos Royston Cloth Merchant, he was a member & Seat Holder in Brunswick {Chapel} from its opening in 1825. Before the organ was erected in it in 1828 he played the Bass Violin & also in the 'Old Boggert House' Leeds & at the Festival in York Minster, he told me & my Polly so himself.
1869 ….
1869 Nov 2nd A very Windy day. My nephew Geoe Herbert 5 years old was coming home from School, the wind {threw} him down with such force & upon his right elbow that it was severely fractured, so much so the [sic] he will never more have a proper use of it.
1869 Nov 4th Aged74 yrs Geo Peabody Esqr, the noble benefactor, died in London.
1869 Nov 6th Mrs Sarah the wife of Nathan Whitley Esqr of Halifax. She was the daugr of Mr Wm Rinder of Chapeltown & for many yrs connected with the Lady Lane Chapel. She left 5 children having been married 5 yrs.
1869 Nov 16th Aged 64 yrs Mrs Hannah Whitaker. She was our excellent neighbour & for many years with her late dear husband the Keepers of Lady Lane Chapels.
1869 Nov 17th Our Shopmate John Heaton fell out of the Body Makers loft into the Yard.
1869 Nov 17th The West Riding Club House, Bond St, Leeds (late Stead & Co Coach Builders) was sold by Auction for £5,175 to Middleton & Son Solicitors. A Mortgage of £3,000 was upon the Building, which proved a failure as a Club House.
1869 Nov 28th Aged 40 yrs The Rev Joseph Mortimer, late of Park Chapel. His dear wife died about 6 wks {before.}
1869 Nov 22nd Aged 55 yrs Mrs Beatrice Tomlinson of Newcastle. She was the 4th daughter of my late old Master Mr John Clark. She was greatly respected when young, And not less so during her riper years. She was the favourite of her bror Wm who usually called her 'Tetty'.
1869 Nov 22 Aged … Harriet the wife of Saml Towler, both formerly our S. S. Scholars.
1869 Nov 26th aged 64 yrs Stephen Shaw of Chorley Lane & father of my young friend John {now one of our S. S. Teachers.
1869 Dec 1st The beautiful Organ erected in Park Chapel was inaugurated by a Tea & Concert, it cost …
1869 Dec 4th Aged 78 yrs Mr Geo Smith of Scott Hall Mills, he was Son of the late Mr John Smith of Smithy Mills, Adel before named.
1869 Dec 9th Our Mr Wm Clark now lies dangerously ill.
1869 Dec 13th Aged 80 yrs John Goodman Esqr of Gledhow House, bror of the late Sir Geo Goodm{an}.
1869 Dec 19th Heard a Mr Watson from Dewsbury preach in Park Chapel. In the evening at Headingley Chapel heard Rev John Burton preach from Prov[erbs] 8 :4 'Unto you & men I call, And my Voice is to the Sons of Men'. His 3 leading topics were: The voice of God in Nature; The voice of God in Conscience; The voice of God in Revelation.
1869 Dec 25th 'Xmas' day, fine & frosty (the week previous very wet). My young nephews and nieces paid us their usual visit as on this Memorable day & raised their youthful voices in Sacred Melody. O how those memorable occasions reminds us of those lov'd ones who have pass'd away. We too are going, may we be found ready.
1869 Decr 26th (Sunday P.M. The snow came down in grand style & was very thick on the ground Monday & Tuesday. The cold was severe.
1869 Decr 28th I & my Mary {paid} our dear (& now old) Mrs Wm Clark a visit & took tea with her. She gave us her 'Cart', I felt thankful for another opportunity of spending an afternoon with {her}.
Page 74 [Information about the Harts, family of Mary Hart, known as 'Polly', Hodgson's second wife]
My late dear Father in law Nicholas Hart was the only son of Thos & Sarah Hart, born at Roxby in the parish of Lyth on March 9th 1792. His Mother was of Scotch extraction, her maiden name was Cochrane & came from Dalkeith. Nicholas had three Sisters viz Mary, Nanny & Sarah who with {her} husband & family went to America.
Ann (Nanny) my dear Mother in law was the only Child of Robert & Mary Wilson & Born May 17th 1790 in Thornton Dale nr Pickering.
Nicholas and Ann Hart Married Jan 30th 1816.
Bror Robert Hart, Born Sept 23rd 1816, 2 o'clock AM
Bror Thos Hart, Born Dec 10th 1818, 2 o'clock AM
Mary my Wife Born August 26th 1821, ½ past 2 PM
Bror John Hart Born March 26th 1826, ½ past 5 AM
Bror Wm Hart Born April 26th 1830 … 5 AM
1861 August 15th Aged 60 yrs Nicholas Hart my dear father in law departed this life. He had been in a declining State of health upwards of two years from heart disease. He was a Man greatly respected by all who knew him, he was quiet & retiring in his disposition & unobtrusive in his manners. A kind & affectionate parent, always setting a bright example to his children who have every reason to venerate his Memory. Well will it be for us his Children if we follow in his footsteps. He was a Wesleyan for upwards of 40 yrs. He was for a long time connected with the Sunday School and was greatly esteemed as a Class Leader, which office he held for 30 yrs.
1863 April 20th Aged 44 yrs Thos Hart, my dear bror in law, departed this life. He was a man of sterling worth, he was a credit & an honor to Thornton, where his memory will along with his dear father's, be long cherished. He was a man possessing 'xellent abilities as a farmer, & as a judge of Stock, not many would surpass him, he also was of a generous & liberal disposition. He was a Member of the Wesleyans, & was greatly respected as a Class Leader & Local Preacher. He entered upon a farm several years before his death (& upon which his dear widow still remains) upon which several had been unfortunate previously and had Thos been spared no doubt he would have made something out of it notwithstanding the difficulties connected with it. During the year previous he had a very serious illness from which he was not expected to recover (see page 59 [numeral crossed out, replaced by another illegible]) but did so in a great measure. His death as above stated was caused by taking a severe cold on the Prince of Wales's wedding day in the preceding month (March 10th). A public Tea was got {up} in Thornton for the poorer class & defrayed by a private subscription in the village, bror Thos was one of the leading men on that occasion, the day was a very wet and cold …. The tea took place under a large tent in front of 'Hospital Row'. Our bror took a severe cold on this occasion, and no wonder considering his already weakened constitution by his previous illness. He placed himself under the care of Dr Robertson of Thornton but he gradually got worse untill he exchanged Mortality for Life. 'He being dead yet speaketh'.
1862 Feb 22 Aged 66 yrs Aunt Mary Hart, oldest sister of Father Hart.
1865 March 25nd [numeral appears to have been altered?] Aged 66 yrs Aunt Ann Hornsey, relict of John Hornsey and sister of our Father Hart.
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[At the top of Page 75 a blank space of about 6 cm or 2 ¼ inches follows this Hart family information. Then the Leeds news resumes.]
1869 Decr 20th Aged 29 yrs John Maney, an old S. S. Scholar, leaving a Wife & 3 children.
1869 Decr 29th Aged 36 {yrs} Elizth Lofthouse & daugr of the late Joseph Craven of East Keswick.
1870 Jany 6th Aged 52 yrs Wm Morley (suddenly), partner with Mr Booth, Cloth Finisher, Chorley {Lane, or Lancs.}
1870 Jan 13th At Park Chapel Wm North Esqr to Miss Jane Varey, both of Leeds.
1870 Jan 14th Aged 59 yrs Mrs Sarah Charnock, St James St. Very Suddenly.
1870 Jan 17th Aged 70 yrs John Cooper Esqr of Gledhow Hall, he was its owner, see p.89.
1870 Jan 21st Aged 35 yrs Mr Baxter, Druggist &c, Park Lane. Shorten[ed] his days by intemperance, he married a daugr of my friend Mr Ewd Mallinson. Alas what trouble has she had to encounter. She was formerly one of our best S. S. Teachers, his father was a trav{elling preacher in Leeds.}
1870 Aged 57 yrs Mr Thos Watson Mason & Builder. He married Mary the daugr of old Nanny Meynard.
1870 Jany 22nd Aged 41 yrs Wm Chambers of Dun Keswick. Our friend & relative, leaving a dear wife & 4 lovely children. His father & I are half cousin. 'So teach me to number my days That I may apply my heart unto Wisdom'.
1870 Jan 29th Aged 64 yrs Mr John Moore, Tea dealer, Woodhouse Lane.
1870 Jan 31st A great Meeting was held in our Town's Hall on {the} 'Liquor Traffic', the Hon General Carey from America was the great Gun, and spoke well. Dr Gale & Mr Roper & other also spoke. Wm Glover Joy Esqr our worthy Mayor was Chairman. [Someone has added in crude writing the heading 'Drink']
1870 Feb 1st A noble Primitive Methodist Missionary Meeting, being the first united meeting of the 4 Circuits in Leeds, & held in the Town's Hall, & presided over by our Mayor Wm G. Joy Esqr. The back part of the Orchestra was filled with S.S.Scholars, male & female, & well did they perform their part in singing being trained for the occasion. The speeches was first class. The Mayor led of[f] in grand stile, avowing himself as one of themselves, he gave £5 at the Col[lectio]n. The Revd Chas Smith, Leeds, Saml Jones, Birming[ha]m &c also Counsellor Robson of Hull all spoke well.
1870 Feb 2nd A beautiful testimonial (a Timepiece) was presented to our very dear fiend Mr Geo[rg]e Gray, late laborious Sup[erintnedan]t in Little London S. School. The affair was got up entirely by the Scholars, he was leaving on account of ill health. That he may still be spared in recovered health is the sincere prayer of his friends at No 42, R. St.
1870 Feb 6th Heard the Rev John Burton at Head[ingle]y from Heb. 2: 20, 'The Lord is in his holy {Temple &c'.}
1870 Feb 9th The Leeds 'Music Hall' was sold by Auction, bidding commenced with £5,000 & did not get beyond £6,000. The reserved bid was £7,000, and was given by Mr Wm Becroft {Music Seller.} This place in its early days was called 'Tom Paine's Hall'. It's large hall has long since been noted for the Political Meetings & Religious Meetings which have been held in it. Also Concerts & Exhibitions of various kinds.
1870 Feby 12th Aged 80 yrs Mr Elisha Tolson of Cankerwell Lane. He died worth £16,000, was of a niggardly disposition.
[ditto?] Aged 64 yrs Mrs Elizth Fleming, {our] old neighbour. She hung herself.
1870 Feb 13th The Mayor (Wm Glover Joy Esqr) & part of the Corporation attended Brunswick Chapel in their Robes of Office, also the Mace, when a sermon was
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preached by the Rev John Rattenbury on behalf of the Infirmary, the collection amounted to £80. The total for morning & evening was £102.6.1 Such a thing as the Mayor & Corporation going in state to a Methodist Chapel was never known before in Leeds.
1870 Feb 19th Wm Horsman, Heraldry Painter, left Clark's to go to America, he sailed the following the following [sic] week. He arrived there safe got into good work. He was a good Shop Mate, a good Painter, had been 20 yrs {at Clarks, came in on? the strike.}
1870 Feb 19th Aged 51 yrs Wm Spirrit after a short illness (drink), he married 'Little Betty Hurst' of the Cemetery Tavern, Woodhouse. They were the first tenants of the house top of Reuben St of dear Father's.
[crudely written marginal comment 'drink'.]
1870 Feb 20th Aged 64 yrs Thos Wilson an old tenant of Father's, also mine.
1870 Feb 23rd Aged 78 yrs Mr John Wainman of Crimble Lodge. For 35 yrs he was a member of our dear Leader (Mr Geo Hall's) Class & a personal friend.
1870 March 3rd Parsons the horse breaker died.
1870 March 13th Brunswick Chapel well filled to hear the Rev Josiah Pearson from Col 1:18, 'That in all things he might have the pre-eminence. '
1870 … May Heard Rev Chas Garret in Brunswick Chapel, subject 'He must needs {go through [the?] Son.}
1870 March 17 Our Mr Wm Clark was so far recover'd that he paid a visit to his father in law Mr J. Wright at Harehills Lane in a Bath Chair.
1870 March 13th Heard Mr Heny H. Richardson (for the first time) preach in Park Chapel from Exodus 20:1 'And God spake all these Words'.
1870 March 15th Aged 75 yrs 'Terry' Pickard of Woodhouse, a well known Bricklayer & Builder of Woodhouse. His wife died about 3 weeks previously. He did the brick work of those 4 houses in Reuben St, in '40 & '41.
1870 March 18th Henry ['Robinson' crossed out] Naylor, our Apprentice at Clarks, in jumping fell & broke his {leg.}
1870 March 19th The body of poor Michael Hudson {of Woodhouse} was found in the Canal nr Armley. He was Coachman to Mr Ford nr Adel, he got into a low way, & had been missing upwards of a month.
1870 March 27th Our Mr Wm Clark came to his bror John Francis's house, also into the Counting, for the first time after his Severe Affliction.
1870 March 30th Aged 65 yrs Agnes, relict of John Bleasdale, Coach Builder.
1870 April 8th Friday. Our friend Mr F.(?) Watson brought home the portraits of Father, Mother, & my Bessie, which he took to clean & varnish, & with the cleaned frames they now look equal to new. By my desire he got 6 cartes of each taken by Turner of Mount Preston, Bessie's taken well, the others not.
1870 April 12th Aged 32 Willoughby Green, {Wire Worker &c.} of Leeds & a Town Councillor. He killed himself by excessive drinking.
1870 April 16th Begun felling the beautiful trees on Carlton Hill on purpose to widen & lower the road which for many years had been a narrow and dangerous thoroughfare. For many years have I watched & admired the budding out of those trees, but now no more.
1870 April 3rd Aged 80 yrs Mrs Brown of Thornton, an old friend of Mother Hart's.
1870 April 17th Aged 65 yrs John Norton, {formerly} a well known Shop Keeper in Boar Lane.
1870 April ['11th' crossed out] 22nd Aged 62 yrs Mr John Mountain, Cabinet Maker, Wellington Lane at the West End, & one of the Trustees of Park Chapel.
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1870 April 23rd Frank Ash, Carriage Maker, left Clarks very foolishly, had just been 4 years. The week previous poor Jack Skelton (with his lame leg before named) came back to work the week previous [sic].
1870 April 28th Our friend Wm Pickles of Park S. School came to bid us good bye on his removal to London to work there. May the blessing of God go with him.
1870 May 4th Aged 72 yrs John Clarkson, Broker, Wood St, Leeds, he was under gardener with John Hardy Esqr, Denison Hall, when father was there.
1870 May 19th Aged 24 yrs Sarah Elizth wife of Wm Muschamp Hampson, our young neighbours. This was a very sad affair. She died in child bearing but unable to bring {forth.}
1870 May 23rd Aged 41 yrs Jacob Walker, Porter & Vagrant Master at the Workhouse, Leeds. he was a kind friend to our bror Tom when he was in the Workhouse.
1869 Nov 30th Aged 51 yrs Hannah, relict of my late fellow Apprentice, Fredk Elliott, Coach Smith. he died Feb 1858, both died at Crewe.
1870 June 4th Lavinia only daugr of the above Fredk & Hannah Elliott was here to tell {us of her Mother's death.}
1870 May 26th Aged 56 yrs Robt Lister, Stuff Singer[sic] and Shop Keeper in St James St.
1870 May 28th I & my Polly went to Morton to see bror Wm & to enjoy the beautiful scenery and heard the Cuckoo many times. 'While Nature's Voice is lifted high &c &c.'
1870 June 1st Aged 66 yrs Wm Harris, many years ago {was a} Wheeler at 'Clark's' in School Close, died very suddenly at Tunbridge Wells, he formerly was an Atheist & a drunkard & not clear from other vices.
[addition in another hand: Drink].
1870 June 1st Aged 61 yrs Thos Nunneley Esqr of Leeds, Where he was well known and had a large practice especially on the human eye, upon which he had operated upon for cataract in more than 1000 cases, & had twice removed the entire tongue by a peculiar method.
1870 May 31st Aged 41 yrs Miss Nelson, our old neighbour, died in the Infirmary after a long affliction.
1870 June 7th I & 'my Mary' with several of our S. School friends went to Parling{ton} and spent the Afternoon very pleasantly & profitably. We went by way of Barwick & Aberford. Also went in & out the top of the Clock Tower of the beautifull Almshouses there, & sung some of our Whitsuntide hymns on the top of the Tower & in the dining Hall, to the great pleasure of the old ladies. O what a country it is - never saw it before.
1870 June 9th Aged 58 yrs of Apoplexy, the justly celebrated Chas Dickens.
1870 June 21st The longest day - but a sad day for Leeds by reason of a terrible accident which befell an excursion train from Leeds to London, but which took place on its return & within ½ a mile from Newark, by which 18 persons lost their lives & from 40 to 50 wounded. It occur'd between 1 & 2 oclock AM. It was a 'day Trip'. On the same morning about 7 o'clock another terrible occurrence took place At New Wortley, by a Mill taking fire. The upper part was occupied by hat makers, some inflamable liquid was upset & took fire. It spread with such rapidity that some of the young women employed had to throw themselves out of windows 4 stories high to escape the flames, two young ['women' omitted] took shelter in the water closet for safety as they thought, but not so, for there they were burned to death, by this calamity 4 young women lost their lives.
1870 June 19th I & my Polly heard dear Mr Burton at Head[ingle]y from 'If we say we have no sin' &c &c. O how he dwelt on secret sins. Instancing the Men who brought the Woman to {our Saviour & his saying to them etc.}
1870 June 27th I & Polly had the pleasure of hearing Rev R. Roberts at Oxford Chapel from Matt 27: & part of 22, 'What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ.'
1870 June 23rd Begun pulling down the wall top of Carlton Hill, going to lower the top of the hill 7 feet.
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1870 June 20th Aged 78 yrs Mrs Smith, mother of Lady Meek of York & a very dear & old friend of our Mother Hart.
July 10th Heard the Rev John Burton in Hyde Park Road Chapel from Subject 'Lydia whose heart the Lord opened'. In the even[in]g both of us heard him at Kirkstall from Prov. 15:.3 ' The eyes of the Lord are in every place &c.'. O how {he} showed the greatness & power of God.
July 11th Aged 80 yrs Mr Thos Burras, artist. At first of his career was a cloth dresser. He was formerly a teacher in Park S. School (then called Princess St S. S) & had for his partner the late Mr Benjn Sherwood both were excellent men there.
July 18th Aged 50 yrs Mrs Giles, the wife of our Sunday School friend Mr Heny Giles, cab proprietor, during a long period was a great trouble to him.
July 19th Our Friend Mr F. Watson brought home the Illumated [sic]] Memorial of our late dear parents, a beautiful work of art.
July 23rd Our Friend Mr Jas North had to give up his situation, where he had been 20 yrs & 12 or 13 yrs out of the 20 yrs foreman.
July 28th Upwards of 30 of us from Park School & Chapel had a delightful day trip to the far famed Bolton Abbey & Grounds & to Barden Tower.
July 25th Aged 90 yrs Mr Joseph Matthews formerly a well know Axle tree Maker in Leeds.
July 31st Aged 72 yrs Mr Saml Winn of the firm of Winn & Pawson, Builders, both well known in Lady Lane Chapel, Leeds.
July 15th France declared War against Prussia. Alas poor France couldest {thou have foreseen.}
Augst 2nd aged 47 yrs Mr John Wright of Field House Academy, Aberford. He was thrown out of his phaeton in Bramham Park, his ancle was so much injured that his leg had to be taken of[f], but he died on the following day. He was the son of our Father's old friend Mr John Wright of East Keswick.
Augst 6th I & my Polly went to Chapel Town to see our (& Father's) old friend Mr Wm Shires, Builder. It was his birth day & was 72 yrs old. It was a very interesting visit to me, he had such a recollection of long past events in connection with East Keswick, he knew our Grand parents there well & many more of the old people beside, he could go back for 65 yrs.
Augst 9th Aged 61 yrs B.J. Bennet, Cloth Drawer, Leeds.
Augst 12th A powerful dog placed in the care of our gov[erno]r John Francis Clark went Mad & died, happily he was chained in a top room where no one worked, otherwise it was terrible to think what might have taken place.
Augst 16th Aged 65 yrs Mrs Sarah King. She formerly washed for my dear Mother, & at her death assisted to lay out her remains. Mrs King was a worthy woman but had a drunken dissolute husband who has been in the Workhouse for some time past.
Augst 27th Aged 71 yrs Sarah, eldest & last surviving sister of Richard Westerman formerly of {Reuben Street.}
Aug … Aged … Wm? Myers, {nephew of the Brigge Cloth Merchant, Carlton Hill,} Linen Draper, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds.
Sept 3rd Aged 21 yrs Robt Yates, a dear old S. S. Scholar at Park S. S., died at Spofforth, his native {place(?).}
Sept 4th Aged 44 yrs Wm Webster, suddenly, formerly Pattern Card Maker.
Sept 6th Aged 47 yrs at Heywood, Sarah the belov'd wife of the Rev George Warne late (& 15 yrs of Leeds.)
Sept 11th Heard dear Mr Burton at Head[ingle]y P.M. from Heb 11:13.
Sept 18th Aged 35 yrs Mrs Sarah Pickard, eldest daughter of our late dear neighbours & friends,
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[1870 interpolated. Item continued from previous page] the late Mr John Burrel & Hannah his wife. Dear Sarah was greatly beloved by all who knew her. She left one child & a disconsolate husband to mourn his loss.
Sept 26th At an adjourned Teachers Meeting at our S. School my old friend, Mr John Nettleton was removed from the Senior Class of Girls and thus his labours are now lost to the School after many years of Service both as Super[intendan]t & teacher N.B. it was in some Measure his own proposal in the first place. But when he rec[eive]d his notice of removal with a vote of thanks for his past services he was greatly surprised & Sorry and I not the less so for he ought not to have been so treated.
Oct 4th Aged 42 yrs Mr John Metcalf Smith, the eminent partner in the Leeds Old Bank Messrs Beckett & Co. He was thrown from his horse in Woodhouse Lane & died the same day at even. He was a great benefactor to Leeds. Among his many noble deeds he built the Convalescent Home at Cookridge at a cost of from £10,000 to £12,000 in memory of his late Father, and gave £100 annually to its support.
Octr 6th Aged 75 yrs Mrs Beevers, for many years tenant of Father's in Mark St.
Oct 13th Sale of 6 houses i.e. 3 fronting to St Mark St & 3 at the back fronting Spencely St, late the property of Jonathon Alderson (who married John Franland's? sister), then of his Son … Alderson, who died a short time previous to the Sale at Barnsley. The sum sold for was £750, Weatherly Auctio{n.}
Same evening, Briscoe, late Coachman to Geo Noble Esqr, Sold 5 cottages fronting to Woodhouse Church Yard for £400, he gave £360 for them.
Oct … Four houses in Fenton St, one of which is occupied by our friend Mrs Grey & No 61, they fetch{ed} £1000 & were bought by the Order of Druids.
Oct 20th The Anniversary of our Wedding day. 17 Yrs have now rolled away since then. What changes in both our families & among our friends. But I do thank God for all the Mercies he has bestowed upon us to this present time.
Oct 23 P.M. Heard the Rev John Burton at Head[ing]ley from Timothy 1: 16, 'Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy' &c. He started with the two prominent positions of Paul's character before & after his conversion, he said Paul's conversion did not arise from reflection, it was irresistible.
Nov 8th Aged 77 yrs, our very dear friend Mrs Margaret Maw of Thornton & the precious Mother of our Sister Ann Hart.
Nov 12th I & my Polly, along with Mrs Scott(?), went to Otley to bid our very dear friends Mr Jas Saville Holmes & his wife Mrs Jane Elizth Holmes a final farewell on their leaving Otley for Australia. May the Divine blessing go with them and grant unto them a Prosperous Voyage (on board 'The Suffolk') with improved health is the Sincere Prayers of Wm & Polly Hodgson. Amen.
Nov 24 {Died} John Kendall Esqr, formerly Cabinet Maker &c on a large scale in Boar Lane, Leeds.
Nov 13th I with our dear friend Mr Joseph Laurence went to Headly to hear dear Mr Burton, his text was 2 Peter 1, part of 4th verse, 'Whereby are given unto us exceeding great & precious promises, that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature'. O what a sermon, do thou O Lord enable me to retain at least some portion of it.
Nov 9th Our Town's Hall cost £127,000. The New Corn Exchange cost £25,000, Boar Lane Improvements & Briggate extension cost £118,000. From Mr Barrans speech on being made Mayor {on Nov 9th }.
Nov 27th At Kirk[stal]l Chapel heard Mr Burton from Acts 26: 24-25, 'Paul, thou art beside thyself' &c.
Nov 28th The Election of the School Board took place.
Nov 29th Heard the Rev Ewd Paxton Hood on Life With or Life Without Method.
Decr 2nd Aged 61 yrs Ellen the wife of Mr Joseph Broughton, long connected with Park Chapel & School.
Decr 4th Aged 56 yrs Mr Wm Storey, Plumber & Gas fitter & formerly Letter Carrier or Post Man.
Decr 6th We heard the Rev Peter Makenzie lecture on 'Gideon the Mighty Man of Valour'.
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Dec 7th Aged 81 yrs Elizth widow of Thos Jubb, Mason & Milkman.
Dec 10th Aged 61 yrs Mrs Mountain widow of Mr Mountain Cabinet Maker of the West End & Members of Park Chapel. She was highly & deservedly respected.
Decr 10th Aged 59 yrs David Holmes, Auctioneer &c.
Dec 20th Aged 28 yrs? Mary the belov'd wife of our friend Wm Hen[r]y Burrell, Accountant & youngest Son of our late dear neighbours Mr John & Mrs Hannah Burrell.
Dec 14th Broadhead's Workshop & Picture Gallery, Albion St, destroyed by fire, and several pictures destroyed of great value, damage estimated at £5 or 6,000.
Dec 28th Aged 38 yrs Stephen Oundsworth Junr, Shoe Maker. A drunken, reckles life he led.
Decr 25th Xmas day. Fine frosty weather with snow on the ground. I thank my Heaven{ly} Father that I & my Polly are thus spared to see it & enjoy it along with the many dear ones still spared to us, amid the many changes that have taken place during the past year.
Decr 30th Aged 82 yrs Richard Bower of Thornton. A fine intelligent old man, {by trade a shoemaker} and one I highly valued. He was not unuptly [sic] termed 'The Village Philosopher'.
Decr … Jos[ep]h P{ickles} sent to ___ Alas, alas: that it should have come to this, 'o could have thought {it once}.
NB From Jany 1st 1870 to Dec 31st Robt Skinner, one of our Smiths at Clarks, put on {wheels} 744 tires new & {old}.
Jany 1st Aged 58 yrs Mr Geo[rge] Smith, Chemist, of Carlton St, called away at a time when his life seemed most desireable to himself - his wife & 3 daughters, he had recently built for himself a beautiful & costly mansion called 'Ashfield House' at Head{ly}, got settled in it but not comfortably, why? Because he had gone beyond his means - he had long been in an indifferent state of health {for some time} & died suddenly & the above prop{erty} with other property was advertised for sale shortly after his discease.
Jany … Robt Buttle, Trimmer, bought two houses in Carlton Cross St for £300, rent 18s(?) per month each house, Rt B pays the Water & Sewage Rates only.
Jany 13th The Leeds School Board elected for their Sec[retar]y Mr Wesley Lee out of {253 applicants}.
Jany 14th Aged 25 yrs John Myers formerly one of our S. School Scholars, he lost his wife only 12 months before, & his only child shortly before his wife.
Jany 15th Aged 52 yrs, the wife of Chris[tophe]r Hodgson. She was many yrs an invalid.
Jany 16th Aged 31 yrs Thos Robinson Printer [Painter] of a severe illness, he married the daugr of one of our old nieghrs Mrs Mony I liv'd with her, he left 2 little girls & a dear wife {to lament his loss.}
Jany 22nd Heard Mr Burton at Kirk[stal]l from Eccles 12: 7, 'Then shall the dead return to the {earth' &c &c.}
Jany 24th aged 77 yrs Mr Wm Claughton of Provost St, Holbeck, & my old Schoolmaster.
Jany 25th Once more had the pleasure of hearing Mr Thos Cooper lecture in support of Christianity in Salem Chapel, giving, or tracing it from the 18th century {down} to the 4th in such a Masterly & Convincing Manner. NB there was {only} a paltry attendance to listen to such a Champion for the Truth, he is now a fine old Man, should think of 70yrs.
Jany 30th Aged 71 yrs Ewd Brook Esqr of Field House nr Huddersfield but better known as "Squire Brook" & a zealous local preacher among the Wesleyan Body & well known far & wide, but now gone to his great reward.
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Jan 30th Aged 47 yrs Elizth Prest after a lingering illness (also deformed), daughter in law to Mr Storey. She & her sister were long connected with our Park S. School.
Feby 6th In the Brunswick Chapel Band Room a Tea Meeting took place composed of the Sunday school teachers their Wives or Sweethearts connected with the Brun{k} Rooms S. School, about 70 sat down to tea. Afterwards a beautiful Time Piece was presented to Mr James Kirkby who for upwards of 30 years had been (and now remains) Superintendant of the Brunk S. School. At the same time there was presented to Mr Flitch the other Supt a beautiful candelabra. both costing upwards of £30. NB. Both knew not of the affair till after the Tea.
Feby 7th Aged 59 yrs Mr John Winn, Builder, greatly respected. He was a man Father & I employed from his first commencing buisness & always found him an upright man, {may his only son tread in his steps.}
Feby 11th The funeral day, a severe cold & frosty day, at night a heavy fall of snow & such a Sleety Snow, 'brothy[?] day on the Sunday will not soon be forgot.
Feby 6th Aged 72 yrs {Mrs} Ellen Manners of Bardsey (an old acquaintance), her old thatched Cottage joined to the Church Yard. Where she was intered. She {was} carried by 8 persons, being very heavy with towels, although so short a distance they were tired, {Martha Steel told me, she was one.}
Feby 19th AM at Heady heard Mr Burton from Titus 1: 16, former part, viz 'They profess they know God, but in works they deny him'.
Feby 19th Aged 86 yrs Mrs Rawson [?] of Headingley Lane, Kirkstall, bro Benjn's Landlady.
Feb 21st Mr Robt Issott[?], Grocer, top of Briggate, Sold of[f] his rem[ainin]g stock, retiring from buisness, going {to live at Thorner.}
Feb 24th Aged 29 yrs James Beal of Thornton, an amiable man, died of Consum[tio]n,
Feb 25th Aged 76 yrs Mrs Sarah relict of John Hodgson parents of Chrisr Hn very old friends.
Feb 25th Recd a letter through Rev Mr Kendall of Otley from our dear friends [Mrs &] Mr J. S. Holme on their way to Australia stating they were much improv'd in health, were having a splendid voyage - getting well on their journey. I do thank God on {their behalf.}
Feby 26th At Heady heard Mr Burton from Zach 14:8 'And it shall be in that day' &c.
March 1st A great humiliation day for the French. The Germans entering Paris.
March 3rd Aged 75 yrs Rev John Urquart 36 yrs, incumbent of Chapel Allerton at £400 {per annum, some say 700} .
March 5th At Kirkl heard Mr Burton from Matt 6: 24 'No man can serve two masters' {&c}.
March 5th My old friend Thos Brearey entered his 95 yr, upwards of 82 yrs member of the Methodist Societies, looks (& is) well, his mind & memory good, remembers hear{ing Mr Wesley preach.}
March 12th Heard Mr Burton of Heady in Brun[swic]k from John 17: 24 'Father I will' &c ['So like p…' crossed out]
March 17th Heard a strange noise or shock just after we got into bed, about 5 or 10 min past 11 oclock. I got up, look'd under the bed, went down stairs, found all right, many in the town felt the shock, also in other towns. We were frightened. No doubt a slight shock or earth {quake.}
March 18th Aged 50 yrs Wm Oates Nelson of Reuben St.
March 21st Princess Louise married to the Marquis of Lorn.
March 24th Joe Clark, youngest bro of our Govr, was 'xpelled by them for gathering their Accts without their consent or knowledge & appro[priatin]g to his own profligate use altogether amounting (so far as they have found out) to £200. The thief, he was {the book keeper.}
March 20th Aged … John Cropfield died at New York, Farmer &c formerly of Clifford and Boston Spa. He married the eldest daugr of our old Neigh[bou]r Geo Newton, after living together many years. (They had one son, a travelling prim[ativ]e Methodist preach{er}
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in America). He John Crop[fiel]d absconded to America with his servant girl who bore him (the scoundril) five children. A short time before his death the son before mentioned found him out & {he} was then a broken down old man.
March 29th Aged … Suddenly Mr Eliott in London formerly our foreman & called 'Punch' {then in School Close.}
March 31st Pd Mr Mallinson (at his house) Mr Wm Clark's & my own subs total 8s(?).
April 1st Aged … {Suddenly} Mary the wife of Wm Raper one of our painters, she was only child of the late Thos & Mary Wetherill. Mrs Mary Wethl was sister to old Mother Clark.
April 9th Heard the Rev Robt Morton of {Hudd[ersfiel]d} at Brun[swic]k Chapel from Luke 24: 47 (part) beginning at Jerusalem. He was ['so' crossed out] like Mr Panshon in his voice & manner that many thought he was an imitator but whether so or not I liked the sermon &c well.
April 11th Aged 68 yrs Mr James Simpson of Woodhouse, Cloth Drawer, he was formerly in the employ of John Hebblethwaite Esqr Woodhouse Lane.
April 9th Aged 68 yrs Miss Sarah Issott of Bardsey & sister of John Sharper's widow.
April 10th Aged 41 yrs the wife of Pat[ric]k Cheevers, Wheeler.
April 20th Aged 79 yrs Miss Ann Craven, Shopkeeper in St James St, her Mother kept it be{fore her.}
April 22nd Mrs Robinson, Stationer next to Laycock's butcher Woodhouse Lane, retired from buisness.
April 22nd Recd a very interesting letter from our dear friend Mrs J. S. Holmes (late Miss Jane C. Skilbeck) wrote the day after she and her husband arriv'd safe at Koroit Australia. The Noble Vessel 'Suffolk' arrived at Melbourne on Feb 21st after a splendid passage of 81 days from Plymouth & 90 days from Gravesend. Our dear ones started the same afternoon by steamer for Warrambool, where they arrived next Morning & then had 11 mls to go to Koroit.
April 30th Mr Fairbairn & I went to Heady to hear Mr Burton from Psa[lm] 55 & part of v.22, 'Cast the burden upon the Lord' &c. O how precious the discourse. Described the different kind of burdens we have to bear, not forgetting the burdens we make to ourselves, & carry many in prospect that never comes. Spoke of making skeletons & clothing them with flesh &c. Same day at even[in]g Polly & I heard him at Kirk[stal]l from 1 Peter 5 v 10, But God of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus. What Memorable discourses were those. May I profit thereby. Amen.
May 1st Had the great pleasure in listening to Dr Wm Cook in Woodhouse Lane Chapel give a Lecture on 'The Trials & Triumphs of the Bible', it ought to be {printed}.
April 26th Aged 31 yrs Robt King, Watch Maker, Camp Road.
" 29th Scotson {of the West End}, Pawnbroker, failed, £10,000 debt. Also & about the same time Geo A. Linsley, Pawnbroker, corner {of} Albion Place & Lands Lane, failed, liabilities £19,000. Scotson in Linsley case was said to be the greater creditor. What rascality, & yet these two were said to be deacons in Queen St Chapel, & both Town Councellors.
May 17th Scotson proposes to pay 3/9 in the pound & Linsley 9s. I wish they may.
May 6th I went under the first Arch of Leeds Bridge to look at what was the original bridge being the center part, & which was plain to distinguish. I measured it and found it to be about 12 feet, & therefore must have been much narrower on the surface than 12 ft. It had been widened on each side of the old Bridge. The first pile was drove in the following week for the foundation of the New Bridge.
May 12th Our Venerable Leader entered into his 82nd Year.
May 16th Rev Jas Everett entered into 88 yrs.
May 17th Our dear Mother Hart entered into her 82nd Year.
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May 29th Whit Monday, a bea{u}tiful day. A moderate gathering in front of the Town's Hall. Singing good. Spent the day well. Our scholars were drilled in the singing by one of our Teachers Mr Fredk Watson, Mr James North having declined.
May 30th A great number of us went again to Parlington (some of us by 'traps' others by rail) and to Aberford. Saw Sammy Hick's Gravestone. Also got admittance to the late Mr Blooms beautiful Gardens, wherein is a singular Weeping Ash 53 yrs old, made to grow to form 2 walks or Avenues crossing each other in the center, there is a trellis work of iron arch on the top 7 or 8 ft high. The bole of the tree is in the center of the avenue, each of which is 36 yards long, and entirely covered with branches, every branch is tied down to bottom of the trellis & near to the ground taking the gardener 14 days to do it. There was also a 'Maze' & several beautiful purple beech trees. We had a good sing under the weeping Ash & elsewhere in the garden. The river Cock runs at the bottom of it. 'The Last Wish' was {sung} under the tree, led on by friend Watson. A royal {day.}
May 15th Aged 49 yrs Mrs Elizth Foster, wife of Rev Henry K. Foster of America & only daugr of our late precious neighbours Mr Robt & Mrs Elizth Finnie.
May 24th Aged 56 yrs Esther the 2nd wife of Mr Benjn Lockwood now of Blacksmith Arms, Grange Moor. Benjn Ld was brother in law to Uncle Geo Crawshay.
June 5th Began to cast away rubbish to lower & make a new road alongside the old road of {Carlton Hill so well known in Woodhouse Lane.}
June 4th I & Mr Nettleton heard Mr Burton at Heady P.M. from 1 John 1: 9 'If we confess' &c.
June 8th Aged 64 yrs Mrs Fanny, relict of Enoch Marshall, late Park Chapel Keeper both {formerly respected.}
June 16th Aged 4 yrs suddenly dear little Harry, son of our tenants James Whitaker.
June 17th Aged … My (great) little nephew John A. Colloden died. Nipt by the wind untimely {blast.}
June 24th Obtained 5 cartes of the Rev John Burton for 4s.
July 2nd Aged 83 yrs Mr Richd Gouthwaite {formerly} a well known Butcher in Woodhouse Lane. At one time (& for several years) kept the Geo[rg]e the 4th top of St James St & at the same time & place he had a butchers shop, but gave up the Public House & mov'd lower down ['now' crossed out] near to top of Cookridge Street. Our dear father got meat of him for several years, he was greatly respected. For some years previous to his death he was a pensioner on The Tradesman Benevolent Fund.
July 5th Aged 58 yrs Saml Eastwood, Brush Maker. I have known him from our Childhood & all the family. The Eastwoods lived in Park Lane opposite to the Lodge (then belonging Denison Hall before mention'd) where we resi{ded} from 1818 to 1824. Sam married Ann Howard a fellow S. School Scholar, afterwards S. S. teacher. They started well in life but Satan hinder'd, strong drink afterwards was their besetment. His parents &c was not altogether {free from blame.} (Sam Eastwood was the principal companion I ever had). { Alas poor Sam.}
July 9th Aged 51 yrs Our old friend Mrs Martha, the 2nd wife of John Emery our S. S. Secretary. She had a long affliction, her first husband's name was Slater.
July 22nd Thos Clapham (of the Park notoriety) became a bankrupt. Secured liabilities £55,059. Unsecured £8,787. Mortgage on the Park £45,000.
July 22nd I & Polly paid a long promis'd visit to our dear friends Mr & Mrs Gooda{ll} at Garforth, spent a very pleasant afternoon & had a long walk to see the beautiful lake at Parlington.
August 16th Aged 65 yrs Mr Joseph Graham died by a sudden but short attack of English Cholera. He was Clerk of St George's Church 25 yrs.
Aug 17th The former part of the day & until Noon has been a rich rainy weath{er}, the first rainfall this Month, previously it had been very hot.
Aug 17th Will be long remember'd by me having had a very narrow escape from losing my best eye. Thanks to my Heavenly Father for his providential Care. {My Polly does not know.}
Aug 22nd Aged 77 yrs Our dear Old friend Mrs Char [Charlotte?] Bilton of New Leeds the belov'd
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wife of Mr Ewd Bilton for upwards 55 yrs. She died very suddenly (by a fit). She was a Member of the Methodist Society upwards of 63 yrs. They were dear friends of our parents and not less so ours.
Aug 27th Aged 32 yrs Mrs Hannah Singleton wife of Wm Sing[leto]n of Dewsbury, School Master, & Niece of Sister in law Polly Hart. Hannah was an Amiable Woman & greatly belov'd.
Aug … Aged … Mrs Nicholson of Roundhay Park & one of three daugrs of the late Abraham Rhodes Esq also of Roundhay.
Sept 19th Aged 73 yrs Ann Clark of St James St & on Sat 23rd her son James alias 'Shem' Iveson by a former husband was taken to the Workhouse, he was a poor object & not very bright, he was upwards of 40 yrs old.
Sept 20th Aged 61 yrs Very suddenly by a fit John Tomlinson of Gateshead on Tyne. He was husband of the late Beatrice, 4th daugr of the late 'Old John Clark, Coach Builder, (to whom I was appren[tice]d) she died Nov 22/69. J. Tomlln{son} served his appren[ticeshi]p with Singleton, Ironmonger, Briggate, Leeds.
Sept 19 Foundation Stone laid for the New Bridge, bottom of Briggate, Leeds.
Sept 16 The new Tramway for the Busses or Cars to run on. On that day we went to Mortown.
Sept 26th My dear Niece Polly Hodgson was married to Henry Norman.
Sept 26th Aged 80 yrs Our old friend & Neighbour Mrs Harriet Mallalieu died.
Sept 26 Aged 26 yrs Susan the belov'd of my Shop Mate Robt Skinner {Smith} died leaving one Son.
Sept 26th Aged 72 yrs Rev Richd Felvus(?) of Apolplexy, {was} was well known in Leeds & in other places, was 48 yrs, a Wesleyan Minister & greatly belov'd.
Sept 30th I & my Polly accompanied Miss Bilton to Roundhay Park, a beautiful place. Such a Multitude of Persons on Roundhay Road going to & in the Park was never seen before.
Sept 29th Aged 56 yrs Rev Thos Vasey died at Harrogate leaving an invalid widow & 6 children to Mourn his loss. He was formerly in our Brunswick Cir{cuit.}
Oct 3rd Aged 29 yrs Frank son of the late Francis Carr, he was killed in the logwood Works in Swinegate, Leeds, his Mother Ann was 2nd daugr of the late old John Clark.
Sept 8th Aged 40 yrs John Parkinson of Union Avenue, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York, America from hydrophobia. Formerly was with Messrs Fairbairns & Co, Leeds, & was then a Teacher in our S. School, after{wards} the keeper of {Park Chapel.} [Someone has marked part of this entry with a cross, with the words 'Not true.]
Oct 4th The Roundhay Park was bought {by} the Mayor Mr Barron & so for the Leeds Corporation for a Public Park, viz two lots 19 & 20. The 19 lot was knock'd down for £107,000, the 20 lot for £32,000, total £139,000.
Oct 6th Mrs Mooney & her daugr Mrs Robinson (both widows) remov'd from Reuben St (Where they had resided for 30 yrs) to Garforth.
Octr 6th Aged 75 yrs Mr John Parker of the Stank, Harewood, he was found dead in bed. Was farm bailiffe to Lord Harewood (as was his father before him), previous to his father's death he liv'd in East Keswick.
Oct 11th Aged 58 yrs Rev John Vine, 36 yrs Wesleyan Minister, 5 yrs ago he was in Brun[swic]k {Circuit Leeds.}
Oct 14th This day I have completed my 44th yr in Messrs Clark & Son's employment. I first went there in 14th of Oct in School Close that place they had got comple{ted} was quite new. I had to wait untill it was occupied, they having to remove from Call Lane. O what changes has taken place in that family, and in our own. And yet through mercy I am still spared. That shop is now
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pulled down for Railway purposes.
Octr 14th Saturday, at one o'clock P.M. Our Wm Clark to our great surprise & pleasure informed us that on the Monday following we was to commence on the 9 hours system, i.e. to commence at 8 ½ A.M. & leave work at the usual time at 5 ½ P.M. And on Sat[urda]y at 12 ½. Hurrah! May they never have reasons to regret the boon they have confer'd upon us, unasked & entirely unexpected by any of us.
Oct 16th Aged 70 yrs George Ash of the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Upperhead Row, Leeds.
Oct 18th Aged 77 yrs Robt Barr Esqr 33 yrs Clerk to the Borough Magistrates. He bore a most excellent character and greatly respected by all.
Oct 21st Geo Whitehouse, Carriage Maker, left Clark's for Liverpool.
Oct 22nd Aged 81 yrs Mr Wm Jeffrey. He was a Member of the Wesleyan Body 64 yrs. He was formerly & for many years with Messrs John & Joshua Burton, Wood Merchants, Leeds. Mr Jeffrey's removal will be a great loss; aye to the public for he was ever ready to go on errands of mercy in visiting the sick and the dying. A great man has fallen in our Israel.
Oct 21st The new road adjoining the Old Road out of Woodhouse Lane up Carlton was finished.
Oct 22nd John Francis Clark was 40 yrs old. His bro[the]r Wm 38 yrs old Oct 26th.
Nov 5th Heard the Rev James Parsons preach the funeral sermon of the late Rev Wm Handsw{ell} (who was inter'd in the Woodhouse Cemetry the Monday previous) in Salem Chapel, from 1 Thes 4: 18, 'Wherefore comfort ye one another with these words'. The Rev W. Hand[swell]l had been Minister at Salem Chapel for 30 yrs. It was a deeply interesting service to a large congregation. Such was the touching pathos & eloquence of the venerab{le} minister that, that sermon will not soon be forgotten.
Nov 8th At Blenheim Chapel I had the great pleasure of hearing the Rev. Dr Green of Rawdon College, the Rev Dr Angus of London, & the Rev J.R. Chown in the evening on the induction of the New Minister there, the Rev Mr Butcher.
Nov 9 The Town Hall clock lighted for the first time.
Nov 9th A large meeting in the Town Hall of the united members of the British Workmen Public Houses Without Drink, including their wifes &c. Mr Barran, the elected Mayor for the 2nd time, presided. John Ashworth was there & spoke well. ['Drink' written in the margin in another hand]
Nov … Joe Clark was committed to take his trial at the Sessions for embezelment, he afterwards got of[f]. Alas, how many escape justice, so did he,the scoundrel.
Nov 12th The Rev Mr Champness improved the death of the late Mr Wm Jeffry in Oxford Chapel to a large Audience, from Malachi 2: 5 & 6. The first hymn was The God of Abraham praise & part of the 2nd. Instead of the usual chant the Dead March in Saul was played. The last hymn sung was 724 to the tune so well known by all Methodists & sung on New Years Morning, Viz Come let us … &c. O this was a service deeply interesting to us all.
Nov 15th Aged 81 yrs Mr George Hall our belov'd & venerated Leader entered into rest about ½ past 10 o'clock PM. He was a retired Super isor. He had been a worthy Member of the Methodist Society for the long period of 60 yrs and a valued Class Leader for 36 yrs. He became a Leader shortly after he came to reside in Leeds from Wakefield. For a long time he met three Classes , one on Sunday afternoon, one on Monday evenings (in which I met with him for 26 yrs & Polly for 18 yrs), also one on the Tuesday evenings. He leaves a disconsolate ['widow' omitted] to mourn her loss, but his eternal gain. I here record that taking him all in all; we shall not look upon his like {again.} He was a well read man on many subjects, took a deep interest in studying the human frame. But the Book of books was his daily study. I have heard him say
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that he had read his Bible 11 or 12 times through & three times through on his knees. O how he delighted to discant[?] upon its sacred contents in the Class Meeting and for to allure us to a similar enjoyment.
Nov 16th Mr & Mrs Fairbairn our good neighbours left here to go to reside at Gar{forth.}
Nov 24th Aged 74 yrs, our dear friend Mr Ewd Bilton, who survived his belov'd wife only 3 months & 3 days. He was Coachman to the late Sir John Beckett at Gledhow Hall & the two Miss Becketts of Meanwood Park for the long period of 46 years. After the Miss B[eckett]s died with their liberality & his savings (& Mrs Bilton to help him) he built himself a through house in Studly Terrace, New Leeds, where he died. I am one of the trustees & am anxious to do my duty Mr Bilton worth.
Dec 6th Aged … Char[lot]te widow of my old Sunday School friend Mr Ewd Snidle.
Dec 13th Aged 70 yrs Richd Dalton, late fellow servant with my Father to the late C. J. Teale {Esqr.}
Dec 31st Geo[rg]e James, Coach Ssmith, sent to gaol for 2 mo[n]ths with hard labor for brutal to his wife (the widow of the late Geo[rg]e Skelton, Coach Smith). She was not free from blame.
Dec 27th Aged 70 yrs Mr Geo[rg]e North, 'Handle Setter' & father to James, Wm, Joseph, Abr[aha]m & Geo[rg]e North
Dec 28th Aged 83 yrs the Rev James Dixon D.D., the noble, talented & majestic Wesleyan Methodist Preacher. Died at Bradford where he had been blind for 10 or 12 years. His remains was inter'd at Shipley.
Dec 29th Miss Bowes was inter'd. She was well known for curing bad breasts, & fingers &c., as was her father before her, the late Mr Geo[rg]e Bowes, Milkman.
Dec 29th Aged 58 yrs Mr Matthew Peacock, Station Master at Ripon. He was formerly Book Keeper to the [late?] John Walker Clark when in School Close, & a 'sorry' time he had under him.
Jan 4th Aged 73 yrs Wilson Lister an old Shop Keeper in Woodhouse Lane.
Jan 5th Aged 55 yrs Sir Francis Crossley of Halifax, the Man of Renown, &c &c.
Jan 19th Aged 66 yrs Ann daugr of the late Chrisr Bennett of Old Fountain St, Park Lane. She was formerly a Sunday Scholar in the Girls' S. S. in Fountain St, which was removed {to School St S. School in 1823.}
Jan 21st Heard Thos Cooper in Queen St Chapel from John 17: 15, and on the 22 & 23 heard him in the same place on the Design Argument.
Jan 26th The Great International Arbitration Meeting held in our Victoria Hall. The leading speakers were J.W. Pease {Esqr}, M.P., Henry Richard Esq M. P. & Henry Vincent Esq. What eloquence from him, Hny Vincent.
Jan 24th 4 Cottage Houses in St James sold by Auc[tio]n for £565, the total rental previous was only £290.
Jan 28th Heard the Rev John Burton from Collos[ians] 2: 6 As ye have therefore recd Christ Jesus the Lord {so walk ye in him.}
Feb 4th Heard the Rev John Burton in Henri{e}tta St Chapel from 2 Cor[inthians] 2: 4 & refer'd to the thorn in the flesh.
Feb … Miss Ann Ratcliffe was 71 yrs old.
[Interpolated sentence rubbed out.]
Feb 24th Aged 69 yrs Richd Nussey Esqr of Woodhouse. He married the late Mr Charnock's daugr,{ he was interred at Adel.}
Feb 18th Mr James North concluded his long services of 20 yrs as Leading Singer in {Park Chapel.}
Feb 27 Aged 74 yrs John Wallis, Printer, Well Known in Reuben St. Had he liv'd to June following he would have been connected with The Leeds Intel[ligence]r & Post 60 yrs.
Page 87 (1872) [someone has crossed out the number 87 and substituted '809'. Also note a sentence dated 1872, no legible day or month, about Joseph Loudon.]
March 2nd Presented to bror Robt Hart a small Time Piece as a token of regard for his services as Ex[ecuto]r under our late dear Father's Will.
March 5th Aged 81 yrs at 9 PM our Dear Mother Ann Hart entered into Rest. She was born in May 17th , the same year & month in which my Mother {was born.}
March 8th Mother Hart was interred in dear Ellerburn Church yard, very near to the remains of several of Precious Memories.
March 9th Aged 42 yrs Mrs Smith, a near neighbour to bro[the]r John Hart.
March 14th Aged 67 yrs Harriet, wife of Mr John Hardisty of the Woodhouse Cemetry.
March 14th Aged 45 yrs Mr Wm Allison of Selby Bank, formerly of Leeds & belonging to the {Sunday School Union.}
22nd & 23rd was severely Cold, with more Snow than has fallen during the whole of winter season, which has been remarkable for much rain & no frost till now.
March 22nd Aged 64 yrs Mr Joseph Wright (father in law to our Mr Wm Clark), he was Town Councillor for the West Ward. He was much respected by all parties.
March 19th Aged 34 yrs Mrs Ann Shaw, Wife of Saml our new leader. NB in 5 mo[n]ths after {he married again.]
March 25th A beautiful bound & IIlustrated Copy of Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress with a copy of Bunyan's Holy War was presented to our dear friend Miss Amelia Barker by the Sup[erintendan]ts Sec[retar]ies & Teachers of Park Sunday School as a token of their respect for her services in the School for upwards of 20 years.
March 23 Our 3 Vicemen's was risen, Pat[ric]k Reynolds, John Haggas & John Tallent.
March 28 Aged 81 years Mr Wm Whiteley after a long affliction at Bradford. He was a very able & tallented local preacher in the Brunswick Circuit, Leeds, for many years. Owing to the Strike in 1849 against the conduct of many of our parsons, he {also} afterwards left & joined the Reformers.
March 29th Aged 65 yrs Mrs Hannah the valuable wife of John Sowry, Green Grocer of Little London. Many were wont to apply to her in cases of Sickness in Children & older {persons.}
April 3rd Our friend Wm Burrell the 2nd time married.
April 5th Aged 61 yrs Mr Fredk Jackson, Painter &c. He was connected with our Permanent Building Society from its commencement & was greatly {respected.}
April 12th Aged 48 yrs Mr Henry Brewerton Moon of East Keswick very suddenly.
April 12th Miss Elizth Bilton, 39 yrs old, on the 23rd was married to Mr Thos Wood of York.
April 17th Aged 74 yrs Mrs Harriss, wife of the Rev Rd Harriss, Chaplain of Woodhouse {Cemetry.}
April 18th Aged 81 yrs John Scholefield, for 52 yrs the faithful servant in the family of the late Obadiah Brook Esqr, Surgeon, Leeds.
April 20th Aged 67 yrs Pheobe [sic] wife of Thos Tennant Esqr of Blenheim Terrace. She was the only remaining Child who survived her parents, Mr & Mrs Blessard, who built the house Mrs Tennant lived & died after her parents death. Mrs T. left the sum £47,300 to different Charities in Leeds & other Towns. £10,000 comes to our Infirmary. Her parents were both blind some {time before their death & Mrs T[ennan]t nearly.}
April 23rd Aged 74 yrs Joseph Mason Tennant (bror to the above Thos) Esqr - a gentleman greatly respected in Leeds on acct of his untiring duties as Treas[ure]r to our
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['That he had read his Bible 11 or 12 times through & three times through on his' [photocopying repetition, from item above.]
1872 [in margin] to our Infirmary since the death of its late Treas[ure]r Henry Hall Esqr in 1854. He also took great interest in the Parish Church of which he was the Vicar's Warden for many years. His father was thrice Mayor of Leeds in the days of the Tory Corporation. He was once way laid & rob'd in Bank Street near opposite to the White Horse Hotel in Boar Lane, he just got of the Stage Coach there perhaps about 6 PM. After which the Police System was brought about in Leeds under the name of Glaz'd Coats.
May 3rd Aged 20 yrs Fanny the eldest & belov'd daugr of late tenant Joseph Dunder{dale.}
]5th We heard the Dr Stacey in Wood[hous)e Lane Chapel from 1 Cor 10: 13
10th Aged 87 yrs The Rev Jas Everett, he would have been 88 on the 16th, a singu{larly} gifted man {as} a Writer. Who has not read his Dr Adam Clark portrayed in 3 vol [a second 'Dr' crossed our] his Daniel Isaac the Polemic Writer & his Sammy Hick Memoirs which will live on while Wesleyan Methodism exists but what about the 'Takings' & the Fly Sheets, who wrote them?
May 12th Aged 52 yrs Ann the wife of Mr John Rayner. She was formerly a good Old Neighbour as Miss Ann Lucas.
May 15 The late Simeon Spencely {property} was partly sold by Auction. Hardy, Shopkeeper and ['tenant' mis-written and crossed out] tenant, bought his house & Shop & house adjoining top of Spencely Street for £660. Guest bought his house & Shop & Mr Longfield house and Shop being the opposite corner of Spencely St (a clock is over the Shop) for the large sum of £14,40 [sic, is the comma misplaced or is a further zero omitted?], he Guist ['just'?] determined to have the property rather than {his relative Longfield should.}
May 21st Tues[da]y aged 69 yrs Mr James Wm Bean, Stationer, Briggate, Leeds. He was one of the original members of the 'Protestant Methodists', & worshiped in the Stone Chapel and ['now' crossed out] in Lady Lane Chapel. He died very sudden at Harrowgate, where he had {gone for the benefit of his health, heart dissease.}
June 5th Bro[the} rs Robt, John & Wm Hart had a settlement of their late Father, Mother & bro[the]r Thos affairs, our Sister Ann (Thos's widow) having sold the field (the rent (£8) of which Thos left to his widowed {mother} [for] her life time) to Mr Champley of Scarbro for £290, to the great disappointment of our old friend John Rodgers who rented the field from bro[the]r Thos, for he was a good friend to Mother Hart.
June 1st I & Polly went to xplore the beauties of Birstall, its beautiful Church & the Wells? Chapel, went into John Nelson's Study, in the Chapel Yd. The Chapel is a beauty{fu}l structure. A Marble Monument is erected {within the Chapel} to the memory of the renowned Nelson.
June 7th Aged 8 yrs John Wm 2nd Son of John & Sarah E. Bumby. The fine little boy was killed by the Tramway Carr in Woodhouse Lane.
June 16th Aged 61 yrs John Walkington, the well known Furniture broker & kept {the first} large {Covered} Van called the Noah's Ark for the removal of Furniture.
June 21st Bro[the]r Benj[ami]n had an ugly fall from the foot path in his garden on to the flags of the foot path or causeway below, injuring the Cap of his knee & other wise hurting self - was confined to his bed 2 wks. At the same time got notice to leave {his situation.}
17 & 18 Mon[da]y & Tues[day] Tremendous Showers of rain with thunder & lightening in Yorkshire. On Monday the rain was heavy in Leeds but not much damage done as was elsewhere.
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June 23 Aged 68 yrs [68 yrs repeated above the line] Mr Joseph Lowden Died at Pontefract, for many […] a resident in Leeds, formerly in the employ of the late Newman Cash as stuff finisher, afterwards began on his own account (but fail'd). He was one of the first S. School Teachers in School St School opened in (or about) 1823. I was one of the S. Scholars in the first Boys M. Wesleyan S. S. in the old building in Park Lane & near the top of Caroline St, now used as a Joiner's Shop. The teachers & Sup[erintendant]s & Boys was removed to the new S.S. in School St as above, Mr Lowden being one of the Teachers there. In 1827 the writing system in the Sunday Schools was ordered to be given up by the Conference in all its S. S. We, the scholars, Boys & Girls, Supts & Teachers left S. Street S. School in a body in the Summer of '27. We occupied a [a] large room in a Wharehouse in Park Lane till a new one was built in Princess St which was opened in 1828 Nov, where we all came in a body. Mr L. was still with us as a Teacher but afterwards became a valuable Supt there for several years.
July 5th Aged 71 yrs Mr Richard Westerman, gent[lema]n of Woodhouse Grove, nr De G{r}ey Terrace, Woodhouse Lane. He was formerly Watch Maker in Commercial St, & for many years liv'd in Reuben St with two maiden Sisters Sarah & Mary (he never married). He was found dead on his sofa on which he was wont to lay down after dinner, he had been working in his garden in the forenoon the heat of which he complained was very oppressive & was supposed to have caused apoplexy. Previously had been a very healthy man.
July 10th Sold the House belonging to & occupied by our late friend Mr E. Bilton for £375.
July 11th The Geo[rg]e 4th Public House, top of St James St, Sold by auction for £4225 to Metcalf, who keeps the Jerry Shop top Carlton St. He rued his bargain, had pd no deposit, it was afterwards sold by Private Contract for £3,600 instead of £4225.
July 11th A day to be rememb{d} in Leeds & many other places for the rain pour, it got into our {kitchen.}
July 14th Our old friend John Sowry {married} a Mrs Bell after 14 wks as a Widower.
July 18th Begun to adopt the 'Petty Box System' here i.e. at the top of Reuben St.
July 22nd Heard Mr Moody from America in Brunswick Chapel.
July 27th Polly & I went to Bardsey, from thence to East Keswick & Coll[ingha]m, came home 30 [?], had {a very pleasant time.}
(1871 Nov 10th Mr Stanley met the renowned Dr Livingston.)
Aug 3rd Aged 63 yrs Mr Isaac Newton, Mason & Clerk of Works & son of our late old neighbours Mr George & Mrs Newton. What a worker was Mr Newton.
Aug 10th (or 11th) Aged 82 yrs Betty Craven of East Keswick who with her late husband Joseph C[rave]n used to work for my late Aunt Martha Hodgson at the same {place.}
Aug 15th Aged 73 John Bolton, formerly Coachman & afterwards a labourer at Clarks.
Aug 20th Aged 63 yrs Joseph Broughton, Shoe Maker, Connected with Park C[hape]l & School for {many years.}
Aug 23rd Aged 65 yrs Mr John Dalby, Woollen Draper, after a short illness. He was formerly one of {the} Sup[erintendan]ts at Park {S. School.} A great Worker in Sunday Schools, was a member of 'The Sunday School Union'. A local preacher, a most liberal & Philanthropic Man. The Christian Church has in him lost a valuable Member, God help his disconsolate widow.
Aug 26th My dear Polly's birthday (now 51 yrs old), I wish her many returns of the same, W. H.
Sept 4th An evening of 'Sacred Song' with the American Philip Philips. A full house in {the Mechanics Hall.}
Sept 1st Aged 58 yrs our dear friend Miss Ann Bullock of East Keswick, after a long affliction.
Sept 10th I & Co Trustee under Mr Ed Bilton's Will signed the conveyance of the late Mr B's House To Mr B. Fletcher at the Office of Messrs Teale & Appleton's Office [sic]. The sum[??] was £375.
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Sept 12th Aged 58 yrs the Rev John Mason of the 'Methodist Free Church'. He fell down the Pulpit Stairs where he had {gone} to preach, he had long been ill & lame. He was stationed {in the Lady Lane Circuit Leeds.}
Sept 14th Polly & I went to E. Morton to bror Wm's. Noticed the glorious rising of the Sun.
Septr 13th Aged 22 yrs Thos Ambler, our late neighbour, whom I visited.
Septr 14th Wm White, Carriage Maker left Clark's. Left Leeds on 26th To turn farmer.
Sept 19th The Memorable opening of the Roundhay Park by the Prince Arthur.
Sept 16th My dear Aunt Judith Crawshay recd her legacy of £193.
Sept 26th Rev John Gutteridge preached our late friend Mr J. Dalby's funeral sermon {in Lady Lane Chapel, text Job 14: 10.}
Sept 30th Polly & I with thousands more had the pleasure of hearing the renowned Veteran Missionary, the Rev Robt Moffat D.D., in our Town Hall.
Oct 6th Heard the Rev Hugh McNeile in St George's Church, text 1 Cor 2: 14. {He was here on acct of the Church Congress.}
Oct 10th A splendid gathering in our Town Hall of Working Men called by the 'Church Congress' then assembled in Leeds. The Bishop of Ripon presided. The Bishop of Winchester & Bishop of Manchester, also Bishop of Hereford was there, & a great array of clergy. I shall never forget the Bishop of Manchester & Winchester's speeches, I {was very near.}
Oct 14th Aged 69 yrs Mr Wm Wood of Chapel town & brother in law to Mr Wm Shires, Builder, {of the same place.}
Oct 26th Aged 70 yrs Mr Geo[rg]e Ayr Aitchison. A well known Poor Rate collector in Leeds. He went to reside in Harrogate, he was blind & paralytic. He was many yrs senior {deacon at Belgrave Chapel.}
Oct 27 Heard the Rev John Burton in Roscoe Chapel from Isa 55: 10 & 11. A sermon not to be forgotten. It was the Missionary Anniversary.
Oct 29th I heard the Rev Wm Cook D.D. on 'The Fallacies & Follie of the Alledged Antiquity of Man. What Moonshine he made of the pretended existance of Man before the Bible account.
Nov 6th Mr John S. Emery Married for the third time.
Nov 8th Heard the celebrated Mr Wilson from Edinbro on Macbeth in the Assembly Rooms in Cookridge St, a paltry number there for so clever a Man.
Nov 3 or 10th Mr Henry Giles left Park S. School on acct of ill health
Nov 9th The late Mrs Phoebe Tennant, of Blenheim Terrace (maiden name Blessard. I {knew her father & mother}. She left the sum of £47,300 to different Charities, £10,000 of it to our Infirmary.
Dec 4th The Rev Wm Shaw, Wesley[a]n died at Brixton. He {entered the Ministry 1828 &} was formerly in Oxford Place Circuit {Leeds.}
Dec 5th Four splendid pieces of silver plates or dishes costing 1,500 {guineas} was presented to Alderman Barran Esqr for valuable services rendered during his 2 yrs {Mayoralty.} {I saw them.}
Dec 8th Aged 50 yrs Mr Robt John Peters, deeply regretted by us all. He had been connected with our Park S. School for upwards of 26 yrs both as able & valuable Supert [sic], he retired early in 1869 owing to his removing to Far Headingley, on which occasion a beautiful Time Piece & an Illuminated Address was presented {him. He was eldest son of the late Robert Peters.}
Dec 11th Aged 70 yrs James Waddington, Dyer, & father in law of Robt Buttle, Coach Trimmer.
Dec 7th Aged … Isaac Best, Rail way Guard, died very suddenly at Malton, he was {guard between Whitby & Malton.}
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Dec 16th Aged 56 yrs our Old Neighbour, James Blades, he had been long afflicted.
Dec 17th Aged 89 yrs Rev John Roadhouse. Many years a Supert in Brunswick Circuit. His 4th wife {still lives.}
Dec 17th A heavy fall of snow. A wet & sleety night previous.
Dec 20th Chas Brook sent to York Castle for debt for a month.
Dec 24th Finished altering the ash {pit} in our yard below. What needless 'xpense, the scoundrels!
Dec 25th A quite [sic] & mild 'Xmas day, what changes since last 'Xmas, yet we as the remains of both families are still spared, except our dear Mother Hart.
Dec 27th After 3 yrs having elapsed we once more spent a pleasant Afternoon & took tea with my old and dear Mrs Wm Clark (who was 72 yrs old on Dec 3rd ) I paid her 3s for Missionary Subn which includes this 1872 NB She subscribes 3s to our S. School. And I subscribe 4s to her as my subn yearly to Wes[leya]n Mission. [Check that the sums of money are not pence].
Dec 30th Aged 62 yrs Very suddenly (a fit) Ned Blakey, Bricklayer, noted for building {Mill Chimneys but a great drunkard.}
1873 Jany 9th Aged 65 yrs Napoleon Bonuparte. A great good & bad man.
Jan 12th Aged 75 yrs the Rev John Holroyd, Vicar of Bardsey, he had been in a low religious Melancholy Way for some time. He hung himself with a small cord with which one of his pictures had been hung by. He married [crossed out, 'the dear misses Skilbeck'] {a Sister of the late John Wm Atkinson Solicitor.}
Jan 13th Robt Buttle, Trimmer, got notice to leave Clark's. Alas! that his should be.
Jan 14th Aged 81 yrs Mrs Wiggins, formerly a good old Neighbour & Shop Keeper.
Jan 20th Aged 81 yrs The Rev Wm Lord, Wesleyan Minister, formerly in Oxford Place Circuit.
Jan 21st Aged 73 yrs Mrs Mercy Chadwick. She with her two daughters were our excellent neighbours for 8 years.
Jan 23rd Aged 68 yrs Mr Joseph Mallinson, he was for many years connected with Beckett & Co Bank & formerly a S. School Teacher in our Park S. School.
Jan 27th Heard the Rev Peter Makenzie lecture on the Bible in Salem Chapel.
Jan 29th Aged 60 yrs Dick (Richard) Parson, for many years a Striker in Clark's Shop.
Jan 31 Aged 72 yrs Mr Stephen Oundsworth, formerly Shoemaker, with whom I had dealt for many years.
Feb 13th Aged 30 yrs Joseph Refitt, Son of the late Thos Laycock, butcher. He had gone abroad for the benefit of his health. He died on Ship board on his return from the Cape of Good Hope but was interred in the cemetry of 'George Town, Ascension'. His Wife & youngest Child {died} during his Absence, both of Consumption. {One of his bro[the]rs went with him.}
Feb 10th Aged 68 yrs, Suddenly Mr Thos Anderson, upwards of 30 yrs with the late Wm Tottie Watson, Cloth Merchant, & father of Andrew Anderson, Water Rate {Collector.}
Feby 14th Attended with my Co Trustee at Messrs Teale Co Office to pay some of the legatees {under the late Mr Bilton's will.}
Feb 17th Self & Co Trustee pd into the Savings Bank the Shares of 5 minors of £41"2"2 each, and to remain till they severally come of age.
Feb 17th Heard the Rev. J. S. Withington lecture on Gladstone, Disraeli & Bright. He spoke {for 1 ¾ hours without a note.}
Feb 23rd Sunday Afternoon a heavy fall of snow.
Feby 26th Aged 67 yrs Robt Cadman Esqr, formerly well known in Leeds. He kept a
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'Mistress' when in Leeds who had a large family to him. He afterwards Wed her, {she died soon after.}
[Item added out of date order] Nov 24 1872 aged 33 yrs John Smith Shires 2nd son of Mr Wm Shires, Builder, Chapeltown, he was Chief Officer of the ship Tonbridge and was drowned in the Chinese Seas.
March 10th Aged 89 yrs The Rev Thos Jackson, Wesleyan Minister.
March 13th My Polly & Mrs Elliss took our old friend Bessie Renard to her new abode at {Richmond Hill.}
March 28th Through Divine Goodness I have passed my three score years in a tolerable degree of health & strength. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His mercies. I will take the Cup of Salvation and pay my vows unto Thee the Lord Most High. Ten years ago my dear Father wished that I might attain to the number of years he then had reached to viz 78 yrs and as many more as the Lord might be pleased to allow me. Precious parents, ye are embalmed on my heart.
March 17th In East Parade Chapel I had the pleasure of hearing the renowned Henry Vincent 'On International Arbitration'. An Oration indeed.
March 31st Polly & I at Woodhouse heard the Rev John Burton AM from Matt 5:15, 'Neither do men light a candle' &c.
April 6th Brunswick Chapel heard Rev Mr Scholl from Manchester AM, 'In my Father's {house are many mansions.'}
April 7th Aged … Fred[eric]k eldest son of the late Joseph Matthews, Axle tree Maker {well known in School Close.}
April 8th Aged 58 yrs Mr Wm Asquith, a Member of Park Chapel.
April 12th A new Lamp put up & lighted opposite our house occupied by Wm A. Legg.
April 13th Aged 75 yrs Abraham Webster Esqr, Cloth Manu[facture]r at Kirkstall Abbey Mills, had a warehouse at Leeds. He was a liberal man & much respected.
April 12th Aged 70 yrs Wm Mallorie, Post Master, Harewood, late of Dunkeswick. He married the sister of our half cousin Benjn Chambers of {Dunkeswick.}
April 13th We heard Rev John Burton in the Iron {Hanover Square} Church from 1 Cor 2:14 For the Natural {Man.}
April 21st Wm Bumby his Wife & Child, our late tenants, left Leeds for the Kansas, {America.}
April 27th Paid a visit to our Cemetry & saw with regret that the beautiful Elm Tree which had so long overshadowed our graves there, had been cut down to {make room for a vault.}
April 29th Aged 62 yrs Sarah the wife of Wm Pickles, Lamp Lighter at New Wortley. Their children Geoe, Josh, Wm Saml & Ewd with their sister were all old S. Scholars {with us at Park & father a teacher.}
May 3rd Aged 60 yrs Mr Jas Wardell, Deputy Town Clerk, Leeds. He was greatly valued & re{spected.}
May 10th Henry Naylor, Body Maker, left Clark's. He was a 'prentice.
May 12th Aged 47 yrs Mrs Maria Myers, one of our late tenants.
May 13th Aged 32 yrs Mr John Bumby of Lofthouse Place, after a long affliction, leaving {a dear wife & six children.}
May 25th In Lady Lane Chapel {PM}, The Rev J. Swann Withington. In a sermon from the words 'Prove all things &c' gave his reasons why he was a 'Trinitarian' in opposition to a lecture recently delivered in Leeds on Unitarianism by the Rev Mr Wickstead, formerly Minister in Mill Hill Chapel. The sermon was {afterwards printed.}
May 30th At 10 min to 6 AM aged 78 yrs, Our dear Uncle Geoe Crawshay, of Linfit Lane, Kirk Burton, after protracted suffering of Gravel of about 20 yrs. Brors George, Henry & I went to his funeral, it being Whit Sunday. He was a kind husband, a good father &an honest upright man. May our dear Aunt Judith be sustained {under her severe loss.}
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Aged 52 yrs G. W. Pickles, Chemist &c., top of Portland Crescent. He was at the time a bankrupt & by report his career was a strange one, he fell from the top of a tram Carr. He was taken to the Infirmary insensible & there died. Alas! Alas!
June 9th Aged 74 yrs John Haworth, Coach Body Maker. Worked a many years for his Cousin Wm Haworth, Coach Builder, formerly a well known Shop top of {old} Albion St.
June Sat 21st Polly & I in company with the Rev J. S. Withington had a delightful trip to Saltaire. Mr S. W. afterwards went forward to Skipton to assist in open[ing] {a Mission Room.}
June 28th We went to East Keswick by Buss to our dear friends Miss & Thos Wright, that evening Miss W. went with us to 'Stockton'[?]. On Sunday AM went to Bardsey, the dear remember'd place. On Monday AM we paid a visit to Mr & Mrs Brook at their country home at East Rigton. O the beautiful scenery & glorious weather!
June 28th Aged 32 yrs our very precious friend Mrs James S. Holmes of Koroit, Australia. And formerly of Bardsey as Miss Jane Elizth Skilbeck, farewel then {loved one.}
July 4th Mr Wm Clark promised to give all his Men 2s. advance, a deputation having waited upon him & his bror previously.
July 12th We got the advance promised. May they never be the worse for it.
July 19th Aged 67 yrs , the noted Bishop of Winchester, the Right Rev Saml Wilberforce was killed by being thrown from his horse & broke his neck. I had the great pleasure of listening to him & other {noted} Church dignatories at a large Meeting of Working men in our Town Hall during the Church Congress, he was born Sept 7th 1805.
July 21st Aged 22 yrs Wm Hen[r]y Asquith, one of our S. S. Scholars & well known to me. His dear father died a few months previous, his widow & 3 daugrs are left.
July 22nd Aged 41 yrs by poison, Saml Consantine, Carver & Gilder. He went into partner[shi]p with our friend Mr F. Watson but only for a short time, he stood {upwards of 6 ft.}
July 22nd A registered letter containing £300 was sent to Mrs Ann Hampson by Messrs Teale & Appleton, being an order upon the Union Bank in Melbourne.
July 25th I also wrote to Mrs A. Hampson advising of the above, she got both safe.
July 28th I posted a long letter to our precious friend Mr Jas S. Holmes who was then {gone home.}
July ['20, 22nd & 23' deleted] 20, 21 & 22nd Sunday, Mon[da]y & Tuesday The weather was oppressively hot.
July 23rd An awful thunderstorm commenced about 6 o'clock AM. The first flash & thunder came just before I got into our Shop. Oh what heavy rain. Several lives were lost by sunstroke & the storm.
August 6th Robt Skinner, Coach Smith, left Clark's.
Sept 1st Aged 52 yrs Charles Greenwood of St James Tavern, St James St, very {suddenly}.
Sept 4th Tommy Clapham's Park Sold by Auction for £16,500, The total Mortgage upon the whole or entire Park was £30,000. The Mortgage upon the lot sold was close upon £25,000.
Sept 6th Aged 4 yrs & 10 months my dear intelligent niece, Bror George's youngest {daughter.}
Sept 9th Aged 61 yrs Mr John Pickard, Builder. For many years a teetotaller.
Sept 10th Mr Haworth's Men were discharged, he being a bankrupt.
Sept 9th Recd a letter from Mrs Wm Midgely announcing the death of her Sister, our precious friend Mrs J. S. Holmes.
Sept 19th Grayson finished painting our 8 houses below.
Sept 22nd Posted a letter & paper to Australia replying to the acct of the death of our {dear Jane E.}
Oct 4th Aged 67 John Wade Esqr of Leeds, Wool Merchant, he married a sister of Ewd {Baines Esqr.}
Oct 11th Aged 75 yrs Mr Fredk Charnock, Grocer &c., Park Lane. He & his wife were for a long time connected with Park Chapel, & all their children with the {S. school.}
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Oct 12th The house of Mrs Hall {widow of our late dear Leader} was entered (at evening) and rob'd while she was at Brun{swic}k Chapel. She lost her gold Chain, brooches & other smaller thing but no Silver Plate.
Oct 14th Aged 55 yrs Danl Bakewell Fletcher Esqr. He lot [let?] the house late belong[in]g to Mr Ewd Bilton.
Oct 18th Aged 75 yrs Rev Jas Fawcett Vicar of Knasbro for 27 yrs (He wed me & my dear Bessie {on Jan 4th 1838 at Wood[hous]e.} He was the first incumbent of Woodhouse Church Leeds & for 27 yrs)
Oct 21st Aged 71 yrs Jas Garth Marshall Esqr the great Flax Spinner at Holbeck Leeds.
Oct 19th At Wesley Chapel heard Rev John Burton from 1 John 3:2 'Beloved, now are we {the sons of God.}
Oct 23rd Wilson Sherwood & I went to ask the Rev John Burton to preach at Park Chapel but {failed.}
Oct 28th Aged 35 yrs Jas son of the late John Bleasdale, both Coach Builders, Hunslet Lane.
Nov 5th Aged 73 Mr Joseph Smith, formerly Cloth Drawer. At one time a Sup[erintendan]t in Park S. School. The late Mr Kitson Smith was his son, & both friends of mine. The father was bad of sight for a long time. He went to vote on Nov 1st & shortly after died.
Nov 5th Aged 14 yrs Rachel May/w {Maw} of Thornton. ) Our Sister Ann Hart's Great Niece.
Nov 6th Aged 32 Saml Wright, Coach Builder, Dewsbury. He was found dead drunk nr Thornhill Lees was taken to the lock {up} & died in the Cell. He was appren'd at Clark's {what an awful end.}
Nov 8th Our old friend Thos Breary was knocked down by a butcher's Cart & severe{ly} injured, was taken to the Infirmary, was there 2 weeks, we got him home much improv{ed}.
Nov 13th Aged 77 yrs Joseph Whitehead, formerly Coach Builder in Bradford. He worked as a Body Maker at the Wakefield Shop owned by my late governors, he afterwards married Mary, eldest daugr of the late John Clark, who started his son in law in buisness in Bradford, & for a long time did well, he had a large family, his eldest son was a spendthrift. By reason {of} his own easy & negligent Conduct in his buisness. And especially of his wife's haughty & extravagant conduct in her home brought themselves to beggary. He told me himself he could have given {up} & had £7,000. He afterwards became a journy man at our place but did not remain so long, they soon tired of him. Through the Kindness of some of his old Bradford fri[e]nds he was elected a pensioner on the Tradesmen Benevolent Institution there. He had then to {go} [to] Bradford. He had a bad leg for years, it ultimately became so bad & the smell so offensive that he was at last removed to the Workhouse to be waited upon by the women there; and there he died. Alas - alas, what an end.
Nov 25 aged 82 yrs The Wife of Wm Plackett, Coach Smith.
Decr 11th Aged 67 yrs Darnton Lupton Esqr J.P. He was a terror to evil doers. And a praise of them who do well. For several years he paid the expenses for the use of the 'Assembly Rooms' for Sunday afternoon servises. Inter'd at Roundhay Church Yard, 62 carriages.
Decr 11th & 12th Severe & heavy fogs in Leeds, which made {sad} work in me in my breathing, I scarcely knew how to get home.
Dec 16th A great storm of Wind raged in Leeds & elsewhere doing doing [sic] a great amount of damage to property. And a sad loss of life in Sheffield, no less than 11 lives lost through it.
Dec 17th Aged 71 yrs Benjn Agar, Rent Agent &c formerly well known at Park Chapel.
Decr 25th A beautiful and mild Christmas day.
Dec 31st Chas Brook, Carriage Maker, again had to go to York Castle for {12 day.}
1874 Jany 1st Went to Kirkstall Grange to do a job. A splendid day, birds singing.
Jan 5th The Revds Messrs J. S. Wthington & Olivers recd £58 11 each from friends and Members of Lady Lane Chapel &c &c.
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1874 Jan 10th Aged 65 yrs John Sutcliffe, late Shop Keeper. His father, the late Jas Sutcliffe, was for many years pressetter at he late John Hebblethwaites then in Woodhouse {Lane}, but the old man died in the work house & also two of his younger Sons Saml & Joe. Alas, alas, to have a drunken father.
Jany 10th George James, one of our Ssmiths, took a weeks notice rather than pay 5s for a paltry affair. He had work'd there several years. He left on the 17th.
Jany 10th Richd Schofield, Patent Brick Making Machine Maker, Leeds, & formerly one of our S. School Scholars, Wrote a letter & took it to our bro Robt Hart, in which he states his intention to give the sum of £150 towards the rebuilding of our S. S. School. To be paid on demand within 14 days of the commencement of such alterations. And on its completion to give £250 to be put out to interest to purchase Bibles for our S. S.
Jany 23rd Aged 66 yrs Mr Bejn Harrel, Clothier & Member of Brunswick Chapel.
Jan 27th Thos Almond, formerly Trimmer at Clarke's, died.
Jan 23rd At Midnight Sergeant Richd Ridding our near neighbour abscon{ded}, having sold his furniture to a broker who sold all by auction on Feb 4th They were deeply in debt, he had to fly his country on account of robbing the regiment of Volunteers with which he was connected, his wife had to go to her friends in London.
Feb 5th Thursday aged 64 yrs Ann, the wife of Mr John Banks, Shoe Maker &c, both well known & respected at Brunswick Chapel Leeds. She died very suddenly howing [sic] to the dense fog she had to contend with on her return home from meeting one of her {Bible Classes}. She had two or three, and attended Mothers' Meetings.
Feb 5th The Election for Three MPs for Leeds took place, when our old & long tried Mr Baines was rejected. A most disgraceful affair to those most concerned in it, especially to the scoundrel Dr F. R. Lees. The number were as follows, viz. Carter 15,390, Wheelhouse 14,864, Tennant 13,194 Baines 11,850, Lees 5,954!!!
Feb 11th Three Men appointed by the Coach Makers Club waited upon our employers John F. & Wm Clark to ask them to do away with the Slate System. They got a denial. At a Shop Meeting the night previous, Four of us were selected to wait upon our governors at the same time to let them know that we to a man were not wishful for any change. And for so doing we were fined 7s each by the Committee. And at a full meeting of the trade the 'xpenses was also saddled upon us four, but the Executive Committee of our trade disallowed those 'xpenses. Talk about tyranny among employers. The tyrants are among Trade Unionists!!!
(about Feb 1st Wm Windser died, for several years he was with David Homes Auction{ere.}
Feb 16th Aged 57 yrs John Holroyd of Carlton Hill Mill, & Son of the late James Holroyd of the same {place} & often called 'Old Tinder Box'.
Feb 20th Aged 20 yrs Bransby White, eldest Son of the late Bransby White of {Thornton dale.}
Feb 20th Aged … the wife of John Ambler, Shoe Maker. He was many yrs with Park S. {School.}
Feb 21st Aged 72 yrs Joshua Priestman Esqr of Thornton Dale.
Feb, latter part Aged 57 yrs Thos Sharp, Jerry Shop Keeper, formerly of 'The Beehive', Woodhouse.
" " " Aged 64 yrs Ab[raha]m Spence, many years Sexton at Woodhouse Church, lost it by his own folly.
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1874 March 9th Aged 79 yrs Elizth Renard. She was for many years a member of our late dear Leader Mr Geo Hall's Class & deservedly respected by us all.
March 15th We heard the Rev John Burton in Iron Church Hanover Square from Matt 7, 'If ye being evil know how' &c. O how deeply interesting.
March 22 Gave Ewd Mallinson my sub[sriptio]n & Mrs Clarke's subn for our S. S., total 8s.
March 29(?) We again heard the Rev. J. Burton at Hyde Park Road Chapel from Acts 17: 11, 'These were more noble' &c.
March 28th This day I enter on my 62 yrs. Now 40 yrs ago since I was lose of my apprenticeship. I bless & adore His holy name for all the Mercies that me & mine have been the partakers of to the presant [sic] hour. I feel now that I could like to be more lose from the labor [sic] of my hands, I bethink that I have hammered long enough. But I must labour on until we get out of debt.
March 25 Aged 79 yrs Mr John Turton, Timber Merchant. A man well known among the Wesleyans, he with many others left Brunswick Chapel on the Organ Case there in 1828, and became a member of Stone Chapel, St Peters St, then called Protestant Methodists & afterwards called the Wesleyan Association. At the time of his death he was & had been for some years previously connected with a godly company worshiping in an Upper Room in the Shambles.
April 12 Heard Rev John Burton in Kirkstall S. School Room on the Pharisee and the Publican. We have not heard {him} since that time (now Dec 25 1876).
May 11 Aged 39 yrs Robt Skinner Coach Smith at Clark's for several years and left, but was & had been in a precarious state of health, & while so got married a second time, but did not live 6 weeks after, leaving an only son about 6 or 7 yrs old in the care of his 2nd wifes friends.
May 11th Aged about 57 yrs Bill Walker (or 'Cuz Walker'), a Joiner by trade, but a drunken, idle, dirty scoundrel. Formerly worked at Clarks, he was cousin to my late employer's, he was clever at work when {he did work.}
May 18th Aged 46 yrs Mrs Hannah ['Hassell' crossed out] Todd, daugr of my late dear old S. S. teacher John Hassel. She profited {little} from her father's 'xample & had to suffer for it during her Married life.
May 18th Pulled {out} the last of my teeth which had become lose, painful, & use{less.}
May 23rd Wm King, Coach Smith, left Clark's to go home to assist his wife's parents, they having a farm & large 'Willow Garths' to attend to.
June 3rd Finished reading Squire Brook's life (borrowed), a very interesting book by Rev J. H. Lord. Sanctify them through thy truth {a favourite text}. Among other illustrations was the onion bed &c with its weeds.
June 2nd Aged 78 yrs Alexr Blenkinsop, formerly Joiner & Builder, Basinghall St, Leeds, & a Member of the Wesleyan Association.
June 2nd Aged 54 yrs Rev Jas Dale Brocklehurst, he was some years ago in Brunswick Circuit, died at Grantham. 33 yrs a Minister, at one time drink was his besetment & had to give up preach[ing?] but was reinstated. His dying testimony The blood of Jesus Christ {&c.}
June 6th Sat PM we paid a Visit to Haworth Church &c. I went into the Pulpit & sat down & thought of the many times it was occupied by the celebrated & good Rev Wm Grimshay, also by John Wesley. We went with our old friend Miss Ann Ratcliffe [the following sentence appears to have been a later addition by Hodgson] & was much interested.
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1874 July 11th Polly & I went tripping to Bell Busk, from thence to Malham Dale and to Gordale Scar. O how grand the scenery arownd.
July 18th We went to Keswick, Rigton, Bardsey & Boston, a fine time of it - except a break down.
July 23 Recd a letter & carte [?] from our dear friend Chas Wright of Bradford.
July 23rd Simon Harker Coach Smith at Clark's died.
July 29 Aged 71 yrs Wm Holey. He was apprentic'd to the late Wm Grasland, Cloth Drawer with the late John Heblethwaite, Cloth Merchant, {Woodhouse Lane, Leeds.}
July 31 No 1 Gordon Villa's, Woodhouse Lane, was sold to Dr Kelley for £2,700, at an intended previous sale, the reserve bid for the above was £1,800.
Aug 1st I & Mine went tripping to Harrogate, a beautiful place, got tea with our old friends Mr Robt Buttle & his wife.
Aug 8th Benjn Gardiner (the most unworthy Son in law of our very dear old friend Mrs Smailes of Thornton Dale) was sentenced to five years Penal Servitude for forgery.
Aug 28th Aged 41 yrs Wm Chadwick, only son of Mrs Mercy Chadwick, our late good neighbour, he was a drunkard &c.
Sept 7th Return'd from Ilkley after a pleasant week's sojourn both of us.
Sept 9th Aged 59 yrs Joseph Asquith of Bagby Mills.
Sept 18thAged 54 yrs Mrs Mary Ann Hollings, her Maiden Name was Ward & formerly an old S.S. Scholar, her two Sons are still with us.
Sept … The wife {died} of Mr Lofthouse, Milk dealer &c, Leighton Lane, she was daugr of the late Joshua Naylor, Milk dealer, who lived many years in an old Cottage & out buildings bottom of Springfield Place.
Sept 23 Aged 79 yrs Chrisr ('Kitty') Gill, formerly a well known Milk dealer in Reuben St, a good man.
Sept 25 Aged 41 yrs … Sayner, Joiner, formerly a tenant of ours.
Sept 28 Posted a long letter to our friend Rev R. Hassell M. A.
Oct 1st Bror Robt Hart Bo't the House No 83 Tunbridge St in which he resides, also the other at its back in Caledonia St price £820, to dear, bo't them of his landlord, Thos Ambler, Architect, he offer'd them for £750 not long before.
Oct 1st 6 Houses (all painted walls outside) situate Corner of Cobourg Street & Claypit Lane was sold £1350, being £300 more than the late owner gave for them. My shop mate Tollent lives in the Corner one.
Oct 4th Aged 82 yrs, Ann relict of the late Ambrose Nichols then at Wood{house.} She used to wash for My Mother when living in Woodhouse {Lane.}
Oct 8th Went in com[pan]y with bror J. Hart to see a valuable portrait of C… [possibly Calviry] (painted on board) in oil 31 ½ in by about 27 in within the frame. It was sold to a joiner {named Stubbs} with other lumber for 18s., all had lain in a garret for 11 or 12 yrs. After Stubbs had cleaned it, it was found to be painted by 'Vandyke'. A broker offered him £30 for his bargain. A Jew from Huddersfield, a picture dealer, offered him £150, but no go. Afterwards a dealer from London offered £200 for it, but Stubbs still keeps it.
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Oct 8th Aged 49 yrs Mrs Mary Ann Walker, youngest daugr of the late Joseph Hurst of the Cemetry Tavern, Woodhouse.
Oct 8th Dr Chadwick's Ccarriages was sold by auction. Bro[ugha]m sold for £41, The Barouche for £31. The Dr leaves for France on acct of health.
Oct 10th Aged 72 yrs Mrs Clegg, farmer of Rigton East, very suddenly.
Oct 17th Two Men lost their lives while pulling down old buildings in Bishopgate St, formerly belonging to the late John Clark & Son, Coach Builders.
Oct 22 Nearly finished pulling down 'Well Close House', an old mansion well known in time past in our immediate neighbourhood, formerly occupied as a boarding school by a Miss or Mrs Rimmngton, of late years made into two dwellings.
Oct 26 Aged 32 yrs, Annie, only daugr of our old S. School frie{n}d John Nettleton, after a long affliction.
Oct 28 Wilson Sherwood (our Sup[erintendan]t of Park S. S. ), Cloth finisher, failed in £2700 debt, cowardly left home but came back in about 11 days {after.}
Nov 1st Aged 82 yrs Francis Carbutt Esqr, Native of Leeds. He was at one time Alderman & Mayor. He was greatly respected by all who knew him. In politics a Liberal.
Oct 30th Richd Riding Aged 45 yrs of the Marquis Inn, Woodhouse, drink {[drink] the cause.}
Nov 5th Aged 53 yrs Benj[mi]n Rider of Woodhouse, Undertaker. Drink &c.
Nov 4th A terrible calamity occurred in a Woodyard in Skinner Lane in {the} occupation of Tho[ma]s Hall. A boiler exploded & was carried across Skinner Lane, over two rows of houses, a distance of 100 yards. It destroyed the engine house to which it was attached. It alighted upon the roof of a Drying Shed, destroying it & a portion of an house. Killed the engine Man, who was blown 30 yds away, injured two other Men. The boiler weighed 7 tons. I & Polly saw the Wreck & where the boiler lay after it flight over the buildings. The afair look incredible.
Nov 8th Aged 52 yrs the Rev Geo. Conder died Forrest Hill, London of Scarlet fever. He succeeded the {late} Rev R. Winter Hamilton As Minister of Belgrave Chapel, Leeds, & was its Pastor for 15 yrs.
Nov 11th Aged 52 yrs. Very suddenly (by a fit) at his residence in 'The Old Bank', Park Row, Leeds, Mr Emmerson Crawford, the much respected Chief Clerk & valued friend of Messrs Beckett & Co Bankers,he was there from his youth up.
Nov 17th We had the great pleasure of hearing (once more) the eloquent Henry Vincent 'on Queen Elizth's reign & previous to her reign'.
Nov 20th Had the pleasure of seeing the Marvelouse New printing Machine called the 'Victory' in operation at Messrs Baines'.
Nov 23rd On Monday eveng & on Tuesday all day the fog was very bad, began on Satd eveng, all day on Sunday. I was at home from Sat {noon} until Wed.
Dec 5th Aged 75 yrs Mr … Cheetham, Shop Keeper, Cobourg St. He had long been subject to 'Asthma or Bronchites'. He was connected with
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Brunswick Chapel, Leeds & was one of the expelled in 1849 or 50. But to the end of his life he was greatly respected. As a layman I scarcely ever heard his equal in prayer.
Dec 21st … Died the husband of our {old} neighbour & friend Mrs Rachel (Lucas) Holmes of {Broncitis}.
1874 Decr The most of this Month has been very severe, from frost & Snow. The 'Xmas week more so, especially Wedy & Thursday, it was 'Xmas Eve and [I] gave up work at dark & did not commence work until Jany 4th . Our Smith's Shop & Carriage Shop had a regular Clean Out, including Chimneys & flues, Smith's Shop & Carriage Shop white was{hed.}
Dec 29th Aged 78 yrs Mr Geo Holford, formerly in 'The Excise' & a Member of Mr G. Hall's Class.
1875 Jany 1st Mr Rd Schofield, Brick Machine Maker, formerly one of my old S. Scholars, gave an excellent Tea, to 250 poor people male & female belonging to Park & other Chapels, at the 'West End'. Tea took place under the Chapel at Park, also 100 Complementary tickets was given to so many of Rd Schofield's frie{n}ds, (we were included). There was three sittings down. After tea a Meeting was held in the Chapel, bro Robt Hart was Chairman. Councillors Wm North & Kenworthy with Rd Schofield & others addressed the meeting, after the Meeting was over Mr & Mrs Schofield presented each of the poor persons with ½ lb of tea, 2 lb of Sugar and a ticket to obtain a Stone of flower [sic].The oldest Man, Mr Thos Brearey, who was 97 on the 5th of March last had a good new Warm Rug given to him, also to Hannah Cooper the oldest woman, of 88 yrs, was given a good new Warm Shawl. They who could not walk had a cab to & from home, it was a severe night. It was a most interesting sight and a noble act of generosity on the part of Mr & Mrs Schofield .
Jany 1st Aged 66 yrs Mr Jesse Hainsworth, the Agent of the Leeds Town Mission for the last 30 yrs. He formerly lived in Reuben St.
Jany 5th Heard the renowned Henry Vincent give his lecture on John {Milton.}
Jan 4th Paid all demands from our Building Society. We begun paying of[f] in May '63 - never has a fine for neglect. I thank our heavenly Father for thus enabling us to pay all of[f]. { Jan 14th Got the Title Deeds, pd … (??)}
Jany (or about) Aged 64 yrs Sarah Lacy of East Keswick, a sad character, alas.
Jan 11th Aged 64 yrs Ann, relict of the late Ritter Hebblethwaite, formerly of Leeds and late of York. She died at 33 Bishopthorpe Road York {but died at Leeds'} [presumably later information.]
Jan 13 Aged 70 yrs Mary Ann, wife of Hen[r]y Oxley Esq of Brown's Bank, Leeds, her first husband's name was Hardwick. She was Sister to the Rev John Farrer, Wesleyan Minister.
Jan 13 Aged 37 yrs Eliz[abe[th], wife of Joshua Barrett, Butcher, of East Keswick.
Jan 13th Aged 64 Geo Ed[war]d Donisthorpe Esqr, at his residence, Belveder, Harrogate, formerly of Leeds & well known.
Jan 15th Aged 34 yrs Martha Frances, wife of John Routh Acct. She was daughter of late Benjn Ager Rent Agent.
Jan 18th Aged 55 yrs Heny Douglas, late Master of the Leeds Union Workho{use.}
Jan 24th Sunday, began the glorious Mission Work among the different Churches in Leeds, which was well supported by the Wesleyans & Dissenters Ministers & laymen. Our own Rev J. S. Workman will not soon be forgotten for the Active Part he took in the work. But O to be in our Town Hall on the week day at noon, but espec[iall]y at night to {hear} the moving addresses of the Rev Mr Wilken. The results were indeed glorious . Nothing like it was never seen in Leeds before, to God be all the Glory.
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1875 Jan 26th Aged 61 yrs The deeply lamented John Ashworth, Author of Strange Tales. He was a remarkable man. A great loss to the poor.
Feb 3rd Aged … the Rev Luke Wiseman, Wesleyan Minister, greatly respected & valued. He was called home suddenly by heart disease. O what a loss.
Feb 3rd Aged 73 yrs Patience, the wife of James Briggs of Harrogate. She was daugr of the late Edmund Crawshay of Ossett, my Mother's Uncle.
Feb 3rd Pd to Mr Edwin Bean our S. S. Sup[erintendant] our subns of £5.00 towards the alteration or rebuilding of our S. School. My Polly gave £1 towards paying the debt on the {Chapel.}
Feb 26th Aged 81 yrs Mr Wm Osburn, a very learned man who deciphered the hieroglyphics of the Coffin of the Mummy in our Museum. He was formerly well known in Leeds (of which he was a native).& was greatly respected. He was for 25 yrs a teacher of a Class of Youn[g] Men in connection with St Pauls Church S. School, and many of them have risen to respectable positions in life & not a little through his labours on their behalf. He latterly lived in retirement at Wortley & died there, but was buried at Chapeltown.
March 7th Sunday,a Memorable day in connection with our Park S. School. In the afternoon All our Scholars & Teachers &c adjourned into the Chapel when able & deeply moving addresses were delivered by Glover Joy Esqr & the Rev Mr Roberts from Sheffield, who was holding Special Services there, When 30 decided for Christ, mostly Girls, several above 20 yrs old, and others afterwards. To Him be all the praise.
March 11th Miss Mary Jane Moon of East Keswick (& Niece to {Mr} Joseph Laurence), to Mr Barker of Bramley. The wedding took place at Harewood Church.
March 14th A Love feast was held in our S. School. Dear Mr Glover Joy was again with us. Many young persons spoke. A Prayer Meeting was afterwards held, enquiry rooms were appointed, our Class was for Boys, the Library room for Girls. Upward of 12 found peace, my dear young friend Harry Adams among the number.
March 21 Mr Glover Joy came again to our S. School & again several decided for Christ. Among whom I hope & pray that 'ere long Alfred Richn will be one.
March 25th Aged 61 yrs Mary Ann the wife of Wm Austick Legg, one of our old tenants & an older neighbour.
March 26th Good Friday Aged 52 yrs Patrick Reynolds, Viceman at Clarks for 25 yrs. Two of Clark's Men were bound for him for loans & had to pay {the smart.}
March 27th Aged 64 yrs George Tatham, a retired Coach Builder, he was an old fellow Apprentice.
March 27 Aged … Dr Brewer formerly {Baptist} Minister in Leeds, died at Boston Spa.
March 30th Aged 65 yrs Mary the belov'd wife of Mr John Harper of Scattlethorpe & formerly of Knapton nr Scarbro.
May 10th Aged 76 yrs Wm Hey Esqr, Surgeon, Leeds, well known & highly {respected.}
May 12th Aged 67 yrs Richard Horton Esqr, Surgeon, also well known in Leeds.
May 7th Aged 66 yrs Saml Baker of Thornton Dale, formerly Steward to the Hills of the same place.
May 7th Aged 68 yrs Geo Scales of Thornton Dale, formerly Gardiner to the late J. Fothergill of Kingthorpe Hall nr Thornton Dale.
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1875 May 7th Aged 68 yrs John Young Esq, very suddenly, he was taken suddenly ill at the Theatre in Hunslet Lane, where he was a great patron, & died next day, formerly he was the owner of the Albion Brewery Leeds.
June 8th Mr Jas Stead was interr'd aged … He was one of our old S. Schol{ars.} He was a large employer of Mechanics at Salford & prospered.
June 13th Was the last teaching in our S. School in Princess St (now called Park S.S.) previous to its being pulled down. (I was there at its opening in Nov 1828. Another Storey was added in 1838). On the afternoon of the 13th '75 Addresses were delivered by our two worthy Sup[erintendan]ts Mr Edwin Bean & Mr Robert Hart & other old friends viz Joshua Platt, James Tate, & another. Sankey Hymns were sung. Our young men rendered good service with them on the memorable occasion.
June 16th My Niece, Jane Parker, left us (she had been on a visit). I gave her the Old Black letter Bible, it was given to me by her great & {late} Uncle Wm Knowles of Clifford. It was printed in 1625.
June 18th Aged 44 yrs The Rev Wm Best, very suddenly. He had only been about a month in his new Sphere of labour at Walford nr London. He had been the Pastor of the Baptist Chapel, South Parade, Leeds, for upwards of 12 yrs, was greatly respected.
June 22nd Ed[war]d, son of Edd Bilton, Plumber &c., of Gomersall, was of age, & on the 25th obtaind from the Leeds Savings Bank his share of the legacy left him by his grandfather Edd Bilton, total £43.. 19.. We, the Ex[ecut]ors, was there.
June 24th Aged 70 yrs The Rev John Eustace Giles, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Clapham Common, London. He was formerly & for sever{al} years the eloquent Minister of the Baptist Church, South Parade, Leeds. I well remember the three telling lectures he gave in opposition to Rob[er]t Owenism i.e. Atheism delivered in his own Chapel in Sept 1838 (Now 37 yrs ago, O, how time flies).
June 25th Aged 76 yrs Stephen Whitham Esqr, Stafford House, Harrogate, where he retired to from Leeds several years ago. He commenced buisness at Kirkstall as a Mill Wright & E[n]gineer & with his bror was well known in Leeds. Stephen was a good customer at Clark's Coach Builders.
June 26th Our Trimmers got their 2/- rise.
June 30th Saml Wood was married, our old S. S. &c Teacher. (In June Miss Tilly S.S. was wed).
June 30th Our dear friend Miss Emma Brook (S. teacher) was married to Mr Fient .
July 3rd Thos Wilson, C. Smith, got his rise to 34s. per week & worth it & more which {he afterwards got.}
July 10th Wm Ustwick got his rise to 34s., bad job for him that he asked for it.
July 4th Aged 82 yrs Mr Geo[rg]e Moon of East Keswick.
July 12th Frank Child was married to Miss Becroft at Park Chapel both old S. S.
July 12th Got a letter from our frie[n]d J. S. Holmes, Australia.
July 19th Aged 65 yrs Alfred Brigg Esqr at his house, 'Oak Bank', Headingley, late of the firm of Briggs & Sons, Carlton Hill, Leeds.
July 22nd Aged 74 yrs Henry Ludolf Esqr of Headingley Leeds. An Amiable and Generous Man. Purchased a Life Boat & a Carriage for it and all appliances and called it the William Beckett in gratitude to the Memory of the late Wm Beckett Esqr, Banker of Leeds, who befriended Ludolf when in difficulties. He, Ludolf, was a good friend to my brors Henry & Geo Hodgson on their commencing {buisness.}
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July about 22nd Wm Sherwin died, a drunken, lazy [&] fat Coach Smith.
[THIS IS THE END OF WILLIAM HODGSON'S DIARY The rest of page100 is blank]
[THE END. Just one line written on page 100. Did William Hodgson take ill, or just come to the end of the book he was copying from?]
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